
Mixed-Blood Antlers

Mixed Blood Demon and Human in the new world after a cataclysm

Avalion · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Suspect

Not long after, someone who was contacted by Barbatos came and brought some files that Barbatos had asked for. Barbatos checked the file, Barbatos gave some sheets to Geath and Bianca to help her out.

"Please pay attention to demon level eight and above only" said Barbatos.

"Sorry for interrupting master's words, but why only demons level eight and above, instead of all demons can cast spells" Said Bianca.

"Indeed all demons can cast spells it, but only demons level eight and above have enough sin energy to give power to more than one person and from the info Geath said that he has more than one power that only level eight devils and above can do" Said Barbatos.

"I understand now, so sir who do you think is the person you suspect the most?" Said Bianca.

"I'm not sure but I think the traitors are people from the Solomon's Servant because they've tiered ten demons, and they have their own reasons for doing that especially since they're primordial demons, keep looking at the list" Said Barbatos.

"it wasn't that the most suspicious was king level demons, he was a very powerful demon and it was very possible to create an organization full of gifters" Said Geath.

"So should we suspect Lord Belphegor? he's the only king level demon out of the other seven king level demons that frequents the earth, should Geath, what do you think?" Said Barbatos smiling mockingly at Geath.

"Forget it, We have to focus on gathering the suspected people, not the time for stories" Said Geath trying to divert the conversation.

A few minutes later, Bianca was curious about their conversation and tried to hold back from asking until she couldn't stand it and whispered to Geath.

"Heath, I'm curious what you're talking about, Solomon's servant? king level demon? explain to me, I don't want to be the only one who doesn't know anything"

Sighing, Geath replied "okay, I relent, what do you want to ask?"

"Okay, the first what is Solomon's servant" Said Bianca with sparkling eyes.

"Maybe you humans don't remember anything before the tragedy a hundred years ago, that's because all the archives on earth disappeared in just one month because nothing was left and not rewritten, we don't know who is responsible for all this. So before the destruction of the earth a hundred years ago, long ago there was a messenger of God named Solomon, he had the ability to lead all creatures living on earth from animals, plants, demons, and humans. because of his ability, he earned the title King Solomon, king of all creatures of the earth. During his reign, he had seventy-two servants from the demons, it might sound strange but the demon became his servant after they were all defeated by King Solomon" Said Geath.

"So that's the reason they're called Solomon's servants" Said Bianca.

"That's one of the reasons, but the main reason is they love King Solomon so much and they are proud to carry that title makes them call themselves Solomon's servants, and since they are the only devils who are in the position of the tenth level and king level Demons. so it makes the other demons call the tenth level demons as Solomon's servant, and one of Solomon's servants is Chief Barbatos" Said Geath.

"I see, but why just the tenth level demon call as Solomon's servant, what about the king lever demons?" Said Bianca.

"It's because the demons are afraid to equate tenth level demons with king level demons because their strength is higher and there are only seven king level demons according to the number of territories in the demon world and for now the one in the king level demon position is the prince of hell" said Geath.

"Prince of hell, means that they belong to the territory of the demon world, I wonder who they are" Said Bianca.

"In the past, the Princes of Hell were also called the Seven Deadly Sins, Lord Lucifer symbolizing pride, Lord Mammon symbolizing greed, Lord Asmodeus symbolizing lust, Lord Leviathan symbolizing envy, Lord Belphegor symbolizing sloth, Lord Beelzebub symbolizing greed, and Lord Satan symbolizing wrath" Said Geath.

"Oh yeah, I remember you guys were discussing Lord Belphegor, is he one of the suspected ones?" Said Bianca.

"That won't happen, he's an innocent, I can swear on my behalf for you to believe him" Said Geath who looked serious when discussing Belphegor.

you seem very defensive of him, is he someone important to you or is he actually your father?" Said Bianca trying to calm Geath's mood.

"I want it like that, but he's not my real father, he's the one who took me away from my mother who wanted to kill me and taught me many things until now, he's my reason to keep the peace of the humans and demons because he was the one who first accepted the human's request at that time" Said Geath.

"It's okay, he's a person who loves you more than anyone else, I believe in that, and I believe good people are educated by good people and will return to good people" said Bianca who then smiled broadly at Geath.

"Thank you for your words, it makes me even happier" said Geath who tried to smile but was stiff.

"Do what I tell you? don't tell me further, it's getting late, I don't want to spend my night in this place just to collect this boring data" Said Barbatos cut the conversation.

"Yes, Chief" Said Geath.

"And you human, what was your name? oh yeah Bianca, I'd better send you to your house, it's already very late, usually humans like you sleep at this hour" Said Barbatos.

"I'm fine, *yawn* I usually stay up late, this is *yawn* just a normal thing for me especiallayi siencei I'm awn elemewntary schoooo" Said Bianca then fell asleep at the desk.

"Stubborn, I offered to send her back to her house, but refused and now sleeps here, Geath you know where her house is?" Said Barbatos.

"I don't know, I just meet her today" Said Geath.

"Then what should we do?" Barbatos asked.

"Then you just go home, let me accompany her here" said Geath who then covered Bianca with a blanket that was in the closet of the room.

"Contact me if there is any problem" Said Barbatos.

"Yes, Chief" Said Geath and then Barbatos teleported.