
Mixed-Blood Antlers

Mixed Blood Demon and Human in the new world after a cataclysm

Avalion · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Chase on The Road

The sun began to rise and the moon slowly disappeared, Bianca who fell asleep then opened her eyes, when her eyes opened she was shocked in her heart but did not move a bit, her gaze immediately turned to Geath who was sleeping beside him, for some reason Bianca's heart was beating fast and her face was starting to turn red, her hands were moving on their own as if they wanted to touch Geath, when her hands were in front of his head, Geath then said "Are you awake?", suddenly Bianca's hand pulled back.

"Yes, I'm awake" said Biana turning her face red.

"Then I'll take you home, but are you okay? Your ears are red" Geath said flatly.

"It's okay this is just my habit when I wake up" Bianca said trying to cover her ears.

"I think the human habit is weird, when wakes up some parts of his body are red," said Geath.

"no no no, it's just my habit, people are different and this is me" Said Bianca.

"Then wash your face and I'll take you home, it's six am" said Geath.

"It's six o'clock already? oh no, hurry up I have to be at school before eight otherwise the kids will be waiting for me" Bianca said in a hurry.

Bianca then washed her face and tidied up some and then walked out with Geath who then got into a sedan, and started the car. Just they were ready to leave, Geath's phone connected to the car ringing, then he picked it up, a call from a policeman.

"Greeting, Senior Investigator Astaroth" Said Policeman.

"What's going on, and with whom i talk?" Said Geath.

"I'm Sorry, I'm Police Sergeant Poetry Donovan, we met yesterday, one of the cops who worked with you to solve serial murder cases" Said Poetry.

"I remember you, what's the matter, the autopsy results are out?" Ask Geath.

"Yes sir, I have sent it to your office yesterday, I called you because there is an important and urgent matter that I want to convey" Said Poetry.

"Just say it, straight to the point" Said Geath.

"Ok sir, this was five o'clock this morning, someone fishing in the sea found someone's body on the Courte pier near the Lighthouse, after we arrived and saw the body, we found that he was one victims of the serial murder we were working on, we say this after saw the body that was stabbed in the neck with the same knife as the previous victim" Said Poetry.

"Then I'll head over there, but it'll be a bit late since I have something to do first." Said Geath.

"Then we will wait for you, thank you sir" Said Poetry.

"Okay" said Geath then hung up the call.

"Bianca, I'll take you and go to that place" said Geath who then started the car.

"I was a little scared after hearing that and when I found out yesterday I was their target, will I try to kill me again?" Said Bianca starting to feel restless.

"Don't worry, we still haven't found anything in common between the Victims, so we think this serial killer is just being carried out on random people," said Geath.

"But I feel worried, I'm afraid they're looking for me. In front of us turn left and at the end of the road turn right" said Bianca.

"Don't worry I will continue to watch over you, if you feel bad alone, I will accompany you until you calm down" said Geath with face looked serious and flat.

"Okay then" said Bianca whose heart was beating fast and blushing again.

Then on the way, they both just stayed silent where Geath who looked like usual and Bianca who kept looking out the window and smiling shyly.

"My house over there is a red iron fence" Said Bianca while pointing towards her house.

"So this is your house, looks a bit messy outside, who do you live with?" Asked Geath.

"I live alone, my family lives in the village, they like nature there and have nothing to do in this city, so I'm the only one in this house" Said Bianca.

"So call me if there's a problem" Said Geath.

"Then I'll go in, thank you" said Bianca who then removed her seat belt and opened the car door.

"Wait, get back in the car" Geath said pulling Bianca back into the car.

"What's wrong" Bianca said embarrassed because Geath pulled her hand.

"Quickly put your seatbelt back on, we will run away" said Geath who then started the car.

"Why?" ask Bianca confused.

Then gunshots rang out from the direction of Bianca's house and more than ten people came out of her house, running chasing the car.

"What the...? who are they, why are they in my house" Said Bianca who was getting scared.

Three people jumped high until they landed on the car, four people ran fast and released small projectiles from their mouths which kept hitting the back of the car, and the other three had wings that carried rifles and kept shooting at the car. The car made of strong and bullet-proof material slowly starts to break down, Geath controls the car and avoids all attacks.

the roof of the car being hit continuously made a small gap made and made the people on the roof of the car pull hard at the gap to make a big hole, slowly the hole began to open, until this hole can be entered, when someone wants to try to enter, call Geath rang, and then picked it up not seeing who was calling.

"Huge Terrain, Dense Soundwaves" The sound that came from Geath's phone and then a strong windstorm arose so that the person on the roof of the car was thrown backwards.

"Earth Room, Underground" he continued which made the car go down to the ground and someone holding the phone smiled at them and said "We almost lost a talented person" he said then Naberius appeared from behind him.