
Mistress of Fire

In the world of dragons, werewolves, mages and magic, Ophelia is a slave in the kingdom of Eravia. She was a royal entertainer, until a catastrophe in the palace happened. In the middle of life and death situation, something magical happened to her. She discovered she actually can manipulate fire and has a dragon spirit within her soul. She managed to escape and later on found herself in another kingdom. As she discovers a new path with the goal to know her real identity, she unconsciously entangles her life with a powerful prince, and later on made a deal with him to be his temporary royal bride.

RileyRewis · Fantasy
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141 Chs

King's Daughter

Orion attacked me again and I did all my might to just dodge his attack. The sound of my sword meeting his to defend myself echoed. 


Orion is a bit older than me and is as skilled fighter, while on the other hand, I was still starting to enhance my fighting skills, so it was really a struggle to fight with him, especially when every time he attacks, I don't see an enemy I should kill but a friend I should save.


"At this point, I must say that you are an ass, Orion. How can you let that evil witch control your mind? You are the crown prince of Rousiana, and yet here you are, acting like the witch's slave," I said, hoping to wake him up.


"No matter what you do, there is nothing you can do to wake his consciousness. He is under my control and he will forever be," Nerissa said.