

the loss of Mr. Gunn

Fatty did nothing that night but find Rylingham Marsh. As Goon had already discovered, he was there. Fatty looked carefully at the map. I think I'll get some height in this swamp, he thought. "Some have roads or signs. Two buildings were marked. One is on one side of the swamp, the other in the middle. There is also a train station. I'm definitely not going by train. It's so noticeable."

He decided to go to sleep with all his thoughts. Will tell others in the morning. He was so excited that night that he couldn't "hurt" himself anymore. In any case, it will not get lost in the unknown swamp in the dark!

The next morning, while we were eating breakfast, the phone rang. The maid answered and entered the room. "Mr. Frederick, this is yours." He said. "Superintendent Jenk is on the phone."

Patty ran away. His father looked suspicious. "I hope you're not in trouble, Frederick." He said. "I don't think so." Gracie hurried down the hall, wondering what her boss wanted at this time of the morning. "Fredrick? You are?" came the clear voice of the boss. Do you know anything about this?

"Father!" - Maily said in shock. - No. I do not know.

After reporting the loss, I found the bike. He certainly didn't think it would go away.

"good." said the boss angrily. "I didn't answer the phone this morning, but when I went to report, I reported that the soldiers were missing even though I was wearing a military uniform."

"Don't say you disappeared in your pajamas like a prince!" - Maily was even more shocked. "I do not know." said the chief "I don't think anyone is going to steal a gun. Apart from his house. This is very special. Are you sure you don't know anything about this, Frederick? You usually seem to know more than most people.

- Not. To be honest, I didn't know where he went or where he planned to go. - said Maily, very surprised. "I can't go out."

"Well, I can't stop now." said the chief "Call me if you have an idea. Hi".

The phone hung up before Mayly could ask any more questions. Fatty looked at him. He was shocked by this news. "It's over! He probably left after I left him. It was dark and he was wearing a school uniform. He has to take off his clothes. God, don't tell me she went out in her pajamas. They are all weird! Fatty completely forgot that he hadn't finished breakfast yet and rode his bike over to Larry's. Larry was surprised to see him so early. Fatty said. "Come see Pip, you and Daisy." We have a lot of news."

It was inevitable! Others drank in everything Mai said about the boy in the trailer last night and everything she told Maily. "So you can see Sid was right about the baby bathing in the pram." Fatty said. "Now we know why he was hiding and why he pretended to be a prince."

"But we don't know where he's hiding. He's a real prince." said Pip. "Well, maybe I know." Mary said, referring to what the boy had said. "Maybe there's a good place to hide in that swamp." He said.

"You were great last night." said Pip. "What time did you get back?" "Lats, in the dark," said Maily. "And there was no light on my bike. What happened!" The military caught me!

"mercy!" Beth said in shock. "You go and complain to your people?" "Of course not. He didn't know it was me. You forgot to pretend I'm stupid." Fatty smiled and talked about how the Goon took his bike and how Fatty got it back. Others burst out laughing. "Nobody's gonna take you, Patty." Daisy said with great confidence. "Any news?" How much do you have?'

"Yes. We saved the tastiest for last," said Mayly. - The gun is gone! They were nowhere to be found this morning, the manager said of the uniform. Where, where can you be?

no one knew They were hit last in this breaking news. "You don't think it's another kidnapping place?" Larry asked. - I do not know what to believe. Fati said. "When I went to buy a bike last night, I wasn't going to go anywhere."

"Of course, if you called it Ralingham Marsh, you'd think it'd be there." Betts said. - Let's meet, Mai. But of course he doesn't know."

Fat is standing straight. "I bet you're awesome!" he said "As always, hit the nail on the head. Of course I told him what I told him, but in some ways I forgot what I told him. He is there!'

"Do you really think so?" Beth asked, blushing at Mai's praise. "Sure." Maily said. "But God knows what happened to him. Do you have a date, Pip? He didn't cycle like that and there were no buses at this time of night. But maybe it's a train."

Of course it was. "That's what you did!" Mayly said happily. "As soon as I left, he would take off his uniform and put on his regular clothes. He would run and follow the train and find the Prince at Rylingham Marsh!"

- Do not tell anyone! said Pip. "What the!" "What are we going to do about it?" asked Daisy. "nothing?"

It is considered oily. "I don't think I would give that advice to a chef. If he wasn't sure it was there, he wouldn't have sent an army to look for them in the swamp. We will go alone!'

"What! Allopus?" Beth exclaimed happily. "All of them," Maily said. - And me? - asked Bas, pointing to the road. They all saw it and groaned. Luckily Em was walking. "Okay, let's assume Emmey is here too." Mayly said. We go for a walk with our children. Look for unusual meadow flowers and marsh birds.

"I'm looking for marsh flowers." Beth said laughing. "And you can find the Clear-Orf bird, Pip."

'Hello hello hello!' He appeared around the fence and said. 'How are you? Any news?'

"Yes a lot." Bets said. "But we can't stop talking, Ern." "Spit." Em said disappointedly. "Why are you in a hurry?"

"Come with us if you want. We'll talk along the way." Mayly said. "I hope you didn't put SidandPers in front of the gate, Em, because we won't take him either."

"I'm alone." said M. "I must have bought another tent rope. We were disappointed last night. And Sid went to buy Luke.

"WHO!" - they all said surprised. "But why not?"

"He seems to have left suddenly," said Em. funny. He never did."

"Well, Luke is almost as bad, too clingy," Betts said. "saliva!" "Don't take your medicine now." said Pip. Em was shocked. - What disease? he asked. "I have no spots, nothing."

"We have no time to waste," Maily said. "We will buy sandwiches, dumplings and drinks from the village. We don't have time to prepare our own food. Take the bus east of the swamp and then walk. They left Pip's bike and went to buy food. Soon they were on the bus to Rylingham. Fatty forbids them from telling Mystery. "Maybe someone on the bus knows that." He said. "We don't want to give out any information."

They got off the bus at the edge of the swamp. They personally talked about flowers and birds along the way, so the conductor was sure they wanted to find a bog. "As long as you're on the trail, you'll be fine." He said to them - Did you see her like this? He goes to the middle of the swamp. You can find different paths here and there, but be careful not to choose one.

they all left Was Gon somewhere? Didn't you drown in a swamp in the middle of the night? "Until your head is directly above the surface of the swamp!" Beth said with a trembling voice. - I can only see his helmet.

"He wasn't wearing a helmet," Mayly said. 'Come on. It will take a long time for a weight as big as Goontosink to grow down, down, down! It is not a very wet swamp. At least not in the middle of summer!"

But when Pip slips off the road, he's soon knee-deep in mud! "We're not just looking for gun flowers here! he said "It doesn't seem to be growing well!"