

Paris, do I need to say anything else? I know the city as the most romantic in the world, and it is logical that I would spend the beginning of my seven-day honeymoon there. After a quickie in the bathroom of the plane, to maintain the tradition of the newlyweds, an hour and a half later we were already landing at Orly airport. Once we take the taxi I can not help but admire the beauty of the city so full of monuments, squares, the charming Boulevards, the Morris columns, the pâtisseries among other beauties that jump to the eye. I feel an immense desire to jump out of the taxi and walk the streets so as not to miss another minute without knowing every part of Paris. Then I smile at seeing The Eiffel Tower and all its magnitude, one of the things I make a point of seeing before we go to our next city.

As soon as we arrive at the L'Hotel, which is located right in the center of Saint Germain, we are welcomed by its beautiful golden ceiling with angel stone figures and chandeliers hidden among the greenish arches. Your ceiling looks endless, and I could spend my life admiring your beauty. After the receptionist confirms our reservation, or rather:

— la réservation du Seigneur et Dame de Salazar est confirmée - said the receptionist. I love the way she referred to both of us.

They took us to our apartment , which is the largest suite in the hotel. The first thing I notice is the decor in shades of red, wine, and gold. The concierge then closes the door behind us and talks about the history of the room:

—Louis Antoine , le cardinal de Noailles est la plus grande suite de l'Ôtel avec 45 mètres Carrés . Il Dispose d'une Terrasse donnant sur les Toits de la ville et le Clocher de Saint Germain des Prés . Le décor est Inspiré par la robe du cardinal avec de Lourdes tentures de velours rouge et Tissu de soie couvrant les Murs . (Built after Louis Antoine, the Cardinal de Noailles is the hotel's largest suite of 45 square meters. It has a terrace overlooking the roofs of the city and the bell tower of Saint Germain des Prés. The decoration is inspired by the cardinal's mantle, with heavy red velvet curtains and silk fabric covering the walls.) - then the brown-haired young man smiles at us and says: —Bienvenue et profitez de votre séjour (Welcome and enjoy your stay).

—Merci. – thank you in French.

As soon as the concierge leaves, I open the white door to the terrace. The view is so beautiful that I feel like crying. I look at the two chairs, striped white and black. I think of sitting on that terrace and being bathed by that wonderful sun. But my thought goes as soon as I feel Carlos holding me by running his arms around my waist. He smells my hair as the wind throws that back.

— I think we could debut this terrace now. - suggests Carlos, undressing my shoulder.— What do you think?

—I think we should debut the fourth, first. - I answer with a smile on my lips.

My husband closes his eyes when I kiss him. I step away from him and walk, tearing off my blouse, pants, bra, and panties and leaving them as footprints. I open the bedroom door and lie down in those white sheets, completely naked. Soon after, Carlos appears with my clothes. I sit in the middle of the bed and strike lightly beside me, facing my husband. He takes off his clothes and throws himself on me. We make love, being watched by the painted eyes of Cardinal de Noailles.


After satiating a little of our will, we had lunch in the beautiful restaurant of the hotel and left to start our adventure. We bought a map of the city and after the subway and left to visit the City of Light, since we would only stay two days there. The subway took us to the city center. We get off at Charles de Gaulle Étoile station and climb the stairs that lead to the Arc de Triomphe, that we also climb to its top. From up there, we took several photos and admired the main avenues of Paris, converging towards Place Charles de Gaulle. But we also didn't stay long, we had a lot to see and little time.

We walk along the Champs-Élysées, also known as the main catwalk in Paris. Along it, we passed by shops, galleries, restaurants, concert halls and many people. And also a beautiful garden . Carlos' wish was to have taken me to visit the Grand Palais and Petit Palais buildings to see the great artistic exhibitions that take place there. But we could not get to the Louvre in time, so we decided to continue walking through the garden until arriving at Place de la Concorde, a noble point and surrounded by tourist buses and hundreds of tourists who like us both came to know the heart of the city. We took pictures of the Luxor Obelisk and also for the beautiful decoy ornamented with sculptures in gold and green.

We crossed the square and reached the gates of the Jardin des Tuilleries. We decided not to enter and follow the busy Rue de Rivoli. It is full of hotels, restaurants, and art gallery. Of course we also find souvenirs to take to our family. We bought shirts from Paris, key chains, fridge magnets, perfumes for a good price, since they say that the perfumes there are the best. And we also bought for us two coats, scarves and a miniature tower. We found on our way a beautiful golden horse statue of Joan of Arc, of which I took many photos.We crossed the street in front of the statue holding hands.

— I'm tired. It will take a long time? - I ask Carlos, tired of taking so many photos.

He smiles, hugging me, and then raises his arm, pointing to the glass pyramid of the Louvre. We walk towards the pyramid, happy.

— They say that to appreciate each work, even taking only one minute each, we would need a week to see the entire collection. - says Charles, admiring the painting of the Mona Lisa. In fact, we only came to the Louvre to see it.

—Wow! - I exclaim, admired.

I look closely at the countenance of the most famous woman in the world. What secrets does she keep behind that slight smile?

— I will have to spend my life and a little more to see everything in you, Dalia. - Carlos says, touching my chin: — My Mona Lisa.

Our lips touch, oblivious to the movement of the museum. I lose myself on the lips of Carlos, my Leonardo.


We had dinner at the Carrousel du Louvre, a delicious Coq au vin. After being flooded by French culture, we left the museum, making the way back., at least that's what I thought, until Carlos pulled me to a less busy street. He pushes me against the stone wall and kisses me, effusively.

— What are you doing? - I ask as Carlos almost tears my blouse, exposing my breasts. — Are you crazy? What if someone catches us here?

— I can no longer leave my hands away from you.- replies Carlos, taking my breasts and sucking them, madly.

— So we have to be quick. - I say, lowering my pants. Carlos positions himself better by lifting my left leg and thrusting with all the lust he had: — Ahhh ... this.

It moves fast and intense, driving me crazy. The adrenaline of being discovered made everything more pleasurable. He is touching me more and more. I bite his ear and talk some dirtily that hallucinates him. I enjoy being crazy, being repressed by the hand of Carlos in my mouth. In a short time, he also enjoys. We spent a good time just listening to our breaths panting. Then we settled down and walked down the street, laughing at our mischief. We arrived at the hotel very late and went straight to the room. After a beautiful bath, I lay in bed, almost asleep. Then Carlos hugs me from behind and whispers in my ear:

—I hope you're not too tired. After all, we still have a lot to enjoy.

I open my eyes and I know exactly what he meant by that. So I smile: I know exactly what I'm supposed to do.


When I finally open my eyes, I notice that it is clear. Carlos is not on the side that I turn towards. I get up with only the sheet and walk through the room, finding him sitting on the terrace. I sit on the chair next to him admiring the bell tower.

—Good morning. - I say, kissing my husband's lips.

—Good afternoon .- replies Carlos, smiling. He looks at his watch: — More precisely, three o'clock in the afternoon.

— Wow! - I exclaim, putting my hands on my face, frightened. I slept for 12 uninterrupted hours. So I'm sad: we missed most of the scheduled tours. — We missed almost the day of sightseeing.

— Yes, but we still have the Pont des Arts and the Eiffel Tower. - says Carlos, kissing my neck: —Or we can stay here…

— Interesting proposal... but I will refuse it. - I say getting up. - I will just change clothes, and we will finish enjoying the city.


Pont des Arts is very close to the Louvre, so we did the same route. By far, the iron bridge does not seem so special. As we approach, colored dots take shape on the iron grids. They are padlocks of all shapes and sizes, personifying the love of each couple who passed by.

— Legend has it that the couple who fasten the padlock here and throw the keys in the waters of the Seine will forever stay together.- explains Carlos, walking with me hand in hand through the bridges. — The couple writes the names on the padlock, chooses a place on the railings of the bridge, holds and throws the keys on the Seine.

The result is a colorful bridge, with several couples and full of love.

—Bonjour, Beau Couple . Aimeriez-vous pour perpétuer l'amour de vous ici sur le Pont? Pour 3 euros seulement auront le cadenas de l'amour(Hello, beautiful couple. Would you like to perpetuate your love here on the bridge? For only 3 euros, you will have the padlock of love) .- offers a trader with a huge padlock in his hands.

—Non Merci beaucoup. Nous ne croyons pas aux superstitions (No, thank you very much. We don't believe in superstitions). - says Carlos, refusing the offer. He kisses my forehead and explains the refusal. — The French government has banned this kind of action since it is threatening the bridge.

— So how will we make our love last forever? - I ask, curious.

— Simple: loving and respecting us every day. - Carlos replies. Then he smiles at my confused face and takes the camera, saying: — But we can eternalize it with a photo. And so we start ours forever.

We took a picture of kissing in the middle of the bridge surrounded by thousands of eternal loves.


It's already dark when we arrive at the city's major attraction, the Eiffel Tower. With three floors of observation platforms and several elevators. When we get to the second floor, we change the elevator since we want to get to the top floor. The view from up there is the best in Paris and is more beautiful with the night falling. Although Carlos has so many "They Say" about the city, this time he was silent, admiring the view as he embraces me, then I smile and say:

— They say that a person only becomes truly intimate with Paris when he reaches the point of visiting the city without worrying more about visiting the Eiffel Tower.

— Really ? - asks Carlos, curious.

— Yes. - I lie. I invented that just to see my husband admired with something I know. — It happens to people too.

— So I hope I never get close to you. - says Carlos, seriously.

— Why? - I ask, raising my eyebrow.

— Why I do not want to stop worrying about you.- replies Carlos kissing me.

— I love you.- I declare to my husband. Then I look at my watch and I am frightened: — We must go if we do not miss the Le Crazy Horse show.

— Do you really want to go to this musical? - Carlos asks, seriously.

—First, it's not really a musical.- I correct. Then I run my hand over her pants as I whisper in her ear. — Second, you will love and still get a reward at the end.

If you thought I was going to Paris just to see Museums ,architectures and romantic places , you definitely don't know me yet...

Crazy Horse is the second most requested cabaret in Paris, second only to the Moulin Rouge. It is located on Avenue George V and to have access to it must shell out a large sum of money and dress for a real gala night. And that's exactly how Carlos and I are riding on the black tie. I with my beautiful black dress low-cut to almost my belly button and with my hair stuck on the side.

I notice that the Crazy Horse is full, while Carlos pulls the chair from our table reserved for me, sitting next to me shortly afterwards. As soon as we settled, the server bringing our welcome cocktail and then a beautiful bottle of wine. Then the lights go out, indicating that the show is about to begin.

As soon as the curtains open, half-naked dancers appear lined up with costumes reminiscent of French uniforms. The dancers' perky breasts begin to bounce as they march to the beat of military music. My husband's eyes are glazed in them and I must admit that mine too , not for the same reasons , I love musicals and I love even more well performed choreographies. And my husband loves breasts. I think he would never have an experience like that again and even more being allowed to look without any fear.

— Did you know that? - whispers Carlos in my ear.

—Yes, I just added the useful to the pleasant. - I reply, smiling.

One by one, the shows are happening with all its glamour and sensuality of the perfect and provocative bodies of the dancers. Each with surprising and modern elements, such as music dubbing, colorful lights and special effects. Shadows, mirrors, colors and shapes value the silhouettes of those girls so beautiful and attractive.In Crazy Horse, the strip tease ceases to be something just sensual, also gaining a magical effect.