
Reasons and emotions

About a month later…

I believed your words. I can have virtual sex with anyone and have pleasure. A few days later, I entered the game and let myself be carried away by several partners, but the feeling before my first time with Mr. X remained. I didn't feel anything with any of them. I even had sex with the most popular avatar of the RLC, who seemed to be a wonderful conversationalist. But it was just like before: mechanical, no emotion, just words played… Deep down, I knew I was looking for the feeling I felt with Mr. X, and so I would never find anything I was looking for because it is with him. Although I feel that way, I decided not to tell him. I do not want him to know and treat me as one of his numerous partners and throw me away.

Mr. X (online) — Bonne Dame du Matin (Good morning, ma'am).

Thalia (online) — Good morning. I have news for you.

Mr. X (online) — Talk.

Thalia (online) — Tomorrow wins my VIP pass, and I decided not to renew it. It was good while it lasted, but I think I better leave the game… for good.

Mr. X (online) — Why?

Thalia (online) — Why doesn't it make sense anymore… Not to mention that I would not have more time to play, because my college classes will come back, and I want to dedicate myself 100% to classes. No distractions…

Mr. X (online) — Is that the only reason? I hope this has nothing to do with our "joke"… Or something I did…

Thalia (online) — Just that, X. You were perfect. It has nothing to do with you. If you want to keep talking to me, just add me on MSN. My name is daliapenedosalazar@hotmail.com

Mr. X (online) — All right, then goodbye, Dalia Penedo Salazar.

I'd miss talking to Mr. X, but if he didn't want to add me, I'd have to understand. Maybe I wasn't that important to him.

Thalia (online) — This will depend only on you.

I uninstall the game and close my account.


Five days later...

I didn't think I could do it, but I got over the RLC pretty well. The only thing I missed was Mr. X, but I preferred to accept that it was better this way, before something worse happened. Some friends of the RLC ended up taking to the MSN, where I spend a good part of the time. The other began to be filled by the college classes. And some nights with the side conversations I have with Carlos.

— The implementation of the project was a success. I already feel the society in my hands. - says Carlos, excited.

— That's great, love. I'm happy... – I answer, not too excited.— Today my constitutional law class was dominant, we…

—I forgot to tell you... – says Carlos, interrupting me like the countless times I tried to talk about college.— The head of the project department said that mine is the best project ever created. Have you ever thought? My project? Unbelievable.

— Unbelievable even. - I say trying not to get angry.—Good, as I was saying, my constitutional law class…

—You had to have seen the face of Nazario's team. They looked like they had swallowed a frog.

—No doubt everyone wanted to have been praised as you were…- touch your hand. He looks at me all cheerful. — It is a glorious victory, and I am sure it will be yours. I am very proud of you.

— Thank you, love.- says Carlos, giving me a kiss. —If everything goes as I am planning… soon we will have that apartment we are dating.

— God hear you. - I say with my fingers crossed. — Who knows? We might even start to consider the next step…

—Imagine me being a partner and you being a successful lawyer. I bet you never imagined that, did you?

— I go to the bedroom.- Before I kill my husband in our dining room, I need to get up. — I have some things to do… from college… if that matters to you.

— I will just see some things from work and promise that in a little while I will be all yours. - says Carlos, making one more of his empty promises.

I go into the room and go to the computer, as much as I want to study, the discouragement hit and then enter my MSN. As soon as my window opens, a notification up there appeared a notification. As soon as I open, it comes the words that I expected so much:

Friends Request:

Mr. X is your friend?

Confirm Not Now

Of course, I accepted, after all, nothing better than having someone to talk to, and you know that will listen to you for real.

Mr. X says:

Finally, Dalia Penedo Salazar.

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

Hello, Mr. X, how are you?

Mr. X says:

I'm great. Curious to know what else you lied about or omitted about yourself.

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

Well, I'm not bisexual, I'm 21 years old and right now I'm angry at my husband for being insensitive.

Mr. X says:

Wow, would you like to talk about this?

I stop and read those words. I swore he would consider my irritation as just a childish impulse, but he was willing to listen to me.

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

Yeah. Since my husband started running for partner in the company, everything changed. He didn't talk about anything other than work. He never has time for me, or rather for us. He doesn't seem to be touched by the fact that I feel alone. During my vacation, he did not stay with me. I think my marriage will not last long. I love my husband, but he's been a complete idiot… and I don't know if I'm going to be able to handle it for long.

Mr. X says:

Would you like some advice from someone who has been on this road for a long time?

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:


Mr. X says:

Don't be mad at him. Think your husband is like that, because he wants to do his best and show you that he can give you the best. He loves you, don't doubt it. Every time your husband sacrifices time to be with you to stay in the company, it shows how much he loves you. He's sacrificing today to have a tomorrow by his side. And honestly, we're not good at noticing our mates. So talk to him openly, show him how you feel, and you can be sure that he will be immensely sorry for not having noticed before.

I hear Carlo's heavy footsteps coming towards the room. I quickly write:

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

Thanks for the advice. I'll see you, Mr. X.

Mr. X says:

Just thank me after talking to him. See you soon, Dahlia.

I switch off MSN and turn my attention to the file opened on my screen. Carlos opens the bedroom door and comes towards me. He touches my shoulders, massaging them as I turn around pretending to be surprised.

— You are tense. - comments Carlos, seriously.— Is everything okay?

—No, it's not. - I answer, serious.

Carlos sits on the bed and stares at me, waiting for me to finish talking. Then I vent and release everything I have stuck in my throat. I talk about every night, every day, every time I've had to reschedule or cancel something… every interrupted thing he's given me. His eyes stare at me as if he didn't believe it was him I was talking about. When I finished venting, he pulled me to the bed, where we lay hugged. Her tears wet my hair and end up triggering my crying. I hold my husband against my face, how I missed his embrace, to be so close. Carlos touches my chin and pulls my head towards him, kissing me. His hand strolls across my face, as if admiring every trace that has come up in him in those nearly three years. He kisses my complete face, making me laugh.

—I love you. - says Carlos.

—I love you too. - I answer with all sincerity. Yes, in spite of everything, I love Carlos.

— I'm sorry if I hurt you like this. I meant no harm.

—I know I don't… I do.

—You are the best wife I could have, Dalia Penedo.- confesses Carlos facing me. — And I promise to try to be…

—Shhh!- I say, putting my fingers on her lips, interrupting one more promise. — Don't promise anything, just love me. That's enough for now.

Carlos lifts his torso from the bed, leaning with one of his arms, while his other hand unbuttons my blouse, carefully. Then he takes it off with both hands, leaving my breasts exposed. He touches them with his lips, making me sigh as I had not long. Her hand goes down to my waist and rips my panties. Quickly, he takes off his shorts and penetrates me without the slightest fear, showing all the desire he felt. That time was a mixture of desire and longing. We touched, we kissed, we exchanged vows of love each time he penetrated me more strongly. When we finished, we were sure that our love was still there, we just needed to grow it.

I keep watching Carlos' eyes close, serene. In thought, I thank immensely for the advice given by Mr. X.