
Only Fun

Three months later in…

After the Wonderful night I had with Carlos, our routine changed a bit, at least in the first weeks. Then Everything returned as it was before, including the tickets saying that I would arrive very late, not to wait for dinner. So, filling in Carlos's Absence, I Started Talking to Mr. X more often.

Mr. X Always had the right thing to Say at the right time and seemed to have the Answer to all my doubts. Although our age difference was Fifteen, our conversation flowed as if we knew each other all our Lives. Months passed, and our friendship became Stronger… and our "Jokes" more frequent:

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

I suck your cock with pleasure, every lick I feel you more stiff.

Mr. X says:

Ah… Dalia, you're too hot. I shove my penis in your velvet mouth, hard down your throat.

Dahlia Penedo Salazar says:

Your member fits perfectly. Suck harder while massaging your bag, you're delirious with pleasure.

Mr. X says:

Smiling satisfied, I finally managed to make X enjoy. Or at least enjoy virtually.

Mr. X is typing…

Mr. X says:

Dalia, you're a bad girl.

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

A woman, you mean…

Mr. X says:

As you wish… anyway, you're late for your class…

Dalia Penedo Salazar says:

Shit! I have to go up to Mr. X. Don't have fun without me.

Mr. X says:

It's been a long time since I've had fun without you, Doce. See you later.

I run to college, and as always, I arrived late, but I am saved by Filomena, who always manages to cover my calls. I sit next to her, and she faces me, serious. We spent the entire class talking only about the things of the subject that only give me the certainty that I am in the wrong course. Law is definitely not for me. Class is about to end when my teacher says the words I hate the most:

—Home exercise. I need each pair to deliver one of these items by Friday. I require everything very well detailed, implications of the chosen item, among other things.

—Can you do the work individually? - asks Filomena without even looking at me. Her question surprises me: Does she want to do it without me?

— Of course, Filomena.- replies the teacher.— Class released.

Filomena practically runs towards the door, leaving me behind. That's not normal for her, which leads me to believe I may have done some pretty big shit I don't remember. I keep my things and go after my friend.

—Wait, Fi! - I say, almost screaming as I run towards her. She turns to face me angrily.— Is that okay? I did something?

— It's not okay, Dalia. You did it again.

—What did I do? - I ask without understanding.

— You arrived late, again. - Filomena replies seriously.

—I'm sorry, friend, is that I was…

—So… talking to Mr. X.. – complements Filomena, interrupting me. — That's your answer to everything. When it's missing, it's because you were with him. When he does not do the work is because the time coincides with his… class … college… party… until he cancels things with me, his friend, to be talking to a stranger!

— Sorry, I didn't realize I was doing this.- I ask, sincere.

—Okay, but from now on, we'd better not do college stuff together anymore, or hang out, or talk too much. At least until you disconnect from that other promiscuous life you're leading…

— Wait a minute, what other promiscuous life am I leading?- I ask, confused.

— The one where you're getting involved with a married guy, being married too. - Shoot Filomena. — You're cheating on your husband!

— What is this Fi? I am not betraying Carlos. - I answer, offended. Then my blood boils. Who does she think she is to accuse me of something like this? — Did you forget that it was you who referred me to the RLC? As far as I can remember, you're more round than subway turnstiles in the game. There is no one who did not take Lucinda11234. Since you are also married!

— There's an enormous difference, in case you haven't noticed. - says Filomena, pulling me into the bathroom. She pushes me towards one of the booths and says. —It's just a game to me. I don't take those people into my personal life. Now you and Mr. X have overcome all barriers. He knows your name, your age, where you study, who you're married to, where you live, everything! And you? What do you know about this man? Nothing! And you know what's worse… you're in love with him!

— What? - I ask, indignant. Filomena can only be crazy. — I'm not in love with X. Where did it come from?

— I see it in his eyes. You can deny it all you want, but the truth is there. You're in love with him… You have no idea how dangerous this can be.

—How can you know? - I ask, aggressive.— After all, for you, it's all a game, isn't it?

— I said I don't take people into my personal life, but I didn't say I've never done it.- replies my friend, bitter. — You surrender completely, believe in his sweet words… He always knows what to tell you… the signs are clear, but these signs only exist for you. When you're in love to the point where you can no longer disguise... he'll notice and jump off this ship before it sinks.

— I'm sorry, but that's not going to happen to me. I love my husband and have no feelings for Mr. X other than friendship. Don't worry, I'll never get involved with him. It's just a joke, a way to release all this loneliness I've been feeling…

— Then promise that you will never get involved with him. - orders Filomena. — Promise me that when you start falling in love with him, you'll walk away, and you'll never talk to him again.

— I promise. - I answer, careless. — Scout's word.

— That's what we'll see. - says Filomena, coming out of the cabin and going to the door. — That's what we'll see…