
Mistakenly Wedded to a Billionaire Husband

"Marriage to me, and I'll give you everything you desire; refuse, and I'll ruin everything you have!" The man's lips curled into a devilish, bloodthirsty smile. The woman's mouth twitched, her composure wavering. "Damn it, Shang Xufeng, can't you propose with a little sincerity?" One day, someone gathered the courage to ask, "Young Master Feng, what happened to your face?" The man touched the teeth marks on his face, glanced at the woman beside him, and smiled contentedly, "Got bitten by a little bitch last night." The woman beside him calmly took over the conversation, "Xiao Gu, bring your little male dog over tonight." The man's expression changed instantly as he stood up and pulled the woman away. She asked, "What are you going to do?" He replied, "What else can I do except for you?" Everyone knew Shang San Shao was arrogant, ruthless, and cruel, yet he cherished his woman in the palm of his hand.

edison_hua · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 22: Holding Up the Sky (2)

At this moment, two more people approached.

One of them was the "Ah Er" mentioned by the slender man earlier. He was not tall, probably around 1.7 meters. He carried a warming box in his hands, inside of which lay Ball Ball, who had been bandaged after sustaining injuries.

Ah Er approached respectfully and said, "Young Master Feng, Ball Ball's life has been saved, but its right front leg is too severely injured and will be disabled in the future."

"You've worked hard," Shan Hufeng didn't inquire further because he also understood that Ah Er, as a top veterinarian, valued the lives of animals more than anything else. If Ah Er said Ball Ball's leg was disabled, then no one else could heal it.

"It's my incompetence," Ah Er genuinely felt ashamed. He only had this much ability and couldn't do more to help his master when he needed it most.

"Ah Da, you need to give your subordinates more training in the future," Shan Hufeng's voice carried a tone of authority rather than anger. "Do you think I, Shan Hufeng, would keep someone incompetent?"

"Yes," Ah Da was the slender man.

Despite his unremarkable appearance, he was proficient in Chinese martial arts, Muay Thai, judo, taekwondo, and more. He was Shan Hufeng's most capable right-hand man.

"Half an hour is up," Shan Hufeng glanced up at the twenty-eighth floor where the lights were still on, indicating that the foolish woman was still foolishly waiting. "Ah Er, take Ball Ball up."

"Young Master..."

"Just say I injured it," Shan Hufeng said.

His subordinates understood that their master did this for Miss Qiu's safety. He would rather have Miss Qiu resent him or hate him than see her in real danger.

Over the past three years, their master had done so much for Miss Qiu behind the scenes, hoping that she would realize it sooner.


If Autumn Lingyao had even the slightest bit of goodwill toward Shan Hufeng before, it completely turned into a negative value at this moment.

She had always believed that although that man was domineering, strong-willed, and a bit of a rascal, he would never harm small animals.

Seeing Ball Ball wrapped in bandages and hearing from the veterinarian that its front leg would never be the same again, Autumn Lingyao felt like her blood was boiling in reverse. She felt both heartbroken for Ball Ball and filled with hatred towards Shan Hufeng, wishing she could grab him and beat him up.

"Ball Ball, I'm sorry! Mommy didn't protect you well."

Autumn Lingyao stayed by Ball Ball's side, feeling extremely distressed. She wanted to hold the little one in her arms and comfort it, but she couldn't move it.

She followed the doctor's advice and couldn't touch Ball Ball now, only allowing it to sleep in the warming box.

Ball Ball whimpered softly, as if crying from pain or comforting its "mommy".

It was a sleepless night for Ball Ball, Autumn Lingyao, Shan Hufeng, and even the entire Water Pavilion Star.

They didn't know what had happened, only that a mysterious person was willing to pay double the market price to buy their houses.

Most people were willing, but there were a few who weren't. Those few ended up receiving a price even lower than the market price.

Regret! But there was no turning back! Because those forces were too powerful to allow any resistance.

In two days, the residents of Water Pavilion Star were replaced with Shan Hufeng's people.

During these two days, Autumn Lingyao also experienced many extremely terrible things.