
Mistaken Actor

mtl of I was mistaken as a monstrous genius actor

MCaldweezy · Celebrities
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88 Chs

265 - Masterpiece 2

< Masterpiece (2) >

Just before the test screening of the movie 'Island of the Missing' began. A test screening or blind preview is a process to check the video, direction, or sound in advance. However, in the movie version, it became an event where directors, actors, key staff, etc. gathered to celebrate.

Usually post-production of a movie. In other words, it is done when editing is about 80% complete.

Of course, there are cases where it is done after 100% work is completed, but master director Kwon Ki-taek took the actors' schedules into consideration and scheduled a test screening date a little early. It's better for the picture if all the actors come together than if the timing is different and they can't come together.

'It's been a few years since I've had a movie meal – but it's not as comfortable as I thought.'

Director Kwon Ki-taek sits in the front and middle of the dozens of chairs arranged around the front screen. He smiled his characteristic warm smile. He stayed up all night while editing, but his complexion wasn't that bad. Will he really have the time to be called a master director? Anyway, director Kwon Ki-taek looked around at the actors sitting around and talking loudly.



Characters who brought to light 'Island of the Missing'. And Kang Woo-jin. Test screening is an event that takes place every time a movie is made, but for today's 'Island of the Missing', director Kwon Ki-taek felt strange for some reason. Is it because you went through a lot of trouble? Or is it because it's a challenge you've never tried before? Or maybe it was because so many things had happened before production.

At that moment, director Woo Hyun-koo, who had fallen and disappeared, flashed in Director Kwon Ki-taek's mind.



Director Kwon Ki-taek focuses the attention of actors, officials, and key staff who are busy talking.

"Everyone knows the size. Currently, the screening version is about 80% complete, but there may be some shortcomings. "Let's filter it out on our own."

The current version of 'Island of the Missing' is missing about half of the movie music. This is because it is still being worked on. The title is inserted, but there is no opening or closing. The same goes for the sound. There was no problem watching it as a screening or test, which still had some shortcomings.

In the future, Director Kwon Ki-taek would complete the editing process within about two weeks and select a 100% perfect 'Island of the Missing'.

It will probably be early May.

"As you can see, the distribution side is already moving."

There was no reason for master director Kwon Ki-taek to delay the deadline. Therefore, the 'Island of the Missing' film company and distributor had already begun work just before the film's release. This includes promotional and marketing schedules, securing theaters, and many other things.

There were already 'Island of the Missing' posters on the sides of buses in Seoul.

In other words, the only thing left is the release.

Kang Woo-jin, who was listening to director Kwon Ki-taek's brief briefing, had his head slightly depressed as he took off the hat he was wearing.

'How did this get released??'

Although he seemed cynical on the outside, his heart rate was actually increasing. Isn't that right? It was the first movie to be released after 'Drug Dealer', and more importantly, 'Island of the Missing' was Kang Woo-jin's first starring role. Even the director is a master who is considered one of the top tier players in Korea.

If you don't get excited, you're probably emotionally dead.

Next, Kang Woo-jin recalled the rating of 'Island of the Missing'.

-[3/Scenario (Title: Island of the Missing), SS level]

It was always SS level.

'Hmm, what grades does SS level have? 'I can't figure it out.'

'Drug Dealer' was rated A and achieved over 8 million views. Of course, it was a huge hit as a request. The legend of Korean Cheong-Bul films has been rewritten. So, should we just consider passing on 10 million? Woojin was slightly dazed.

'10 million – no, crazy 10 million???'

It doesn't feel real. Throughout the history of Korean films, there were not many movies that reached 10 million viewers, and the number one movie of all time had an audience of about 16.7 million. If you look at it that way, a 10 million movie was an incredible thing. Starting this year, 2021, no 10 million movies have been released for two years.

Kang Woo-jin slightly lifted his hips.

It was because I was nervous and anxious. It's closer to anticipation than anxiety.

'Ah, I want to see your grades quickly.'

It was at this time.

"Sorry – I'm a little late."

One top actress was added to the already crowded studio. It was Hong Hye-yeon with her long straight hair hanging down. She was invited because she was the star of her friendship in 'Island of the Missing'. Normally she would have passed, but Hong Hye-yeon attended because she was currently taking a break.

Soon, Hong Hye-yeon, who greeted director Ki-taek Kwon and the actors, also exchanged greetings with Woo-jin Kang.

"It's finally opening? "It feels like yesterday when we went to Da Nang together."

"Iknow, right. Are you doing well."

"Are you asking because you're curious? "Or I was just asking out of courtesy."

"It's half mixed."


Since the prepared chairs were already full, Choi Seong-geon, who was on Woojin's right, gave up his seat to Hong Hye-yeon. Hong Hye-yeon waves her hand and says it's done. Choi Seong-gun gestures to just sit down. Meanwhile, Kang Woo-jin checked the large man standing behind Hong Hye-yeon. It was the sturdy Kim Dae-young. He laughs sarcastically. Woojin, who had a deep sense of concept, answered with his eyes.

'Why split it?'

Daeyoung Kim also responded with his eyes.

'Isn't it fascinating? I just can't believe it every time I see you.'

That's how the scene was roughly organized. There were about 50 people gathered. There were about 30 chairs, so anyone who couldn't sit had to stand in the back.

"let's go."

The studio went dark due to director Kwon Ki-taek's gentle instructions. And then an island suddenly appeared on the front screen.

The movie started right away without an opening.

About two weeks later, Tokyo, Japan.

Late April. Around late morning. The filming site of 'Familiar Parasite', handled by master director Kyotaro. In other words, it was a set. Filming team, props team, art team, lighting team, etc. About 100 staff members are busy filming the next scene. Although Kang Woo-jin is not present, Japanese actors are also busy with their makeup.

Meanwhile, Director Kyotaro is full of gray hair.


I was sitting alone in a seat with multiple monitors and looking down at the storyboard for filming, and the scenario for 'The Unfamiliar Parasite' was also placed in the empty space on the table in front of me. Seeing how the scenarios were unfolding, it seemed like we were watching them in turns.


Director Kyotaro is concentrating. The storyboard and scenario for filming have already entered the latter half. But for some reason, Director Kyotaro.


It was a face of deep concern. However, it was not clear whether the thought was influenced by directing or the actors' acting.

It was then.


A female Japanese voice spoke from behind Director Kyotaro, who was seated. When Director Kyotaro turned his head, he saw a smiling middle-aged woman behind him. As soon as he saw her, Director Kyotaro immediately stood up.


Standing behind him was Akari Takikawa, the original author of 'Familiar Gisaeng' and a world-famous writer. As the weather got warmer, she wore a beige cardigan and a small luxury bag over her shoulder.


I approached Director Kyotaro with a smile on my face. He then held out his hand.

"I wanted to come today for some reason. "Are you okay?"

Director Kyotaro, holding writer Akari's hand, laughed haha.

"of course. "You are welcome to come anytime."

"As expected, it's busy on site. How about this?"

"The movie scene is always the same. "It's going crazy."

"Ah, but."

Author Akari, who put the bag down on a nearby chair, looked around the scene and tilted his head.

"Can't you see Kang Woo-jin? "Isn't today a filming day?"

Director Kyotaro, who was looking at the actors receiving makeup, made an expression that seemed like that was not the case.

"Woojin is in Korea now. "I'm working on my schedule there."

"really? I was stuck at home writing, so I didn't know anything about the news. "Is all his filming finished?"

"no. There are left. I plan to rejoin in early May. "Right now, I'm filming other actors' scenes."

"Ah, that's how it goes."

"You have to adapt to the situation. "This was also agreed upon at the time of the initial contract with Mr. Woojin."

Artist Akari, whose face changed to one of curiosity, looked towards the set scene again and asked.

"I heard that the piano scene for 'Kiyoshi Iyota' was added. Honestly, at this point I can't wait to see it. When will filming be completed?"

Director Kyotaro, smiling slightly, answered in a definitive tone.

"If Woojin focuses after his return, it will be over by May. Of course, we have to think about it until June."

"It's already so much time – so there's less than a month left."


After hearing the answer, writer Akari looked at the scenario on the table on the monitor, and then took a picture of the filming storyboard held by director Kyotaro with his index finger.

"Do you have any concerns? "I saw the director's face when he came in and he seemed serious."


Director Kyotaro let out a small sigh and showed her the storyboard.

"Good for you. I still wondered if I should contact the author. "This cut is the first meeting between Kiyoshi and Detective Mochio."


"I adapted the original work and created the lines, but looking at it now, I feel a little disappointed."

"Shall we take a moment?"

Writer Akari, who was looking at the lines for a moment, sighed.

"Hmm, since novels and movie lines have different personalities… I think it's okay."

"Is that so?"

Director Kyotaro, who was scratching his gray hair, asked again.

"I thought about it. I would like to take pictures from two directions. One with the existing storyboard. "One with the freedom of the actors."

"hmm? "With the freedom of actors?"

"You strip the lines out of the scene and let the actors do whatever they want."

It was quite common for scenes to be modified through the actors' efforts during movie filming. In fact, among domestic and Hollywood directors, there were cases where scenes were entrusted to actors who were soaked in emotion.

"In other words, it would be Kang Woo-jin and Mana Kosaku."


"We maintain the directing, the situation, the emotions of the characters, the conflict, etc., and only deliver the basic basic lines."

Trying to see a perspective different from that of the director.

"The actors make it up. freely."

At this time, Korea.

A large multiplex movie theater in Gangnam. Among them, a very large event was taking place in the largest theater. Reporters from media outlets and magazines were sitting in the hundreds of audience seats, and movie critics were also visible in the front seats.

This phrase was displayed on the large screen in front of them.

-Press preview of 'Island of the Missing'

-General opening on May 20th

The press preview is one of the many previews held before release and was the most important.

Giving experts an idea in advance about what kind of movie this is. It was also the first step in advertising and publicity. Considering the fact that the press preview was underway, the film should have already been 100% completed.

And for now.


The main actors of 'Island of the Missing' were standing in front of the screen, being filmed like crazy. Of course, Kang Woo-jin was also seen. Starting with director Kwon Ki-taek, actors such as Kang Woo-jin and Ryu Jung-min.

"One fighting pose, please!"

"Hand hearts too!"

As requested by reporters invited to the preview, he took various poses. Because the current situation will be covered in articles in the future. Meanwhile, Kang Woo-jin in a black and blue jacket.

'No-ha, are reporters these days crazy about hand hearts?? Why do you ask me to make hand hearts everywhere I go? 'Embarrassingly.'

Even though I was grumbling on the inside, I made a solemn hand heart. But reporters are disappointed with that too.

"Mr. Woojin! "Please show me the double stick!"

I even requested a double pole. Of course, Woojin threw a double whammy with a serious expression on his face.

A few tens of minutes later.

After the basic ceremony, the actors sat in the empty seats in the front. Soon hundreds of reporters lowered their cameras.

The Daeyoung Theater gets dark quickly.

Some critics take out their glasses and put them on.



The sound of wind echoes throughout the theater as a sound effect. The screen that showed the entire view of the island quickly changed screens.

-["Huh! Wow!!"]

The sound of a man breathing heavily. Someone is running. Two feet running appear on the screen. He is wearing military uniform. He wore military boots. Every time I run, my military boots get soaked in mud.

-["Ugh! Wow! "Huh!"]

The camera angle runs like a man. Shaking.


The man's running stopped with a sound. The screen still shows only the man's legs. The man's slightly trembling legs slowly turn around. The angle also rises slowly. From the legs to the waist. From waist to chest. From chest to face.

Private Kim holding a rifle.

he shouted.

-[""Hey, Sergeant Kim! Sergeant Park!!"]

Then he suddenly grabbed the gun.

– Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang bang!

This moment.

-["Gruk – Private Kim."]

-["Fuck! Fucking search! Search!!"]

Ending with a bizarre voice.


An elongated object flew from somewhere and exploded on Private Kim's head. Pieces of Private Kim's head, shattered like firecrackers, and blood were splattered across the screen. Soon, a bold, gray title appeared in the center of the red screen.

-'Island of the Missing'

Roughly about 5 seconds.

The title disappeared and the screen turned black. And then a bright background suddenly unfolds. morgue. The body lying in the morgue. A white cloth covering the body. A soldier looking down at it.


Woojin Kang. No, it was Corporal Jin Seon-cheol. Some kind of ambiguous expression. Corporal Jin Seon-cheol's face is shown in close-up. Of course, his face fills the screen. The eyes are mysterious. Is it indifferent? Or is it sad? Breathing is short and trembling.

As soon as he appeared, several critics rubbed their chins.

'As expected, this time too, I can't see any of the roles from the previous works.'

'Kang Woo-jin. As soon as he appears, his concentration skyrockets. As expected, he has good control.'

'At the production press conference, you said something like, "It's just a feeling," and you boasted about 10 million won, right? Because it melted a certain amount of acting tension-'

Back an hour later.

The expressions of all the critics changed 180 degrees. This is not the face of the harsh evaluation in the beginning.



I opened my eyes wide and was staring intently at the screen. It was like a thorough audience. Of course, the same goes for hundreds of reporters. They were even shaking with excitement while watching 'Island of the Missing'.

Because I didn't have time to think about anything else for even a second.

'Wow…fuck. What is Qual? 'Are you crazy?'

It had crazy suction power.

Meanwhile, L.A.

The location was 'Universal Movies,' a large movie production company with an incredible set. Among them, in one of the offices at the headquarters, where a poster of a globe, the logo of 'Universal Movies', was posted on the wall, a familiar foreign woman was seen. She was Megan Stone, with brown bob hair and a suit. Of course, she wasn't alone, but the famous casting director was currently sitting on the sofa looking at a thin wad of paper.


Plan. The content also includes a synopsis. Then, for a moment, she narrowed her eyes.

'······Is dissociative personality disorder included in the Jekyll and Hyde motif?'


'Kang Woo-jin.'

For some reason, I thought of Kang Woo-jin.

< Masterpiece (2) > End