
Chapter 6


After an hour trip, we finally reached the IBS. I stood up from my seat and head for the bus door. I saw Jayson sleeping so I hit him slightly to wake him up. Slightly with a bit of impact to make sure. Hehe.

"Oi baka. We're here."

"H-huh?" He said lazily while opening his left eye.

"Let's go." I said as I drag him out.

"Aish." He complained.

The girls followed behind me and Jay as we head to the dressing room with "MUSE" written on the door.

"I'm gonna go look for Mr. Park.. Rei, I'll give you a call if it's time for their performance.." Jay said and I just nodded as he walk out of the room.

"MUSE, Fighting!!" Yona yelled full of energy. Man this girl really is hyper. SMH.

"Yona, did you eat a bag of sugar? Why are you always this hyper?" I asked her.

"Squirrel is always like that. That's just level one of how hyper she is." Erina laughingly said while eating... again. Smh

"And you're always hungry, Erina unnie." Minji said. Hahaha. Savage.

"Shut up, Minjiyoda." Momo pouted at her.

I texted Jayson to do a thorough perimeter check around the stadium.

From: Jayson De Borja

On it. Tell the girls to get ready. Their performance will be in 15 minutes.

"Girls, your performance is in 15 minutes. Get ready. I'll be outside." I told them and headed outside and closed the door, leaning by the wall.


I guided the girls towards the area where they'll be walking in for their performance.

"Rei, over here." I saw Jayson waving at us so we walked towards him.

"Is the area clear?"

"Yeah. No one suspicious."


"And now for our special guests! Korea's top rating girl group... MUSE!!"

Crowds were yelling as soon as the emcee mentioned the name MUSE with a bit of background song entitled Cheer Up.

The 9 singing goddesses went out and waved to their adoring fans with their beautiful smiles plastered on their faces. Me and Jayson followed but we just stood near the stage cautiously looking around.

"So far so good." I told Jay who's actually dancing to the song. -.-

The song was about to end when a sudden explosion went off on the east wing side of the stadium. Near to where the girls are.

Jayson and I immediately rushed out only to see the girls panicking.

"Jayson! Find out who's behind the bombing!!" I yelled as I rush to the stage.

Gunshots were heard. Causing more panic inside the stadium.

"Girls!!" I said as soon I reach them. I saw three people in black mask aiming to shoot at us. "Get down!!" The girls ducked and I immediately grabbed my gun and shot them all.

"Get off the stage! Now!" I yelled as I kept shooting and the girls started running off the stage.

"Reiki!!" I saw Jayson standing near the stage helping the girls get down.

"Go take them to the bus! Move!" He just nodded and took them. Wait... someone is missing from the group.. Mika...

"MIKA!!" I saw her struggling to get up so I ran over to her just in time to stop one of those guys from grabbing her.

"M-My ankle." She's shaking.

"Shh. It's okay. I got you." I gently made her wrap her arms around my neck as I pick her up bridal style and get off the stage. 2 of those guys blocked my way and started shooting at us.

Damn it..

I held Mika tightly and rushed to their direction and did a perfect roundhouse kick on both of them causing them to slam on the ground hard and kept running to the bus.

Woah. How the hell did I do that?

"W-what was that?" Seyeon was shaking and Kyungwon tried to calm her down.

I put Mika gently on my seat and looked at Jayson.

"I thought you did a thorough check on the stadium?!!"

"I did! Especially the east wing of the stadium!" He yelled back at me.

"Then how!! How the hell did a bomb got pass through you?!"

"GUYS!!" Shinwoo yelled causing me and Jayson to stop.

"Mika's ankle is sore." She continued.

I rushed over to Mika and checked her ankle.

"I-I'm fine. It'll be okay soon." Mika said trying to smile.

"Fine my ass." I said as I walk over to the other seat taking out a bandage and carefully wrapped it around her swollen ankle. "There. That'll do it."

Police cars assisted the bus all the way to my condo unit. I told Mr. Park not to let the girls stay at the hotel since it's dangerous in which he didn't hesitate to agree.

The bus turned dead quiet the whole trip to my unit. I looked at the girls who were dead quiet. Their usual and hyper selves is nowhere to bs found after what happened.

I'm gonna find out who's behind this bombing...