
Mission 001

"she's to young" they always say... but she's number one... she knows every tactic... every single scenario... so what's wrong in being young if she's the best?

gee_another_boli · Teen
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24 Chs

chapter four


  they would wake me up and train me...  train me to be the best... the quickest... the smartest...

  But never to feel... never to be normal..."

    Morning came and the unit woke up, code 001 was the last one to get ready and head to the main room as she had no interest in having another awkward encounter. She entered the main room to find Abbey cooking while talking to Eva that was sitting on the island, Kylie and Austin were eating and talking on the sofa and Alex sitting next to Eva not talking just eating as he observed his surroundings "oh hi code 001! Did you sleep well?" Kylie asked when she spotted the girl at the door "I slept well, thank you" she replied a bit surprised at the sudden question but did not show it "hey, breakfast today is bacon and toast and no need to rush as training is only in the afternoon" Abbey explained to code 001 receiving some cheers from Austin and Eva that did not like training because it involved theory and not action all the time "yes I was informed, now please don't mind me and continue with your breakfast" she said not interested in continuing the conversation, she sat next to Alex surprising him but he remained silent.

   Everyone went on with their day as some walked around campus and others stayed in the room, code 001 decided that she would go out and walk as she didn't want to stick around for any drama, the corridors weren't packed as they are normally but this was usually a calm day and the divisions would normally chill in their rooms but some loud voices caught code 001 attention, she walked around a corner to find a group of nearly surrounding something or someone but she couldn't see "hu- the little child is crying, how did they make your unit the best you're as weak as the infants" one of the humans said moving a bit revealing Alex that was on the floor "hey, you all move" code 001 ordered making the group look at the girl "uh? A infant? Trying to give orders?" One of the nearly provoked "children Unit.5, code 001,  security level three, now move" she ordered now scarring the group "c-code 001" Alex mumbled when the girl started examining him "oh, I remember you now, little Coal is getting angry" another boy teased "you will not treat your superior this way now leave before I call security" she threatened still with an indifferent tone, they all left with proud smirks on their faces now it was just Alex and code 001 "Coal?" Alex questioned the girl "don't call me that, now that this is sorted I will be leaving" she said still holding herself together "wait! I'm sorry!" Alex pleaded "it's fine, now go on with your day" she turned and walked away not wanting to talk more about what had just happened, Alex noticed a tear fall from her face when she turned around but said nothing he just got up and followed her to what he guessed was back to Unit.5 main-room.

   When he got there he didn't find her in the main room so he guessed she had gone to the girl's room, "where are you heading?" Eva asked when she saw Alex at the entrance to the corridor that lead to the girl's room "none of your business so bug off" he shot back "don't fuck the kid" she said now sitting on the couch "very funny" he replied annoyed at Eva's comments, in the room it was dark... the windows were closed and the lights off "code 001?" He asked as he searched the room to realise she was hiding under the covers on the top bunk "can I come up?" He asked worried at how she was acting different, she grunted in response that he thought meant a yes so he climbed the ladder "so you don't like your name?" He asked now with a soothing tone as he sat on the edge of the bed "yes..." she admitted taking off the covers and sitting down next to him "it's fine I won't tell anyone" he assured her "you won't?" She turned her face in his direction revealing stains on her face that indicated she had cried not to long ago "no, friends don't do that" he said smiling softly "friends?" she questioned curiously "yeah friends" he assured her "why are you doing this? You hated me yesterday" code 001 asked a bit curious "you know, I also knew a girl that hated her name, she felt like it didn't suit her like if had no meaning to her" Alex answered calmly "what did she do?" code 001 found a sudden interest in Alex's story "she found a meaning" Alex said with a small smile "oh, how did she do that?" code 001 wanted more answers like if it would solve her problems "I don't know, but she told me that she just knew when she finally found a meaning, like when you fell like you have butterfly's in your stomach" Alex tried explaining "butterfly's in your stomach?" code questioned confused "you know, like how you feel when you see your crush or something like that" Alex was a bit surprised that code 001 didn't know basic expressions "elaborate please" code 001 had no idea what Alex was saying "you know when you feel nervous? And your palms are sweaty and your heart is beating fast, that is what butterfly's feel like" Alex managed to explain "so it's a bad feeling?" code 001 asked another question "not necessarily, but we will talk about this later or we will be late for practice".

   On that day their training would be outside meaning more action and less theory that normally excited the children from all units, the unit was waiting for Adam to arrive to indicate what they were doing "hello my children" Adam appeared with his five guards "today you will be doing two types of fights, solo and group" he explained happily "code 001 you will start" he ordered, she walked some steps in front of the group "show them your full potential" platforms appeared from under them taking the rest of the unit to the side of the battlefield so they would not be harmed but close enough for them to see without needing cameras "start!" Adam shouted making five robots appear that immediately targeted the girl, code 001 had no trouble in fighting all of the robots without even showing a glimpse of pain or distress "wow" Kylie said amazed at how good code 001 was "she has been trained for this, for her, this is just the basics" Adam also admired the girl that had now defeated all the robots "she remains emotionless, how may that be?" Abbey asked curiously "it's part of her personality nothing more," Adam said but that answer didn't sound very convincing to Alex that was silently eavesdropping on their conversation.