
Mission 001

"she's to young" they always say... but she's number one... she knows every tactic... every single scenario... so what's wrong in being young if she's the best?

gee_another_boli · Teen
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24 Chs

chapter eight


I never really understood them, but I guess it's because I'm trained to protect myself...

But does that make a difference? they still do it no matter how strong you are..."

The unit was dropped off at the side of the base, it was already late so they set up camp behind a little hill where they could watch the base from, no one said a word until Austin broke the silence "ugh I forgot how much I hate overnight missions, they always have trash food!" he complained "agreed, they are also so boring!" Eva added when it came to fighting and missions Eva and Austin always agreed as they both liked action "come on guys, shut up it's not like complaining is making it any better" Alex said as he set up the tent with Abbey and Kylie "what about you code 001? Do you like overnight missions?" Austin asked the girl that was setting up the computer "I don't do these missions out of pleasure, it's what's asked of us so we do it" code 001 seemed to be more interested in managing the computer then bickering with the unit "wow, even a twelve-year-old can be less annoying than you two" Abbey pointed out making both of the teens roll their eyes "I will take that as a compliment" code 001 said, the unit laughed making code 001 confused from their change of emotion "what is so funny?" she asked genuinely curious "oh code 001, we are just teasing around there is no reason to take this seriously" Kylie explained "welp soup is ready, time to eat!" Austin said making everyone stop what they were doing and join the boy on the floor "yes! Tomato soup! My favourite" Abbey exclaimed "I don't know how you like this" Eva commented as she examined the soup with her spoon "yeah, she's liked it since the home, it's probably because she always looked like one" Alex teased "I like it!" Kylie backed Abbey up "hey code 001? Aren't you going to eat anything?" Abbey asked "no thanks, I will be perfectly fine" code 001 assured "ok then, welp after you all finish get some sleep, we are waking up early tomorrow," Abbey said eagerly "ah man we need to sleep in these shit uniforms" Eva complained once more "language in front of the kid," Alex said making code 001 quickly glance over at him.

The teens went to sleep but code 001 stayed up to watch the perimeter, Alex opened his eyes to see the light of the computer outside of the tent, he silently got out of the tent to see the girl there not even acknowledging that he was there so he grabbed a pot of soup that was luckily still warm and sat down next to code 001 "here" he offered, the girl looked confused "you need to eat, living is different from surviving, ok?" Alex looked serious but at the same time she felt like he was being gentle, she nodded and grabbed the soup and drank it as she had no spoon "go to bed, it's like midnight" Alex got up and went to his tent leaving code 001 with a can of soup and a computer in hand.

Soon enough it was morning, the unit was woken up by the sun that sadly was able to pass through the material of the tents "how can a high technology organisation not have lightproof tents?!" Austin asked as he unzipped the tent's entrance "I don't know" Alex wasn't up to deal with his friends complaining at five am so he just quickly rushed out of the tent when opened, "good morning boys" Kylie said when both boys joined the girls on the floor where they ate breakfast "hey girls, slept well?" Austin asked as he poured some energy drink into his cup "yeah" the three girls answered, "what about you code 001, got any sleep?" Alex asked "yes" she replied plainly, surprisingly she had no dark bags under her eyes so all of them believed her "finally we are getting some action!" Eva cheered "yall ready?" Abbey asked and got a yes from everyone.

Annoyingly they needed to infiltrate the base through the vents that no one liked doing because it was uncomfortable but they had no option, the point of the mission was to rob the save files that the base held as without them they were harmless.

Unlucky when the unit got out of the vents they were ambushed by some guards, everything was going fine in the fight but the unit took notice that code 001 was a bit slower compared to when they fought all together "they are all down, have you found the files?" Austin asked through the communicators, Austin and Eva had been left to fight some extra guards while the rest of them went looking for the files "yes, code 001 just found them you can come join us" Abbey answered through the communicators, when the duo joined the rest of them they found the unit surrounding code 001 that just looked at the computer "what's up with her?" Eva asked "code 001?" Alex got closer to the girl when she suddenly collapsed to the floor "shit!" Austin screeched "what happened to her?!" Abbey asked as she tried to stay calm but miserable failed "I don't know! She just collapsed!" Alex picked the girl up from the floor and held her tight in his arms "she's bleeding!" Austin pointed out as he freaked out "here! I have some wipes!" Kylie came closer to the girl and wiped the cut she had on her face "oh god!" Eva peeked from behind Kylie to see code 001 with giant bags under her eyes looking ten years older "she obviously didn't sleep last night" Kylie pointed out the obvious "damn it! We are some real idiots, we left a kid alone in the middle of the night to deal with a mission!" Abbey realised what they had done "let's get her back to base, don't forget the files," Alex said.