
Missing Piece: \\ An LGBTQ One Piece Story

"Are you still in denial?" His words sent a soft minty breath across Zoro's lips and he leaned in more. His lips was right there, his blue eyes looking up at the green haired samurai seductively. Zoro gulped." I'm not gay" he said sharply. Zoro had only ever had his swords and crew mates and that was more than enough for him. He didn't know what love was or how it felt like nor did he expect to feel it in a long run, until unexpected events happen to make him come across with the most beautiful man he has ever laid his eyes on. Zoro is straight......or at least he thinks he is. And then there is Draco Mahawk, the man who was supposed to be his enemy. Will Zoro be the same again? "I-I like you, Sanji. I don't know if this is reciprocal but I just..... I just really needed to-" Sanji kissed him........... The brown haired boy smiled against Sanji 's soft lips and melted more into the kiss. It was his first............. Sanji had spent his life cooking unacceptable food and serving people for all his life, he didn't expect that bundle of joy to come into his restaurant with his crew for a meal. He didn't expect to join them the next day, nor did he expect to fall deeply in love with the captain of the Straw Hats.

kuro_joo99 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter Five

He could feel the pressure begin to build up heavily in his abdomen as he pounded into the pale skinned man. He was slender, and quite sexy. Extremely attractive with his green eyes, dirty blonde hair, freckles and plump pink lips.....

But they weren't Luffy's.

Sanji couldn't deny beauty when he saw it. The man beneath him was a definition of it, but his eyes and mind would always stray to that Brazilian boy he'd fallen for. He wanted him, he felt like he could go crazy by not being able to touch Luffy the way he wanted, or kiss him, or cuddle with him. It left him raw and unsatisfied, left him sexually frustrated and had him visiting a gay brothel. Why? He didn't to feel, feel what he couldn't with his captain.

Grabbing at the man's slender legs, Sanji spread it open more and pushed downward– till his knees met with his chest— and began ramming straight into his prostate.

He screamed, tugging at the belt rope tied to the bed post and used to secure his hand above his head. Sanji watched the tip of his hardness twitched as more precum pooled from the pink tip. Sanji couldn't deny that it was enough to turn him on the more.

"Fuck!" He groaned ramming harder and trying his best to forget those brown eyes. He needed this, needed a break, and Luffy's persistence in helping him in the kitchen got on his nerves. He'd managed to control his urge with their respectful distance, but after he'd found him in the kitchen that morning making breakfast, the picture of him in his head never washed away.

He wanted him.

The man beneath him jerked in pleasure when Sanji's large hand wrapped around his warm and throbbing hardness and stroked gently and antagonizing slow.

"Please" he moaned, his entire body jerking as Sanji kept his rhythm with stoking and pounding. He felt like he could fly, the pleasure shooting through him was enough to send him into a sort of subspace. He had made love with so many men, but never have they had the decency to put his pleasure first. Sanji wasn't rough or demanding, he was equal and gentle and extremely skilled in this. He made sure both of them got the needed pleasure on the same level. No one was left unsatisfied.

Heavy breathing filled the room, along with the scent of sex, sweat and the sound of wet skin slapping against each other. The man was in cloud nine, he'd never experienced such ecstacy with any other man before and it was driving him crazy. He couldn't even place this hand on Sanji's abdomen to signal him to take it slow or say something because his voice was cut off by his moans, nor could he wrap his legs around Sanji to create some kind of restriction to his prostate. Sanji made sure to hold him steady and open.

The man gasped when he felt his muscles finally contract almost painful and the prickly sensation covered his abdomen. Sanji felt it too, the clenching of the muscles of his pelvis as his body got ten times hotter. They were going to cum.

"Ah, s-sir I'm going to–" the man brittle voice cut off with a loud moan as Sanji's hands began to work faster on his hardness.

"Come for me" Sanji ordered and he wasted no time in doing so, shooting his hot white seed onto their chest just as Sanji groaned loudly as he felt his release surge down his shaft before finally shooting out and filling the man with his own essence.

Waves of pleasure surged through them as Sanji collapsed onto the man and waited for their body to recover from the high of that delicious release.

"Hmmm" the man beneath hummed in content, watching Sanji with half hooded eyes, pull himself up and work in releasing his hand from the tight bondage. Looking at his wrist, they were a bit red due to his pale skin but he couldn't care the less. Surprise, took over him when Sanji gently took his hands and rubbed him there carefully to relieve some pain.

"Wait, what are you do-" he didn't have time to finish before Sanji scooped him up in his arms and carried him over to the bathroom where a tub of warm water had been previously prepared as per his request.

Sanji stepped into the tub all the while holding the man and carefully settling down in the warm water. He didn't say anything as he grabbed the soap and washcloth to clean the man's body through before focusing on himself. He could sense the man shocked gaze on him but chose to ignore it for the better. Sanji wasn't one to fuck and leave like a total jerk. He took care of everything he felt responsible for and this man was his responsibility till he left the building.

After washing off, he carried the man out of the tub and cleaned him with a towel. The man was amazed at how gentle Sanji was afterwards. His heart warmed. Never had anyone been this nice to him after a fuck. They'd just normally put on their clothes without cleaning- disgusting bastards, really- throw the money at his chest and leave.

Sanji pulled him by his hand back into the room, and pulled him all the way towards the bed still disarranged by their previous lovemaking.

"Lie down on your stomach." Sanji ordered hastily moving over to the bedside table to grab some from on of the top drawers. The man quickly did as he was told, not wasting a minute to lie down obediently. After all, the key to a better pay and tip is your demonstration of eagerness. He didn't know what the blonde hair stranger was about to do to him again, after their prolonged hour of sex.

The man watched Sanji's every move carefully, watching him grab an oil from the drawer and move towards him. Behind him. His body involuntary stiffened at the sound of him getting on the bed and the feeling of the mattress dip under his weight.

His breath hitched in as Sanji's hand grabbed his thigh and caressed his softly before the sound of the oil being opened reached his ears. The man had so many questions in his head, what was he up to? Where they going another round? Is he prepping me? No that can't be, we just finished a session, does he want to pleasure me? What's he doing?

"Aiden." Sanji called.

Aiden, eyes widened at the sound of his name. Sanji called him, he remembers his name. No customer had ever had the decency to even ask for his name or remember it. They seemed to have a kink for calling him whore, or cunt, or bitch, or any other names that dealt with sexist insults.

"Y-you remembered my name?" Aiden stuttered, feeling a bit worried that his question might trigger something bad in Sanji.

"Of course I did. It's only human to remember someone's name, it'd be terrible if I asked and didn't bother to remember." Sanji explained, looking at the fluffy blonde hair of the pale skin prostitute." Hey, Aiden, relax okay? I'm not going to do anything, this is just a massage."

"What, so you're not gonna fuck me again?" He asked, Sanji sensing surprise in his tone.

A low chuckled escaped him." Do you want me to fuck you again?"

He bit his lips. He'd had eight sessions in one night with each and everyone of them horrible than the last. He was used to the abuse of his body and never complained, even when the aftereffects of the sex hit him. No one had once asked his opinion on what he wanted. In truth, he knew he was a whore. He liked sex. Who didn't? And he wanted another piece of the sexy blonde behind him but he was too tired for another round.

Sanji smiled at the man as he shook his head in disagreement before moving on to scoop an ample amount of the semi solid  oil before applying it over Aiden in an oscillatory motion. It was a soothing experience for Aiden, he'd had a massage once before and it was great, but the way Sanji's skillful hands moved around him; pressing against his aching muscles and relieving some pain did wonders to his body. Vinsmoke Sanji of the Straw Hat Pirates was something else.

"Do you feel alright now?" Sanji asked after he'd finished massaging Aiden and moved away to drop the oil where he had found it.

Aiden hummed in content, a happy smile curving at his lips as he watched Sanji pull on his clothes and moved to the vanity table to fix his hair." Thank you, Vinsmoke Sanji, today meant a lot to me. And I'm not just talking about the sex."

Sanji whipped around in surprise and peered over at the prostitute staring at him smugly." Y-you know my name – you know who -"

"You are?" Aiden completed his sentence sitting up and resting his weight on his palms as he leaned back. He smile widened and his head cocked to the side." Blonde hair, grey blue eyes, creamy skin, a tinge of french accent on the tongue, always with a fag? It's hard not to recognize a member of the Straw Hat pirates, especially their lovely cook."

Sanji opened his mouth to say something.

" Everyone recognized you. I was shocked myself too, no one ever thought a Straw Hat pirates to be a lovely queer. But it's fine. " Aiden said slipping out of the bed and slowly moving towards Sanji. He wrapped his arms around the taller male, smiling when Sanji reciprocated by wrapping his arms around his waist." When will you visit again? "

Sanji but his lips in uncertainty. There was no guarantee that he would return especially with his feelings for Luffy. The sex was just to release pent up sexual frustration that rose till the point where he felt he couldn't refuse the temptation of letting himself go around Luffy. Even if Luffy and him weren't yet together, he still felt like he was betraying him. Aiden saw that hesitant look in his eyes and understood immediately." Ah, I get it"

He said craning his head to the side to stare under the blonde hair and into his beautiful eyes." Who's the guy." He asked.

"My Captain?" Sanji groaned feeling stupid and so much like a love struck teenager." I've been in love with my Captain since the day I saw him."

" And let me take a guess, he's not gay? "Aiden offered

Sanji stared at him hopelessly.

"Well lucky for you, I am the master of love advice, stay for a while and I'll tell you what to do." Aiden yipped in excitement dragging Sanji to the bed for a long talk.

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