
26. Chapter 26

Chapter 26

"What do you mean you don't think you can get home?" Jay asked frantically. He was so excited to see her, hold her, finally be together. This wasn't going to get in the way, it couldn't, not now. How cruel the world was.

"We got word today that this virus is taking hold and spreading here, fast. It's bad Jay, really bad", she said quietly.

"They can't possibly expect you to stay there during this then? You live here. Chicago is your home, not New York. You can't be forced to stay", Jay replied.

"I know but things are shutting down already. You've seen the news now. I don't know what to do this happened so fast. FBI said I can stay in a safe house they have here. OA has been sick all week too. I don't think we have it…but I can't live with myself if I bring it back to you guys", Hailey said nervously.

"Do you have the symptoms? They are pretty general", Jay asked more calmly.

"Not really. I mean I have a bit of a cough, but no shortness of breath or fever. It's just a cold. Same with OA he's been sniffling all week", Hailey explained.

Jay didn't really love that she was taking care of her New York partner, but here they were.

"My flights already been cancelled", Hailey stated.

"Well I will come and get you then", Jay logically replied.

"I just talked to Voight. He isn't going to let you do that", Hailey said, the tears more evident in her voice now.

"WHAT?!" Jay was getting angry now, only making his head feel worse.

"Haven't you talked to him yet? The group chat is blowing up", Hailey asked confused why he was so out of the loop.

"No I haven't, I've been lying down all night I have a bad headache", Jay explained.

"Ahh okay. Well maybe talk to the team first and see what your quarantine plans are. I'll figure it out on my end I guess… I've been sick this week I don't know if they'll let me travel", she said.

Silence from Jay as he was thinking. "Hailey you have to get back", he said softly.

"I know. Don't worry okay, we'll figure it out", she said as she hung up the phone to let Jay deal with whatever was happening in Chicago right now.

"Dyeing the river green has been cancelled?!" Jay looked at his phone in disbelief, this can't be happening.

He called Voight, who calmly tried to explain to him what their protocol was for now, according to the CDC. It was out of his hands.

"You sent her to New York! YOU Hank. Now we're in the middle of a pandemic, you need to get her out of there", Jay didn't care how panicked he sounded, because he was.

"I understand Halstead. I am just as overwhelmed and uncertain as you right now. I'm doing everything I can", Voight said.

"Fix it", Jay didn't wait for a response before he hung up the phone and started calling the others.

After much discussion and confusion, a range of emotions on the phone, Jay decided to phone his brother. Throughout all of this it didn't really occur to him how Will was feeling about everything going on. He was going to be on the frontlines of this and that made him feel even more uneasy.

"Am I nervous? Sure. This is new and we don't know anything about the virus. How it affects people, how much this is going to cripple our hospitals. But for right now, I'm going to continue doing my job, the job I signed up for. I know this could be a possibility at some point in my career, don't worry about me Jay it's going to be alright deep breath okay", Will tried to calmly reassure him.

"Okay", Jay said sounding unsure of himself.

"Have you talked to Hailey?" Will asked, which was apparently the wrong thing to say.

"Of course I've talked to her. She's stuck in New York, the absolute worst place to be right now. She doesn't know what to do", Jay retorted.

"Alright. Well it might take her some extra time, but you know she's going to come home right? She's okay", Will replied.

"She has a cold, she's freaking out that it's the virus now", Jay explained.

Will then understood his panic. "I see. Well does she have any of the symptoms? It could very well just be a cold Jay…"

"I know that Will, but the timing…her whole team is sick. I'm worried about her", he said quietly.

Will listened empathetically, "I know you are. But Hailey is young and healthy, in great shape. Even if she did have it, chances are it's going to be a mild case." If Jay wasn't going to listen to him as his brother, he would try the logical doctor approach.

He heard Jay exhale deeply on the other end of the phone.

"Is she going to be allowed to travel?" Jay asked, hoping his brother would know the answer.

Will's turn to be silent and exhale. "She could try and get a test, although right now things are a bit up in the air. If she's negative she could try and get out of the city."

"Can you call her Will? She's freaking out. And so am I", Jay admitted. Will a bit surprised on the other end about his honesty.

Will promised he would get a hold of Hailey and tried to reassure Jay things were going to work out, he could hear him getting anxious on the phone.

After ending the call with Will, Jay sat in his apartment, still in the dark, too drained to turn on the TV again. He decided to crawl into bed to try and shake this headache and hope that tomorrow would bring good news.

Thursday morning came and Jay felt like he slept for five minutes. No really. He was up for what felt like the entire night just tossing and turning, thinking about Hailey and how he could get her home as soon as possible.

He didn't even wait for his alarm to go off at 6, he was up, showered, tried to eat something even though he barely had an appetite. His anxiety was through the roof today and he could already tell this day was going to be long and terrible.

The sharp ache in his skull had subdued to be more of a dull one, although still there. The lack of sleep and stress were getting to him this week for sure. He drove into work early and sat at his desk, trying to make sense of this. For all they knew, the world as they knew it was gone. These were different times now.

Jay barely made it through the morning fidgeting around the bullpen. The CPD was trying to create a plan moving forward for working during the pandemic. It was pure chaos, Trudy was downstairs fielding calls left right and center. Jay and Rojas had gone out to do a coffee and donut run on Voight. It had been a stressful few days, so he was treating the team.

Jay was quiet during the truck ride to the donut shop, well more quiet than he usually was. Vanessa had learned that Jay was chatty when he wanted to be, sometimes he just had to make the first conversation move. She thought they had made some significant friendship progress during the time Hailey's been away, especially the whole saving her life thing. She knew he was stressed out about Hailey being in New York and on top of that not feeling well this week. She didn't want to add to his bad mood by making unnecessary small talk.

Jay was trying to ignore the growing pain in the back of his throat, trying to avoid talking because it was beginning to hurt. He was glad Vanessa picked up on the fact that he wasn't really in the mood to chat. Of all of his co-workers, he really thought Vanessa was the most intuitive. He just needed to make it through the day and go home to sleep it off. They pulled up to the store, grabbed their coffee and donuts and headed back to his truck.

Vanessa noticed Jay clearing his throat and how hoarse he sounded in the donut shop. She pulled out a lozenge she had in her coat pocket and slowly held out her hand for him to grab it. He smiled weakly at her and took it, the lemon and honey flavour helping a bit.

"Thanks", he said quietly, she nodded in return.

They were quiet the rest of the ride to the district and Jay was glad when Vanessa took the reigns and yelled to everyone that they were back with coffee and treats. He silently retreated to his desk and finished working on his reports. Voight informed the team that everyone had the day off tomorrow as the district was undergoing a deep clean, as per orders from Public Health. Everyone was excited for that, no one more than Jay, although for different reasons. He would be able to sleep all day and hopefully kick whatever he was coming down with before Hailey got back. Another thing, he would have time to figure out how he was getting Hailey home.

His thoughts were interrupted when Vanessa gently set a mug of tea on his desk while the others were going about their business.

"Not feeling good?" She asked quietly.

Jay shook his head, admitting it for once.

"Why don't you go home? You and Hailey are both going to be sick in bed this weekend", she said attempting to make him smile.

"Voight has someone in holding I have to question about a convenience story robbery. Then I'm leaving", he said as he checked his watch.

"Alright. Let me know if you need anything. You look kinda pale", she replied.

"I'll be fine Vanessa, just need to make it another hour or so", he said clearing his throat.

She shrugged her shoulders at him and went back to her desk. Kim silently watching the exchange. Jay was getting sick she could tell, she had known him long enough. And also knew him well enough to not bother him or ask if he wasn't feeling well, he hated fussing of any sort. Unless it was Hailey doing the fussing, but that was a different story all together. She chuckled at Vanessa's naivety, the rookie had a lot to learn.

Any update on when you're coming back? Jay fired off a text to Hailey after he was finishing questioning the suspect, who readily sold out his accomplices. Easy case after all.

Not yet… got tested this morning. Hopefully get results soon. Finally can go an hour without blowing my nose though!

Jay chuckled at that, and based on how he was feeling, he almost didn't want to tell her that a snotty Kleenex filled weekend was probably in his very near future.

Keep me posted, my throats killing me I'm leaving work now and going home to sleep it off. Do you think you'll be back this weekend?

That's not good…get some rest okay. I'm not sure…might have to stay another week or so depending on these results.

That hurt Jay's heart on a different level, he was trying to be optimistic but there seemed to be more and more shoppingmode doom and gloom updates every hour regarding this pandemic.

Okay, wish you were here.

Me too Jay, miss you

Missing you more

That signalled the end of their conversation, as Jay was needing to get packed up and out of the district. His bed was calling his name. He was planning on taking some meds and hopefully passing out for the night.

Vanessa met up with him in the parking lot just before getting in his truck.

"Call me if you need anything okay Jay? For real", she looked him up and down again, seeing the slight rosy undertone of his cheeks now.

He nodded, even that taking all the energy out of him. Over the last few hours he was beginning to feel more and more like he had been hit by a bus.

She smiled sympathetically, getting into Hailey's car which was temporarily hers and heading home, not expecting to hear from Jay again.

Jay woke up the middle of the night in a cold sweat, trying to orient himself. He didn't have a nightmare, but he did realize he had a fever. The chills really gave it away.

Great, he thought. He was trying to check in with his body and see what was hurting, turns out it was everything, but primarily his throat. His alarm clock read 4:30 am, way too early to text Hailey. He dragged himself out of bed into his kitchen to grab a glass of water to wash down the Tylenol he found in his medicine cabinet.

Luckily, that kicked in pretty fast and allowed him to go back to sleep, he was still in denial this was here to stay and that he would be fine after some rest.

He woke up again around 10 am, pleasantly surprised that he slept that long. What he wasn't pleasantly surprised with was how sore his throat was, and how hard it was to swallow. He didn't want to admit it to himself but he was pretty sure he had strep. He had it before plenty of times, especially as a kid, some antibiotics would be all he needed.

He reached around his bed for his phone, seeing a few missed texts from Will and Vanessa.

Tried to call last night, everything okay? Talked to Hailey, her test came back negative, but she still can't find a way home…

He sighed in relief at seeing that message from Will. Hailey was still stuck in New York, but at least she didn't have this virus.

Ya went to bed early. That's good news, hopefully she can get a flight she was looking into some last night, so was Voight. Jay replied.

You're doing okay with this? Will asked back immediately.

That was fast…ya I'm okay. Just want her to get home safely. Jay decided not to tell Will he was on his deathbed, he didn't want to bother him, and he was glad he didn't based on the next text.

I know, me too. It's getting really bad there. A few of my friends from med school working in New York have it, one is on a ventilator… She's only 35. We're preparing for the worst here now. Please stay safe Jay. Will sadly messaged back.

Jay winced at reading that, now he really couldn't tell Will he was pretty sure he had strep throat. Let alone want to go to a hospital right now.

Sorry to hear that, hopefully they pull through. You stay safe too.

Trying my best, still at work, think we're going to be in for a rough go here.

Jay did some quick math, Will came off night shift at 7 am normally…it was 10:30 and he was still working. He felt some anxiety sneak up as he thought about what his brother was about to face. If it was anything like the news was describing… He shook his head. No, can't think like that right now. Think positive thoughts.

Call me later okay? Was all Jay could come up with.

Sounds good, talk to you tonight.

Jay read the text from Vanessa next, as suspected it was her checking in on him.

How are you feeling? She sent around 8 am, he figured he should respond so that she didn't come looking for him.

Alright thanks, just trying to sleep it off.

She messaged back right away. Good to hear, get some sleep.

Jay set his phone down on his nightstand and tried to do just that.

He wouldn't exactly call what he did for the next several hours sleeping, more so just shivering then sweating then shivering again while in bed in the dark with his eyes closed.

When he could barely swallow water, he decided to admit defeat and sent out the white flag text to Vanessa.

Can you do me a favour?

Sure, what's up? She replied a few minutes later.

Can you take me to the clinic? Think I have strep

He was glad when she sent a message back immediately rather than attempting to call him. On my way!

That was his cue to try and rally himself, at least to get out of bed and into some fresh clothes.

There was a knock at his front door about 20 minutes later.

That was fast, he thought to himself. Talking hurt too much so when he mustered up all of his strength to go unlock the door, all he could do was raise his eyebrows at her.

"It's not everyday that THE Jay Halstead asks for your help, figured it must be an emergency", she said, understanding that his look was questioning how she got across town this quickly.

He forced a smile and shook his head as he moved out of the doorway to let her into his apartment. Her hand went up to his forehead before he could protest.

"Jay", she chided, "you're burning up."

"Hence the clinic", he managed to say, sassily too.

That caused her to roll her eyes and laugh, "Still have your attitude, you must not be quite on your deathbed yet then" she teased.

"It feels like I am", he said, barely audible. Sounding a little more sorry for himself than he intended.

Vanessa quickly dropped her joking attitude too, clearly Jay was not feeling well and needed her help today.

"Alright, alright", she said as she grabbed his jacket from the back of a barstool. "Let's go get you checked out. You have your wallet?" She asked him as he nodded to confirm and locked his apartment behind them.

The ride over to the walk-in clinic was quiet, Vanessa even turned the radio off as she watched Jay close his eyes in the passenger seat.

"Jay", she whispered, waking him up instantly.

"We're here", she told him as he looked around to get his bearings. He simply nodded and took his seatbelt off, dragging himself out of the car and into the clinic.

Fortunately, there were only a few people ahead of them so the wait wasn't going to be too long. Since Jay had a fever, he was told to put a mask on. Vanessa helped him ease into a chair, she could feel his energy fading, and the struggle it was to move right now. He was complaining of body aches too.

"I think people are maybe nervous to come here", Vanessa said looking around. The waiting room only had one other guy, a mother and young daughter and an elderly woman in it. Everyone was spread out, a few were wearing masks like Jay.

"Mmm", Jay mumbled agreeing with her. He knew that once he got antibiotics he would feel much better.

"Have you eaten anything today?" She asked as he shook his head no.

"I made a big batch of soup this morning, you can come stay in Hailey's room tonight. Okay?"

Jay raised his head that was resting against his propped up hand to stare at her.

"Least I could do Jay. You pulled me out of Lake Michigan this week. It's probably my fault you're sick", she said sheepishly.

"Can't get sick from cold weather", he said.

"The 40 degree water probably didn't help with whatever it is that you're coming down with though", she replied.

He shrugged indifferently, going back to resting his head in his hands. "I still wouldn't have done anything different", he whispered, the most she's heard him say all day.

Vanessa smiled, gently patting him on the back.

They waited and waited, almost an hour had gone by and Jay was becoming impatient, as was Vanessa. A young teenager who came in after them was seen by a doctor before them, which made her mad. He didn't even look sick or hurt.

"Why didn't we just go see your brother again?" She asked curiously.

"He has enough on his plate with this whole pandemic. He was really stressed out when I talked to him earlier", Jay explained.

"Gotcha. Although I'm sure he would have made time for you", Vanessa reasoned.

"I know. I just- didn't want to bother him", Jay replied with a yawn.

Almost another hour went by, during that time Jay's chin had slowly slipped off his hand and found a resting place on Vanessa's shoulder. She grinned, and tried to stay as still as possible. Jay was jumpy as hell in his sleep she was beginning to realize.

She was able to move ever so slightly to take her phone out and take a quick selfie of them to Hailey. Jay was passed out and she made a sad face.

Day off activities. Hailey come get your man. Vanessa sent as the caption along with the picture.

Vanessa! You're killing me. Poor thing. He actually let you take him to a doctor?!

I know right…believe it or not it was his idea that we came here.

Seriously? I need to get home ASAP then, who is this guy and what have you done with my partner Jay Halstead?

Partner huh. Wink wink

Haha yes partner…hope to see you guys soon. Let me know how he's doing later

Vanessa put her phone away and went back to waiting patiently, continuing to let Jay rest his head on her shoulder. She was beginning to feel herself doze off when she heard a nurse come into the waiting room.

"Jay Halstead?" The young woman asked.

Upon hearing his name, Jay shot up immediately. He followed a nurse back into an exam room on autopilot and Vanessa texted Kevin to let him know what was going on.

Jay wasn't back there long, maybe 20 minutes, before he resurfaced.

"Strep?" Vanessa asked as she stood up to meet him.

Jay nodded and showed her the prescription for antibiotics that he needed. The nurse followed them out, knowing Jay was having a hard time talking.

"Classic case of strep throat, and an ear infection. He told me he ended up in Lake Michigan earlier this week?" The nurse told Vanessa, who winced at that news.

"Uhhh yeah, he did", Vanessa looked apologetically at Jay.

"Well, he just needs a round of antibiotics and that should clear everything up. He should start to feel better in the next 24 hours or so, make sure to finish all of these even when you start to feel better okay?" Jay gave a thumbs up, he knew the drill.

"His fever is 102 right now, plenty of fluids and rest Jay" The nurse advised and went back to her other patients.

Vanessa and Jay went back out to her car and headed towards Jay's place to grab an overnight bag and then towards the nearest pharmacy. She volunteered to go in and let Jay wait in the car, which he was grateful for, he wasn't sure how much more walking he had in him today.

She came back out armed with his medicine and other random items that she thought he might want or need. Gatorade, some Tylenol, jello, things like that. He had fallen asleep again so she quietly started the car and headed back to her place.

Jay was awake by the time Vanessa pulled up in front of their house, and he got out slowly. He took his shoes and jacket off and immediately collapsed onto the couch.

"Do you want to try some soup? You need to take these pills with food" Vanessa asked from the kitchen.

"Okay", Jay agreed.

Vanessa came back out with a bowl of chicken noodle and water. Jay had a few bites and took the pills, hoping he would feel better soon.

"Thanks for doing this Vanessa", he said quietly.

She smiled. "I owed you one, we don't need to talk Jay just rest alright?"

He nodded as he finished his soup and Vanessa went upstairs to bring down a pillow and blanket so he could lie on the couch.

He got horizontal right away and she tucked him in, making sure he wasn't going to overheat. They were watching something random on Netflix, Jay's eyes closed pretty soon afterwards anyways.

Vanessa snuck away to make herself some dinner and message Hailey.

Hey, Jay's alright. Has strep and an ear infection, started his antibiotics and now he's fast asleep on our couch. Hope you don't mind but I just brought him back here, didn't feel right leaving him alone at his place

Hailey got back to her a few minutes later. Of course, aww that's kind of you Vanessa, thanks for taking care of him. See you guys soon hopefully

Vanessa smiled and enjoyed her meal, heading upstairs to change and reply to a voicemail Kim left her. It was asking her to join them for drinks tonight, to which Vanessa declined. Kim called her right away.

"Since when have you turned down having drinks at my place?" She joked.

Vanessa laughed, "Jay's here. I ended up having to take him to the walk-in clinic today he has strep throat. Currently fast asleep on our couch, can't exactly leave him."

"Ahhh I see. That sucks. Hopefully he's being a nice patient, he can get a little grumpy when he's sick", Kim warned her.

Vanessa poked her head around the corner to see Jay still asleep quietly on the couch, she didn't really get that from him at all today.

"Haha no he's been okay. Everyone's a little grumpy when they aren't feeling well right?"

"Ya you're right. Talk to you later, tell Jay we hope he feels better!" Kim replied before ending their call.

The rest of the night was pretty quiet, Jay slept most of the time. Vanessa woke him up once to take some Tylenol because his fever was still not breaking. Vanessa was watching a movie and starting to fall asleep around 11 herself when she heard the front door start to turn.

Immediately on high alert she sat up on the couch and was ready to grab her weapon. She laughed a little when she heard a key in the latch and was extra relieved and surprised at who walked in.

"Hailey!" Vanessa exclaimed and got up to give her a hug, immediately trying to quiet her voice so she didn't wake Jay.

"Hey roomie", the blonde Detective smiled. "Don't you two look like quite the pair", Hailey eluded to Vanessa's black eye and her sick partner passed out on their couch.

"It's been a week", Vanessa replied, earning a nod and a you can say that again, from Hailey.

"How is he?" Hailey whispered as she set her bags down in the hallway.

"He's alright, he's been asleep pretty much since dinner", she replied.

Hailey tip toed towards the couch and set the back of her hand on Jay's forehead. "He's still really warm", she said concerned.

"I know, I've given him Tylenol, hopefully the antibiotics kick in soon too."

"They should", Hailey said as she knelt down next to the couch and gently ran her hand through his hair.

Vanessa's heart skipped a beat when she saw Hailey kneel down next to Jay and kiss him on the forehead as her fingers played with his hair.

Jay started to stir at the sound of a very familiar voice and hand on his cheek. He was convinced he was having a fever dream. When he opened his eyes, he still thought his mind was playing tricks on him.

"Hailey?" He asked confused.

"Hey partner", she said quietly with a big smile on her face.

"How did you get back?!" He whispered hoarsely.

"Shhh", she stroked his forehead. "I'll explain everything. Let's go to bed though okay?"

Jay sat up slowly and nodded his head at that. He accepted Hailey's outstretched hand to pull himself off the couch. When he stood he immediately used all of his energy and enveloped her in a big hug, holding her there for a minute.

"My work here is done", Rojas said smugly as she went upstairs to her own bed.

They both smiled at that. "Come on Jay, bed. For real. You don't look great."

"I'm better now", he gave her a wink and followed her to get some shut eye.

Couldn't resist a sick Jay and an Upstead reunion in one chapter. Hope everyone enjoys! I forget who I saw post on here about Upstead reminding them of songs off the new Taylor Swift album- but YES AGREED! I've been drowning in nostalgic Taylor feels all week. Have a safe and happy long weekend if you are celebrating like myself here in Canada - K