
Chapter 17: Under the Radar

Fallon sniggered at his mother and sisters faces, before winking at me. I casually take a plate of food and begin eating.

"What" I ask annoyed

"I think she didn't get the memo" Adella says  like I'm not  here

"What memo?" I say pretending to be confused

"That we don't dress like street rats for dinner" She says looking at me in disgust

"The Weird Sisters aren't for street rats" I say looking down at my shirt

"please leave the table until you change."Astoria says prudely. I give a undignified snort, As I stand up walking away. At the door I turn around and say, "I'll be taking dinner in my room."

After I leave  I can here Adella and Astoria talking.

"She could at least have some class"

I finish my food in my room, whilst reading my mothers old battered copy of, Hogwarts a History. A small rap comes from g he door

"Who's there" I ask

"Adella Lilyana Zabini" Adella says dramatically.

"Come in" I say rolling my eyes. Adella slams the door open, I her hand is a piece of paper and a necklace.

"What do you want" I say trying very hard to be polite.

"Not what I want what our Mother wants. She said to give you these and send you to her office. She also told me to make sure your dressed appropriately." She says placing the paper and necklace on the desk, "that means change" She snaps flinging the closet door open. She rummages around in the closet pulling out a slim green evening gown, it fell to my mid thigh and was tight and sleek.

"There is no way I'm wearing that" I say taking the dress from her and shoving it back in the closet. Instead I pull out a shapeless green dress that could pass as a nightgown. Adella looked at it in disgust, sensing she wouldn't let me leave until I put on something more "presentable", I rummaged around in my closet grabbing a knitted sweater to pull over the dress.

"Better?" I say exasperated

"Shabby chic. I suppose, but its not my fault when mum gets angry" She says annoyed

"Can we go I'd rather be reading my book right now. So the soon we can get this meeting with your mother over and me back to my book the better" I say grabbing the paper and following Adella out.

A few minutes later Adella has left me stranded I front of a large oak door. I push it open to reveal a plush office with green velvet chairs and a roaring fire. There Astoria sits a glass of fire whiskey in hand staring into the fire.

"Took you long enough" She mumbles turning to face me.

"I only just arrived, you have rather high expectations when it comes to my knowledge of you homes floor plan" I say, "now what do you want". Instead of answering, she slaps my face.

"What was that for" I say annoyed

"The mudblood obviously did a bloody brilliantly job of raising you to respect your mother"

"I do respect my mother. I don't respect people who abandon me, take me away from my mother and insult her" I say defiantly, "I have no respect for you nor will I ever, now what do you want". Again she slaps me across the face.

"I'm not going to fight you, your not worth my time now tell me what you want or I'm leaving" I say really annoyed now

"To sign the paper" She says handing me a peacock feather quill.

"You want me to sign the paper without reading it?" I ask like she's stupid

"Don't you trust me?" She says sweetly, "sign it" she forces the Quill at me. I take it and unroll the parchment.

"I Cresseida Narcissa Malfoy, agree to legally change my surname, to Greengrass

Legal Guardian

Astoria Rose Greengrass Zabini"

"My name is Cresseida Granger, and I will not change my name." I say defiantly

"Yes you will, even if I have to make you sign the paper myself"

"No. I'd rather be a Riddle than a Greengrass" I shout at her.

"Fine" Astoria says pulling out her wand, "imperio".

I'm sitting in a velvety chair in front of a fireplace. The room is empty, besides me. On the table next to me is a piece of parchment.

I Cresseida Narcissa Malfoy, agree to legally change my surname, to Greengrass

Legal Guardian

Astoria Rose Greengrass Zabini

Dependent Signature

Cresseida Narcissa Malfoy.

Tucked under the paper is a letter from the Wizengamot.

Dear Ms. Greengrass,

We are pleased to inform you that the legal change of your surname has been accepted by the M.O.M.

-Susan Bones

I was no longer a Granger or a Malfoy. My name is

Cresseida Narcissa Greengrass.

I'd still rather be a Riddle.