
Miss Wayne

Hi everyone, my name is Una Wayne. When I was little, I expected to have a lot of family. This wish came true after many twists and turns. I now have an old father, three older brothers, a housekeeper, and a younger brother who will appear at some point and doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. The family is harmonious as father and son, brothers and sisters respect each other, and they are all city vigilante superheroes. I am very touched. ...If I hadn't killed the clown wearing the shell of the boss of the evil force organization This is a translation of the original book. All credit goes to the author. Thank you The novel is completed.

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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123 Chs

Chapter 102

However, although Tony likes to run away from home, he still has a sense of the overall situation and has not released anything that should not be released. The current situation can still be managed.

And now there is a telepathic boss on Yuna's side. With him, at least now Batman and the others can see their thoughts at a glance. Even for superheroes, it is difficult to control things like thinking, and they cannot hide what they are thinking.

And some ordinary interference methods have no effect on Charles. After all, he is a mutant leader with extremely strong mental power. There has never been a mutant power in this world, and he has no understanding of telepathy. If this can be blocked, Charles will So shameless.

Confirming that the matter was under control, Yuna quickly calmed down.

The little girl with black hair and blue eyes showed a blank expression after seeing the black history, and then suddenly got stuck, and her ears gradually turned red. Although she tried her best to stay calm on the surface, she could not help but reveal that she was a little heartbroken.

Dick had a hard time not to laugh.

Una Wayne hesitated to speak, hesitated to speak, and finally looked at Charles helplessly: "... "


Let's talk about business." Tony shrugged: "After all, little Yuna is the beginning of everything, isn't she?"

- The highlight is here.

Yuna raised the corners of her lips imperceptibly.

Anyway, I already have enough messy settings, adding one or two more is nothing.

So in Tony's narration and other people's questions from time to time, a new story took shape.

——Euna Wayne, when she was six years old, she suddenly appeared in front of Tony Stark, the richest man in New York who was held hostage by terrorists. ——Euna suspected that Tony deliberately revealed his identity. He seemed to It was very inconsistent with Bruce's aura - and then quickly disappeared.

The second time they met, she was seriously injured and was picked up by Tony. They stayed with her for a while, and then disappeared again until she appeared on the battlefield during the New York War - at that time her left leg was mutilated and seriously injured. .

Charles gave them a brief introduction to the Battle of New York - after all, after the world merged, these were no longer secrets, including Tony Stark's identity, there was nothing that could not be known.

So Yuna was raised by the Avengers, which can also explain why she always behaves unusually. After all, how ordinary can a child who has been with superheroes since childhood be?

"Yuna fell into the sea when she was six years old, and all subsequent clues point to her being rescued and living in Italy." Batman said.

Therefore, there are two possibilities now - first, Yuna's series of information that is so real that it is difficult to doubt was all prepared in advance, and the identity of the person who could prepare these things is definitely not simple. The second is... Yuna has a special ability, and this ability allows her to travel between the two worlds, but due to the different speed of time or other reasons, she has always maintained the rhythm of life in Italy.

And... Bruce almost instantly connected Yuna's ability with that weird incident sixteen years ago. What's more, he has never forgotten that in a sense, Yuna

is not a human being.

Charles nodded: "Nana does have special abilities."

Now it was obviously time for the more convincing mutant leader to explain: "I believe you have also collected some intelligence about our world. There are special mutant powers in our world. Evolved mutants appeared due to the existence of

the Bloodline," Charles glanced at the people present who were obviously informed, "I believe you have also investigated. You couldn't find anything at first, right? We only discovered the clues because of the radiation emitted by the Cosmic Cube." Another familiar

word. , the Cosmic Cube.

Batman narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The substance that can really affect her should be in your world. I think the Cosmic Cube accidentally caused this effect because of its power of space. That is to say, from this analysis, we found that her genes are not the same as those of humans. , without that layer of passive cover, many unusual aspects have been exposed - including the extremely powerful self-healing ability that we have always been puzzled about before." "These

are Yuna's abilities, or racial characteristics. ."

Charles tilted his head and looked at Superman: "I think you need to know this better."

"Yes." Superman nodded: "For example, Kryptonians have the same abilities as me under the yellow sun." "

We are here He intended to protect Nana, but who knew that she suddenly disappeared again, and the time of disappearance... For us, five or six years have passed, but for you in this world, it should be the first time Nana sailed from Italy. "The time when the ship set foot on Gotham land, right?"

- And this was the time when she discovered the death of Jason Todd.

Bruce looked at the girl who had lowered her eyes quietly a few years ago, and felt that all the doubts were connected.

Yuna is indeed a good person and kind-hearted, but this does not mean that she is simple.

Just as they had speculated before, Yuna was actually very difficult to deal with. She is acquainted with the top executives of the black organization, and they all seem to have a high opinion of her; she has the special ability to contact other worlds in advance, and has been taught by superheroes. Perhaps this is because she has an innocent heart and can also An important reason for surviving in chaotic Italy; her character is as good as her strategy. I am afraid that her identity will be exposed the moment he meets her, but she hides herself very well. If it weren't for Batman's inertia Suspicious, I'm afraid many doubts will be easily let go.

That's awesome, Una Wayne.

But this also proves that she and the people in the Black Organization are indeed different individuals - Batman had even speculated that they were the same person before.

But now it seems that Yuna's ability does not have the ability to clone or transform. Moreover, if she had known his identity and she was the leader of the black organization, there would be no need to risk exploring the Batcave at night.

Batman didn't think that the other party could deduce the current situation so long ago, so he deliberately did so to mislead him.

Bruce recalled

her behavior when she knew Jason was dead, and he was the first person she met after Jason was resurrected.

Now it seems that it may not be a coincidence.

Charles smiled and said, "It's inconvenient for Nana, so I'll convey what she meant."

"She did deduce your identities, but she always thought that we people and that world were all her dreams or hallucinations. After all, judging from our experiments, everything about us is very blurry on her side in reality." "

It is only in the past few days that the world is about to merge that it gradually becomes clear."

Therefore, she will react to the sudden appearance. Tony Stark has good intentions, and Bruce often sees her lost in thought when reading a book, as if she is reminiscing about something.

"So the integration of the worlds started at that time?" Dick said thoughtfully.

"I don't think so." Charles thought for a moment: "I think that's just Nana's personal ability."

Yuna, who was at the center of the topic, was looking for candy from the red hood's pocket.

The Red Hood, who knows everything, is extremely calm. He has so much information, even if he can't reveal all the information, he can still understand a little or two. In any case, he knows more than these people with fake scripts.

So he didn't bother to pay attention to the few people walking around. His brows were raised slightly and he pressed the other person's hand. His body language was very clear: No belt, just stay calm.

Yuna:? I obviously saw it?

Red Hood: You're wrong.

Yuna: ...

When she raised her eyes, she noticed Superman's helpless gaze, and blinked to express that she didn't want to get involved in the adults' conversation at all.

By the time the adults had completed their initial understanding, they had already decided on the time and place for their next meeting. At that time, it would be the time to formally exchange information, and several major members of the main alliance would basically be present.

And Tony was also ready to pull Steve over.

However, after the business was finished, no one in the room had any intention of leaving.

Yuna: Suddenly I had a bad feeling.

"Nana, just go back first." Charles rubbed her head, looked at Superman, and said gently: "Can you help send her home? Please."

Superman understood that they had something to say privately, and did not want Yuna to be present, so he protected her in his cloak and left quickly with Yuna's "?" eyes.

...Rao, the look between B and Red Hood at the end was so scary.

Superman sighed softly and returned to Wayne House almost instantly. Instead of leaving immediately, he hung out of the window and blinked: "Can I come in and sit for a while?"

Yuna couldn't help but laugh: "Of course. ."

Her smile was gentle and harmless: "I want to know what they are talking about, can you help me spoil it?"

The little girl made a slit with her index finger and thumb, indicating that a little bit is enough.


The Kryptonian was hit hard by the beauty with black hair and blue eyes, but he also stuck to the bottom line and coughed lightly and said: "I will consider it."

They didn't want to support him by letting him go home from Yuna. Drive him, after all everyone knows that Superman's hearing is extremely terrifying. Therefore, there are some things that he can hear, but it is not convenient for Yuna to hear them directly.

Superman followed the conversation of several people with some curiosity.

In the apartment, after Superman left with Yuna, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

The gentle smile on Charles's face slowly faded. When Professor

Stark snapped his fingers, and the light screen that had been put away to display Yuna's dark history appeared in front of everyone again, and this time the content on it was not gentle to the people in front of him. .

The young child with black hair and blue eyes lay lifeless on the red-stained hospital bed, with a deathly silence in his eyes. Because he knew his ending, the fear he should have dissipated at this moment.

The temperature in the room dropped to the bottom in an instant. Although they had concealed it well, their sudden heavy breathing also revealed their mood at the moment.

Her limbs were far more mutilated than they were now, and there was not the slightest possibility of survival in her body.

If it was said that what was lying there was a corpse, no one would doubt it.