
Miss Troublemaker

Sometimes stuff makes you do despicable deeds. As of this moment, I am dumbfounded by the leather jacket held out to me. If I were not soaking wet, shivering with a cold, and going red due to fever, I would happily waste his attempt at being a gentleman. His biceps twitched as he held out the jacket further while he pitched his voice. How dare he command me? It can’t be possible that my wavering hands are reaching out for the jacket that is drenched with the scent of pure leather. Maybe my hands are naive or my vision is blurred or my senses are blocked as I am reaching out for something out of reach. I shut my eyes. Maybe I am just dreaming. Suddenly he wraps my shoulders with his jacket. I want to take it all in: the warmth, the pleasure, and the gist. All of his kindness seems to be a fantasy. Am I still alive? The warmth brings on realization and my eyes snap open. What am I doing with my enemy by my side?

Lee_Hazel · Urban
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23 Chs


Olive's pov

The fluid trickles drop by drop making its path through the IV tube into my narrow veins, leaving a cold aura behind.

I can't muster any more courage to acknowledge how embarrassing it was to fall in front of the hospital. My dear legs lost all hope to work forth after seeing a lady sitting on a wheelchair. Maybe they had a strong desire to be carried inside as well.

Anyhow, with a little assistance I limped into the doctor's office where I got a basic check. The doctor assured me that I had a mild fever because of the shock and that had nothing to do with being infected by the multiple injuries. My wounds were cleaned and ointments were applied. And a not so scary injection, with a needle not scary at all, was inserted in my poor arm. Now I am sitting peacefully in a chair in the hallway with a drip stand by the side.

I informed Lily ages ago where I was and now my drip is about to finish yet she hasn't arrived.

Think of the devil…

A squeal echoes through the entire hallway, ahhh Lily…

I try to stand up so that she doesn't create any further fuss, but it's no use.

"Olive, are you okay? Where were you? Is your leg broken?" she gasps after seeing the mere bandage.

"Breathe first. I am fine… Just a bruise here and there"

But instead of listening to me lily stares in my soul with a bemused look.

"You look kind of funny you know", she says hardly trying to suppress her laughter.

I roll my eyes; she isn't going to stop this for the next decade I believe.

"Do I have to announce the main reason why it all started? Whose coffee couldn't wait till the next morning?"

"Sure sure but not now let's go home first", Lily swirls

I clear my throat, "I need a little help here".

"Oops my bad"

Lily pulls me up and mumbles, "You are heavy dude"


The entire time I am limping towards the car I keep depicting the horrific events that occurred to me. While Lily kept shaking her head and complaining that I was still heavy even though only my arm was resting on her shoulder.

Lily practically shoves me into the passenger seat and hops in the driver's one.

I continue with my chatter but am only met with silence. I look at Lily before saying any further.

Her mouth is agape, but it isn't because of my heartfelt story. She is staring at her phone's screen.

"You are not even listening", I scream.

She waves her hand in front of me dismissing my protest, "Forget about your worries", she gets all excited, "Guess what?"

I tilt my head and open my eyes wide.

"I got a new job for you".

The shine in her eyes while saying those words is a lightening that fell on me from the sky.