
Miss Troublemaker

Sometimes stuff makes you do despicable deeds. As of this moment, I am dumbfounded by the leather jacket held out to me. If I were not soaking wet, shivering with a cold, and going red due to fever, I would happily waste his attempt at being a gentleman. His biceps twitched as he held out the jacket further while he pitched his voice. How dare he command me? It can’t be possible that my wavering hands are reaching out for the jacket that is drenched with the scent of pure leather. Maybe my hands are naive or my vision is blurred or my senses are blocked as I am reaching out for something out of reach. I shut my eyes. Maybe I am just dreaming. Suddenly he wraps my shoulders with his jacket. I want to take it all in: the warmth, the pleasure, and the gist. All of his kindness seems to be a fantasy. Am I still alive? The warmth brings on realization and my eyes snap open. What am I doing with my enemy by my side?

Lee_Hazel · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


Aaron's pov

As soon as Mr. Han swings the front door to the house open Eric comes rushing towards us.

"Where have you been? Do you know how mad grandpa is? Oh gosh that girl who you were supposed to meet threw such a big tantrum…"

"No need to rush", my voice comes out a bit rough.

I keep a steady pace and head towards the living room.

Regardless of the advice Eric keeps up with his pace of complaining and dumping all the information he has held within him for the time being.

"I can't even explain how difficult it was for me to keep up with the situation. Are you even listening?"

I take off my coat and fold it.

What a waste of effort!

"Hey! Where are you walking to?" Eric and his nonstop complain fills the air.

I flop on the sofa and sigh in disbelief.

"Ahh! I wore a tuxedo to the police station".

"Uh? What police station?"

"Big brother, were you arrested? Eric drops to my feet and looks at me with puppy eyes filled with curiosity.

Mr. Han clears his throat in the back, and tilts his head towards the lobby clearly gesturing Eric to follow him, so that he can spill all the juicy details of the night.

Eric shakes his head a bit to show that he couldn't interpret Mr. Han's vague signal.

"He is going to tell you the details", I say in a low tone while snatching my bow tie off and unbuttoning the collar of my shirt.

"Oh!", Eric jumps in excitement; squeals with his fists all tightly closed in joy and rushes out towards the lobby.

This boy, I don't know when he is going to grow up?

I get up and start walking to the other side of the living room towards the staircase.

I am halfway through that Eric comes back in leaps and bounds.

That was a quick explanation.

"Am I hearing it right big brother?" Eric is circling all around me after listening to the whole event narrated by Mr. Han.

I stay silent and continue to march to the stairs.

"Oh my", Eric tugs at the back of my shirt.

"Wait! Please just let me talk about it for once"

I steady myself at the spot and tap my toe on the floor in an act of approval to his pleads.

"Well what was her name again?" Eric looks at Mr. Han who had also followed along.

"Olive… Olive Martinez", he says reluctantly.

Moments ago Mr. Han was desperate to narrate the tale and now he is stuttering in front of me.

"Yeah", Eric is effortlessly being optimistic, "What a name!"

I frown but before I say anything he continues, "Brother you met a super woman today".

This description made her clumsiness flash before my eyes.

Humph a super woman who limped for so long after merely jumping on the road. What woman of steel or one with supernatural powers can't even bare a few bruises and a slight sprain in the ankle?

But as I think of it she didn't wimp like a cry baby. Hmm

Meanwhile, Eric is busy boasting about all the in depth details of my life he is aware of.

"No woman has ever dared to talk back to you or look at you straight in the eye let alone render you ill".

His tone is a bit sarcastic.

I bet he enjoyed this moment the most as he can utterly not hold back his laughter and episodes of giggle escape periodically.

It surely is hard to differentiate if he is pitiful or mocking at me.

Have I lost my charisma and the aura of authority after meeting Olive?

This weird thought makes a pang of anger swish through me.

"Enough of this Olive praise", I raise my voice

"Mr. Han you are free to go now".

"Yes sir", he complies with the suggestion that somewhat sounded like a threat and walks out

I step up the stairs.

"Wait you can't leave", Eric says as he pulls me down from the stairs again.

"I want to change; I am tired", I free my arm from his grip.

"But I have something so awesome to tell you"

"Then come along", I offer to which Eric dramatically reacts; letting out a shocked breath and covering his eyes with fingers wide apart.

A faint grin stretches across my face.

"Na! You go ahead. I won't bother you".

"Good", I say and head directly to my room.