
Miss Princess Wants A Commoner Life

Living in her castle all day, Princess Celestina always wanted to experience what it was like to live as a commoner as she said it. The only things that bring light to her are the romantic novels that she reads every night.. showing how students find the love of their lives and live happily after but once she gets a taste of it. It's not what she had expected...

Beelieveinyourself · Teen
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165 Chs

Chapter 6: Whole New World

"I... where am I..." The princess had awaken from her sudden slumber... she pats her belly.. as it lashes out to her... she needed food right away... although looking around her environment... it was nothing but street lights everywhere... and the motion sickness kicked in making her a bit dizzier...

"Oh.. so you weren't in a coma.," Lawrence says sarcastically as she would wake up in his lap.

"I- where.. am I exactly..." She looks around to see unfamiliar roads await her.. the dark night sky illuminated the window of the car. Pointing at her face. The grass and the sounds of the crickets were apparent almost giving her a scared expression...

"You are in the car to head to the airport. You see, according to the school, all the transfer students must arrive tomorrow since classes will start soon in that academy." Lawrence had explained to her.

She looked in the sky. Frowning.. looking back at her home castle in the distance of the mountains. "It's rather sad that the mother and father didn't bother to say goodbye to me."

Lawrence squinted his eyes at her. She would look at him in a puzzled manner. "Actually we did try to wake you up but you just didn't wake up. Even throwing water on you wasn't enough to wake you up." Lawrence explained to her holding back a little of his laughter.

"The paramedics even though you were in a coma by how you are unable to wake up after all the efforts we tried to wake you up from your slumber."

"Oh... well that was rather embarrassing... I am a heavy sleeper after all." She giggled.

"Yup.. a very heavy sleeper..." Lawrence sighs adjusting his body to be closer to the window to his side.

"Although..." Celestina fixes her messy bed hair and rubs her lips from the dryness. "Do you have some water? My lips are very dry."

Lawrence hands her the water bottle next to him.

"Thank you. Lawrence." She takes it and drinks the water making sure that her lips are moist and clean without that dry feeling.

"Not to worry princess... I've scheduled a hotel room for you near the airport. The flight will take a few hours and I believe you might need to freshen up before we go to another country. I'll inform the authorities that the pri-"

"Wait!" She interrupts Lawrence. "Does... the school that I'm transferring to.. know that I'm a princess?!"

"No. They don't, not yet at least... I do believe that your mission is to live like a commoner.. if people found out you were a princess then that would be against your mission. So I told the servants to not tell the schools when you were enrolled." Lawrence came in clutch.

"Thank you! Lawrence!" She hugs him so suddenly jumping him a little.

"HEY! I.. WHY ARE YOU HUGGING ME SO SUDDEN! YOU'RE WAY TOO CLOSE!" Lawrence bursts out blushing.. in the sudden embrace he received from Celestina. He pushes her gently away regaining his composure.

"Oh.. are you alright?" Celestina asks him.. moving away from his radius. "You seem to be a bit.. startled..."

"A bit is an understatement princess.." He reverted back to his monotone expression as he looked at her with his sharp eyes. "I do hope you know what you are doing princess... I believe that school life is not the same as it is portrayed in those novels you write."

"Well, I guess it's better to see it and experience it yourself rather than read it and imagine it. Don't you think?"

The car finally reaches the end of the mountain.. to where the cities are. Cities full of lights in the evening. Like fireflies in the night sky. It looks beautiful although it's light pollution.

"The lights are beautiful!" Celestina looks in the window to see buildings and cars driving on the roads. It was a common sight for the average city folk but for Celestina, it was nothing but an exotic sight for her. Being that the only thing she saw was the grass and the trees of the castle.

"I'm pretty sure that's common, princess.." The fact that she is fangirling over a road with lights says a lot about someone.

"Ooh! What is that over there! A picture is projected in the sky!" She pointed towards above. "Although I can't think for the life of me why would they put pictures of people in the sky..."

"It's a billboard princess, companies use it to promote their brand. Usually, when people are driving they will see the billboards so that's why they put it there for the people to see.." Lawrence explains to her.

"How fascinating! This would surely be a change of scenery... I wonder how our new fellow classmates would be like?!" She says excitedly... jumping up and down from her seat from the thrill..

"Well... I'm not expecting them to be great..." Lawrence says to her timidly before frowning.

Little did Celestina know. Lawrence actually did a little bit of research in the place they were going to. Just to prepare what they were getting into and to his surprise. The city they will be going to doesn't have the best reputation when it comes to the youths that inhabit it and they'll find out why soon.

"Stop!" Lawrence tells the driver of their vehicle. "This is the hotel we will be staying for a while to freshen up and have dinner. I'm sure that the princess is a bit hungry after not eating lunch and not even taking a shower before going here."

"Alright then. I will go ahead and drop you two off here.. give me a call when you get back." The driver tells them.

"Will do," Lawrence responds to the driver.

Celestina's eyes widen at the hotel... although.. it looked close to home... it was similar to what she was used to in the castle.

"Come on then. Let's get out of the vehicle so you can freshen up in the hotel room and then have dinner." Lawrence leads the way so that they can go inside the fancy five-star hotel...

The lobby was beautifully designed with a Victorian-era of architecture. The red velvet carpet was eye-catching followed by the furniture which was decorated in gold and white. Although in the distance.. the two catch their eye on something... a group of people surrounding something or someone...

Both wondered what the crowd was going crazy over... Lawrence turns to the nearest person and asks. "What is with the crowd over there? Is there something going on in the hotel lobby?

"Oh.. the starstagram star is here!" One of the people says excitedly..

"Starstagram? What's that?" Celestina looks at everyone in a puzzled manner.