
Miss Himomori

seoyeonghee · Realistic
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2 Chs

The Girl Behind Me, is Annoying。

This place sucks.

…I mean, what the hell is up with this location!?

Why would anyone with think that it was a good idea to set it atop a steep hill like this..?

I rubbed at the sweat pooling up on my forehead, with no real gain.

Scaling upwards, I pass through black asphalt roads that curved and shifted constantly.

The street signs and lights moved behind me as I moved forward, one by one.

As I scaled this steep incline, the outline of a bland, old, wooden, three story building came into view.

Slightly obscured, just behind the mass of trees and greenery, I saw it.

Amanozako High.

While gazing at this building that was long overdue for a renovation, a girl's voice squeaked behind me.

"Why can't you move any faster!? With your slow-ass walk, we'll both be late!"

Surprised by clash between her high-pitch voice and her foul mouth, I looked back to see who was behind me.

…I had to actually look down, just to see the top of her head.

She looks… like she barely even passes 150 centimeters..?

Hair like midnight, with a cowlick reaching towards the sky…

As she passed in front of me, my head swiveled to keep tracking her.

In order to move even faster, she widened her walking gait to an unnaturally wide length, leaving her walking strangely…

I don't really know why myself, but I just have the urge to take a little jab at her.

"Hey, you know that this isn't the way to the elementary school, right?"

As she got further from me, the only thing she could say before the gap was too wide to hear her hushed voice, was:

"Quit your yapping, I wouldn't be rude if you weren't so damn slow."