
Miss Himomori

seoyeonghee · Realistic
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Feedback: Prologue。

<p>What-ifs can be interesting, sure, but they'll never be nothing more than that. Spending the moments of every day of the week wondering where I went wrong, changes nothing. I'd really like to believe that a lot of people agree with me, on this end.<br/><br/> Something like regretting not talking to the girl I saw in the food court at Ashikazu Mall, last weekend.<br/><br/>Or, if I had better replies for the girl who tried to make conversation with me, for the past month now, mean nothing.<br/><br/> …And what I say may not make any sense at all, right now…<br/><br/> But, this may all… well just be my own self-preservation.<br/><br/> Maybe "preservation" isn't the right word, but it accentuates my fear on the subject.<br/><br/> Whatever it is… I'm willing to admit it now.<br/><br/> I am plagued by my own what-ifs.<br/><br/> Deep inside, I try to ignore these events… that continue to slip by. Whether I accept this truth… this side of myself… or not remains to be seen and accepted. Theres still time for me to truly live life, right?<br/><br/> With these jaded views, I entered high school. Assigned to class 1-D at Ichinose High. There, I met the girl who sat at the desk behind me.<br/><br/>Natsuko Hinomori.</p>