
Miss Corrupt and Mister Righteous

Cuteness overload! Fluttering moments! Mysterious and unpredictable ride. The cute love story of a corrupt Policewoman and a Righteous Prosecutor. A guaranteed rollercoaster that will bring you Joy, happiness and a lot of laughter and leave you rooting for the main leads to get together already.

ZoeyA · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Tomorrow is going to be a good day

Mariah poured Avery a glass of beer as they sat in the local tent eatery.

''I heard you don't like to eat with others. You must think that I am using my power to force you to do things you don't like to do, right?'' Mariah asked

''No! I came out because I have a question to ask you.'' Avery looked at the glass of beer with an awkward gaze.

Mariah looked at Avery and smiled. ''I'm listening.''

''What kind of relationship do you have with Prosecutor Oak?'' She asked.

''Why do you want to know?'' Avery looked at Mariah indifferently.

''I do not really want to know, but I just have this weird feeling that you two are trying to mess with me. I do not know what kind of relationship or past you two have but I do not also want to be a part of it. If you took me out of the case because of your past with Prosecutor Oak, then I would ask that you do not do that again because this case is very important to me. The whole country is interested in this case and both Prosecutor Oak and I's names were mentioned. If I do not take part in the investigation and something happens, then, I would be blamed.'' Mariah drunk half of her beer and placed the glass down.

''Just to make things clear, I do not have any relationship with Prosecutor Oak. I first met him on a case a month ago. He hates my guts and how I work, so you don't have to worry that anything will happen between us.'' Avery said after thinking carefully. She seemed to have misunderstood the relationship between Mariah and Kai.

''Avery…'' Mariah chuckled. 'I think you are mistaken about something. I am not interested in Prosecutor Oak. I am not even into men.''

''Then… are you interested in me?'' Avery asked wearily.

''And if I say yes?'' Mariah chuckled. ''Don't worry, Avery. I am going to have this one sided crush on you.''

''Maybe I shouldn't have asked. It's getting late, I should get going now.'' Avery stood up and picked her phone.

''The suspect will be transferred to the Prosecutor's department soon. If you want to see the suspect for the last, you should go now. Prosecutor Oak, must be waiting for you. This is all I can do for you, Avery. The rest, no matter what happens, I won't favor you.'' Mariah said.

Avery stood when she heard Mariah's words. She nodded her head and ran out of the place.

Mariah sighed and smiled. She didn't go after Avery.

Avery walked to the roadside and saw the case being broadcasted on the late night news. Fiona's face was wide on the screen.

Avery's hands quivered and she stepped back and turned. She ran towards the police station.

Avery arrived at the police station and saw Fiona being pulled out of the police station. Their eyes met and Fiona smiled.

''You are finally here, Avery!'' Fiona said and Prosecutor Oak turned to look at Avery.

Avery walked towards them and stood in front of Fiona. 'I hate being kept in the dark, so let me ask you this question.''

''This is getting interesting.'' Fiona chuckled.

''Who are you? What kind of relationship do you have with me?'' Avery asked aggressively.

''It saddens my heart to see that you do not remember me at all, Avery.'' Fiona laughed sarcastically.

''What? Hey! Speak straight, what nonsense are you going on about? What do you mean I don't remember you?'' Avery asked and Kai pulled her back when she almost attacked Fiona.

''Dahun Orphanage!'' Fiona mentioned and Avery tensed up. A strange flash of emotion appeared in her face.

''Oops! I guess I struck a nerve.'' Fiona laughed sarcastically.

''Detective Avery, are you alright?'' Prosecutor Oak asked when he noticed the strange reaction from Avery.

''It's you, right? You are the crazy girl who used to speak a bunch of nonsense. Hey! Why? Why?'' Avery suddenly attacked Fiona and Kai pulled her back.

''Calm down, Detective Avery. There are other people around us. Do you want people to spread information around that you know her personally?'' Kai said.

''I'm going to kill you!'' Avery said and tried to kick Fiona.

''If you kill me, you will also die, you idiot. Don't you get it? I can't believe you are still clueless. Are you really a police officer?'' Fiona asked.

''What?'' Avery's chest heaved up and down as she breathed.

''You and I are the same person you fool! If anything happens to me, your life will be ruined, Avery. I want you to protect me, at all cost. That is if you want to know what happened to Dahun Orphanage, you idiot!''

''Take her away, right now!'' Prosecutor Oak said as he held Avery.

''See you tomorrow, Avery. Tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day.'' Fiona said as she was pulled away.

Avery shook herself away from Prosecutor Oak and stepped back. She messed her hair and cussed kicking her foot in the air.

''How are you related to Dahun Orphanage?'' Prosecutor Oak asked.

''Are you seriously asking me this now?'' Avery glared at Kai.

''Yes, I need to know.'' Kai insisted.

''That's where I grew up, okay? You are so annoying!'' Avery said and walked away.

''Where are you going, Detective Sandas?'' Prosecutor Oak asked.

''Home! I'm going to my home.'' Avery turned and yelled.

''Where is your car? Are you going to walk home?'' Kai asked again.

''Yes, why? Do you want to take me home?'' Avery asked.

''Yes, I will take you home.''

Avery looked at Prosecutor Oak and chuckled. ''Prosecutor Oak, why are you suddenly being nice to me? Do you like me?''

''Are you mad? You are not my type.''

''I knew it!'' Avery said and walked away.

''Hey! Wait!''

''Prosecutor Oak…'' Avery turned to look at him. ''I hate being indebted to people, so don't try to be nice to me. I can always betray you. I go wherever money goes, so, don't get caught up in my world. It will only make you hate me more. These days, I've being hating myself. I don't want to see the same feeling in you.'' Avery bowed and walked away.

Prosecutor Oak looked at Avery with a worried gaze. ''Why is she so stubborn?'' He muttered.


Sound of water dripping inside the bathroom.

''Aren't you curious, Avery? How you and I are related? Dahun Orphanage! You, and I are the same person! If anything happens to me, your life will be ruined, Avery. I want you to protect me, at all cost. That is if you want to know what happened to Dahun Orphanage, you idiot!''

Avery turned off the shower and cussed. ''Sss***! Annoying! This is so annoying!'' She yelled and pulled the towel from the stand.

Avery wiped her body and wrapped the towel around her body and went out of the bathroom. She walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

''Ss**! There is nothing to eat. Absolutely nothing to eat.'' Avery returned to her room and wore a hoodie and black skinny pants and walked out of her apartment.

Avery stuffed her hands inside the pockets of her hoodie as she walked the sidewalk towards a local mart in the area. She was so focused on her own things that she didn't realize someone was actually following her. She walked into the mart and stared at the different brands of ramen.

''Which brand should I buy this time? I think I've tasted all the brands…'' Avery mumbled and picked about ten cups of ramen into the basket. She picked a few toiletries, chocolate and a pack of can beer before going to the counter.

The salesgirl at the counter looked at Avery and she asked. ''Why are you looking at me?''

''Excuse me…'' the salesgirl beckoned and Avery stepped closer. ''Well… detective, I think that man is following you.''

Avery's eyes widened and she chuckled. ''Really?'' She asked softly.

''Mm! since you came in. he followed you around and didn't pick anything. You should be careful.'' The salesgirl said.

''Thank you! Check my things for me.'' Avery said and removed a few dollar bills from her pocket.

''$275 dollars, please.'' The salesgirl said after counting Avery's things.

''Here, keep the change!'' Avery gave the girl $300 dollars before taking the plastic bag containing her things. When she walked out of the mart, the man followed suit.

Avery continued to walk to the pedestrian crossing and stood there waiting for the traffic to turn red. She turned slightly and saw the man hiding behind a pole.

''Are they already out to get me?'' Avery muttered and bit her lips. She crossed the road when the traffic was red. The man continued to follow Avery until she was at the alley leading to her apartment.

Avery slowed down and turned at a corner and hid. The man ran into the alley and looked around but didn't see Avery. He cussed and removed his phone that was buzzing.

''Boss, I lost her. I'm sure she is the detective, Fiona is protecting. I am sure once we get her, Fiona will tell us where she kept the pen drive.'' The man kept talking and suddenly felt a sharp pain around his arm.

Avery twisted the man's hand and snatched the phone from him. When the man tried to fight back, she kicked him and he fell down and she attacked him at once and tied the man up with her hoodie lace against a pole.

''Who are you?'' Avery asked and squatted in front of the man.

''Detective Avery Sandas…'' Someone said behind Avery and pointed a gun at her head. ''Don't try anything stupid or your head would be gone.'' The voice threatened.

''Avery raised her hands and stood up. She turned and looked at the man and recognized him. ''You?''

''The Prime Minister wants to speak with you, Detective Avery!'' The mysterious man said.