
Miss Corrupt and Mister Righteous

Cuteness overload! Fluttering moments! Mysterious and unpredictable ride. The cute love story of a corrupt Policewoman and a Righteous Prosecutor. A guaranteed rollercoaster that will bring you Joy, happiness and a lot of laughter and leave you rooting for the main leads to get together already.

ZoeyA · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Be rewarded greatly.

Prime Minister's Penthouse.

Private hall….

Avery sat across the Prime Minister and looked at him nonchalantly. As if they were on a staring contest, they both looked at each other, trying to read the other.

''Detective Sandas, right?''

''Yes! Does the Prime Minister want something from me?'' Avery asked.

''This is our first time meeting, right? I remember you. You are that teenage girl who used to follow Detective Bruce around. I think you were in high school, right?'' The Prime Minister, Minister Andrew Boris chuckled.

''I really miss Detective Bruce. He was such a kind man.'' He added.

''You didn't ask your men to bring me here to talk about my mentor, right?'' Avery asked.

''You are right!'' Minister Boris pointed at the tea that the housekeeper brought them. 'Drink some tea first Detective Sandas.''

Avery looked at him suspiciously before taking the teacup. She sipped the tea and placed the cup on the table.

Avery knew the Prime Minister of the country wouldn't just call her to his house to have tea. She was already having a bad feeling that whatever he wanted to talk to her about concerned Fiona.

The door opened and the man who pointed a gun at Avery earlier on came in with a suitcase. He placed the suitcase next to the foot of the Minister and bowed before going out.

''I heard that you've always wanted to go to Argentina. Argentina is a beautiful country. They have a beautiful culture too.'' Minister Boris sipped the tea before saying.

''How about a vacation to Argentina? I mean a paid vacation and leave for three months?'' He suggested.

''I don't understand, what exactly do you mean?''

''I will get straight to the point. You are aware of what is going on currently, right? One Miss Fiona is going on exposing a lot of personal information on me and other important people in the district. Such information is highly volatile and will have a huge effect on the public's interest. My men managed to get their hands on some of that information but I believe she has more with her.''

''That criminal also stole $50 billion cash and $5.1 billion worth of jewelry from this house the last time she came. Apart from that, she also stole some very important documents. Important papers that shouldn't go out to the world because if it does, there is going to be a war. A blood bath in the country.'' Minister Boris said in a threatening tone.

''What?'' Avery looked at him with a shocked expression.

''I know this doesn't make sense to you, but I really need your help right now. Can you help me, Detective Sandas? You will be rewarded greatly for your assistance.''

''Prime Minister, this… I don't really know how I can be of help. Why don't you let the special prosecutor question the suspect on this? I'm sure they will be able to do a better job than I.'' Avery said.

''This is something that shouldn't come out to the world. Detective Sandas, do you still not understand my words? I need your help because this is also related to you.''

''My men managed to track down where the money first appeared and found out that she has being using your identity to make transactions. She deposited $10 billion dollars out of that money in your name at the Gumpe International bank. She also registered for a plot of land and a gallery all in your name. Are you really not aware of this?'' Minister Boris looked at Avery carefully.

Avery looked on with confusion. Everything the Minister was saying were strange in her ears. She didn't understand anything at all.

''Detective, will you help me to retrieve the money, jewelry and other important documents?'' Minister Boris asked and picked up the suitcase. He opened it and turned it towards Avery.

The suitcase was filled with shiny dollar bills in bundles. It was an amount that Avery hadn't seen in her life before. She would probably never get that amount of money even if she were to sell all the important organs in her body.

''This is $5 billion dollars. If you agree to help me, I will add another $5 billion dollars to you after the job is done.''

''This amount of money… what exactly do you want me to do?'' Avery asked.

''Get that woman to release the passwords to those accounts and every other important information to you. She will be transferred to the penitentiary after the questioning tomorrow. She has no family and won't be missed. No one would care even if the van transferring her gets into an accident, right?'' The Prime Minister let out a sinister chuckle as he spoke.

A cold shiver ran down Avery's spine. She couldn't believe the words she was hearing. The Minister wanted her to get rid of Fiona.

Growing up, there were times her greed got the best of her. There were times, she threw her dignity away and suck up to people in higher positions just to get to the bag. There were times Avery went against her own conscience but Avery had never done anything really bad that is against the law.

But, then again… Avery chuckled. This was probably her fault. Her notorious way of accepting bribes and letting off gamblers in order to get some coins was well known.

She was probably getting her karma for doing all those things. Now, they were asking her to kill a suspect and help them steal money that belonged to the state.

''Detective Sandas, do you need time to think about this?'' Minister Boris asked.

''No!'' Avery closed the suitcase and pushed it back to the Minister. 'I will make sure I ask the suspect and clear my name and make sure that the money goes back to where it came from since I am involved in this. I'm sorry but I can't do the rest of what you asked me to do.''

Avery stood up.

''Rejecting money isn't your style, Detective Sandas. I've heard about how badly indebted you are. You took a lot of loans to go to school. You took a mortgage that you are yet to finish paying off. This money will save you and many of your bloodline to come.'' The Prime Minister said.

Avery clenched her fists and bowed. She walked to the door and heard the Minister's warning.

''Detective Sandas, I hope you do not have funny ideas of the information I just disclosed to you? Since you chose your side, you should be careful not to cross the line.''

''Are you threatening me?'' Avery turned and asked.

''For someone who hasn't even had $100,000 dollars to your name before, I find it funny that you rejected $10 billion dollars. Don't tell me your conscience suddenly woke up because of this case?'' The Minister stood up and took a few steps closer to Avery.

''Have a goodnight, Detective Sandas. My assistant will send you back home.''

''No! I can go on my own.'' Avery said and opened the door. The special assistant stood in front of her and the Minister nodded his head and the special assistant stepped aside and Avery walked out.

''Denis!'' The Minister called his assistant's name.

''Sir!'' Denis bowed.

''That detective… make sure you keep your eyes on her every move. She is not an ordinary person. Who knows, she might just be the thief's accomplice.'' Minister Boris said.

''I looked into it, but the only connection those two have is that they were both in the same orphanage 10 years ago. Until a few months ago, they had never been seen together.'' Denis said.

''Watch her steps carefully. Have you gotten in touch with the Prosecutor department to know who the special Prosecutor for this case is?''

''Yes, I did and it is still Prosecutor Oak. It seems that they couldn't take him off the case because his name was also mentioned.''

''Call the Chief Prosecutor tomorrow and set up a meeting for me. Meanwhile, I need you to move to plan B since the detective refused the money.''

''I will get to it.''

''It will be better if both of them disappear.'' The Minister said coldly.

''I understand what you mean.'' Denis bowed before going out.

''Detective Sandas, this is why you should have just taken the money and be on my side.'' The Minister muttered and chuckled.


Avery's house.

''Darn it! My beer…'' Avery cussed and came out of the house again. She looked at her phone and sighed.

''Forget it! It's already late. The mart should be closed by now.'' Avery muttered and went back inside. She locked her door and went straight to her bed.


''I will get straight to the point. That criminal stole $50 billion cash and $5.1 billion worth of jewelry from this house the last time she came. Apart from that, she also stole some very important documents. Important papers that shouldn't go out to the world because if it does, there is going to be a war. A blood bath in the country.''

''What?'' Avery looked at him with a shocked expression.

''I know this doesn't make sense but I really need your help right now. Can you help me?''

''Prime Minister, this… I don't really know how I can be of help. Why don't you let the special prosecutor question the suspect on this?''

''This is something that shouldn't come out to the world. Detective Sandas, do you still not understand my words? I need your help because this is also related to you. My men managed to track down where the money first appeared and found out that she has being using your identity to make transactions. She deposited $10 billion dollars out of that money in your name at the Gumpe International bank. She also registered for a plot of land and a gallery all in your name. Are you really not aware of this?''

Avery opened her eyes and sighed. She couldn't believe she was dreaming about the words of that Prime Minister. Avery got down from bed and went to the bathroom to prepare for work.