
A corrupt official

XING City, District K, Hans Island….

Coded location

Heavy panting accompanied punches coming from a punching bag inside a boxing ring. The person training was a tall woman with slightly tanned skin and dark hair tied behind, with a few bangs sticking to her face due to the sweat coming out of her body.

Her gaze looked sharped as she punched the bag vigorously. Each punch was precise and on point, hitting the bag and making it dangle back and forth.

A tattoo could be seen from down her waist up to her back. The biker shorts she wore were tight and held her body firmly, making her curves show out even more.

She slowed down and finally stopped, sprawling herself on the floor, taking a break while panting for breath. She was the only one in the gym. She seemed care free but her eyes held a lot of mystery to it. It was as if she was protecting herself from the outside world.

Fiona sat up and picked the water bottle from the side and opened it. She drunk almost half of the water and stood up, going into the bathroom connected to her bedroom at the first floor.

When she entered. She turned on the shower, with her back facing the door, she closed her eyes.

There was a mysterious tattoo on her back. It seemed to have started from her waist. The tattoo was two signs, two fire signs but different astronomic symbols.

The head of a lion, and an arrow pointing towards the lion. Those were the tattoos on her back.


At the same time, in a remote part of the city, inside a shaman's house. A woman in sophisticated clothes sat before a shaman, watching her closely.

The shaman was making some incoherent incantations while tossing a few spirit coins on the floor. She opened her eyes abruptly and spoke.

''I see it clearly now. Your son…'' The shaman shook her head. ''Tsk, tsk…''

''Yes, wise one. What is going to happen to my son? Is he going to remain single for the rest of his life?'' The woman asked anxiously. She had come to find out the fate of her only child who has being single for a long time.

''I see him getting entangled with two women. One is alive, and the other is almost dead. Your son's energy is trying to stay clear from these two women but their energies combined are too strong. He won't be able to avoid them. No, he definitely won't be able to avoid them.'' The shaman spoke, shaking her head.

''Wise one, what exactly do you mean?'' The woman asked anxiously.

''You son is going to get entangled with a dangerous woman very soon. A Sagittarius woman with the soul of a Leo woman residing within her. These two women are a dangerous combination. This is not looking good. Spirit, speak to me. Tell me more about this dangerous woman…'' The shaman said as she shook her body, making more incoherent incantations.

The woman looked confused and worried at the same time. She became even more anxious about his son's future.

''Your son must avoid this woman. He must never come in contact with her or else his life will turn upside down.''

''Wise one, what should I do? Tell me, how I can protect my son from this evil woman?''

''It's too late. Those three people must have met already. The dark clouds are already forming. The Sagittarius woman is going to run into the Leo woman very soon. They will become one very soon.''

The shaman said and started rolling on the floor chanting even more, ''the energy is too strong. I can't help him.''

The woman looked at the shaman and sighed. She stood up and picked her bag, she removed a few dollars and placed them on the table before leaving the place.

Outside the shaman's apartment, the woman got into her Porsche car and the driver drove away.

''Frank, I want you to make a list of all the single girls in our circle and give it to me…'' She said to the driver whom was also her assistant.

''Ma'am, are you going to arrange another blind date for the Young master?'' Frank asked.

''Yes. He is working in that office all day and doesn't even have time to play. Just now, the shaman said a Sagittarius woman with the soul of a Leo is looking for my son to destroy him. I must stop this from happening. When you find the girls, make sure there is no Leo or Sagittarius women amongst them.'' The woman said firmly and took out her phone from her bag.

''Yes, Ma'am!'' Frank nodded.

Next day….

The ringing of the alarm clock made the woman on the bed to open her eyes. She looked at the ceiling of her small room for a while before sitting up. She sighed getting down from the bed. She went straight to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for work.

As compared to Fiona, this woman looked a little fair. Their features were almost the same. They were both curvy and tall with black hair. She was easily readable and looked a little mischievous. She didn't seem like an honest person.

Her eyes were deep and sharped. There was no doubt she was very smart and couldn't be bullied.

Avery looked at herself in the mirror and smiled saying, ''hello beauty. It's another day to make money.''

Avery turned on the shower and started singing as she took her shower.

A similar, mysterious tattoo was on her back. But hers was a little subtle and barely noticeable. It was a faded tattoo of an arrow. When the water came in contact with her skin, the tattoo seemed to glow a little.


Hans Island District K Police Headquarters.

Avery got down from her Toyota 13 car and started walking towards the station. She was wearing a police T-shirt with black pants and black booths with her strap around her waist. She was humming a song as she walked until she bumped into a woman who was dressed in a black outfit with a hoodie covering her face up.

''Oh…'' Avery almost fell but the woman reached out and held her hand and apologized.

''Sorry, Avery…'' Fiona said and smirked before walking away. Her steps were hurried.

Avery nodded and stopped in her tracks immediately. She turned to look at the woman and muttered, ''she just said, 'sorry Avery, right? I couldn't have heard that wrong, right?''

Avery furrowed her brows when she saw the woman running away at top speed. ''What is her deal with me?'' Avery muttered and entered the police station.

A distance away, Fiona stopped running and looked at Avery as she entered the police station. She smirked and turned to go, bumping into a man.

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