

It was the perfect opportunity for the desperate Oriel. "The cancer in my body is going to take me earlier from this world. All of this is the punishment I am getting for my sins. However, it looks like a blessing has been mistakenly delivered to me by the heavens, that's you," said the leader of a drug mafia gang, a victim of Oriel's charms. She also didn't think twice before accepting his proposal, more like an offer that was to get her immense fortune in return. "I will make sure that your remaining days will be filled with happiness." She promised the dying boss and agreed live as his mistress. She knew that he had a wife and that the relation only existed on a piece of paper. Her name was Ursula, feisty and savage spouse of the dying mafia leader, Mr. Bruce. "Let him have that young girl as a last token of joy in his numbered days. But, I want you to keep her in close scrutiny because she also has her eyes set on his wealth. See to it that she never gets what she wants." Heartbroken Ursula ordered Collin, the loyal brother of Mr. Bruce. He was appointed as a personal bodyguard for his boss's mistress, "I will be following you everywhere from now on, you will have to bear with me because your safety is now a matter of concern for my boss." Oriel refused his company with a stern denial. "Don't tell me that you are still awkward around me, it has been years," but who knew that they shared a tragic past and a passion so deep. "Take my everything in return of your love. Just never betray me, and if you do, be meticulous hiding it," reminded her of Mr.Bruce.

JOUY · Urban
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38 Chs

The Flip

After the sun went on its short hiatus, Bella returned home by herself. She had walked out taking Oriel but seeing her coming back without her, Collin poured his queries out.

"I was able to find someone from her family: I think it was her uncle. They told me that they had been out, finding her for the last two days. They took Oriel with them and they were very happy to see her again. They also told me how grateful they are to us for taking care of her," said Bella, smiling till her teeth flashed and a voice that didn't waver while spewing the lies.

"It is great that she has returned her home, back to her family. Although, I really wanted her to stay with us," Roger spoke in slight letdown.

Meanwhile, Harry was not convinced by her story, "It's not possible. She told me that she didn't have any relatives or friends in this town. She had only recently moved here."

"Collin," Bella spoke. "Are you saying that I have lied to you?"

"Honey! Collin didn't mean that. He was just trying to clear any doubts that troubled him. We know that he cares for Oriel more than anyone else," interfered Roger, siding with Collin.

"Oriel doesn't know any better than a two year-old; she can't read, she can't bathe herself, and she also can't tell the roads apart. She is a spoiled child; she doesn't know what's better for her own self, and I should be the one to tell her that. Who among us will you believe, her or me?" rigidly demanded Bella.

Collin was hushed by his mother; he couldn't argue any further, but neither did he believe her. Also, he had no means to find out the truth. He didn't know where his mother had left her, and he was also unaware of the reason behind it.

"Oriel, where are you?" his anxiety grew as he thought more about her.

Meanwhile, Oriel was coming across unfamiliar and new faces in the orphanage, where the kids of her age had already started smoking and cursing. Teachers and adults were tossing her from one room to another, looking for one where she won't get bullied.

At last, when she was put in a room with children younger than the age of five; inside the room, it was stinking with the foul smell of litter, that persisted even after mopping the floor with detergent. The yellowish-white walls were scribbled upon and cracks had developed on the ceiling. Four bunker beds were placed in two rows and each was to be shared by at least four children. The toddlers who occupied the room. were not even toilet trained and got beaten up whenever the warden found their filth on the bed sheet. Their crying and wailing echoed in the room almost all the time.

Oriel was frightened and alone to the soul. She had no idea how her life had taken a turn from living in a mansion one night and another in a horrible place as such.

"Dad!" she cried seeing the chaos around her.


Coming back to the party from the beginning again, where she had managed to seduce the boss of the most feared gang with her charms. There was indeed a flip in her personality: once vulnerable to the harsh realities of life, and now Miss know-it-all when it came to rich men's hearts.

She knew where to flash a smile, and was aware in front of whom. She knew how to grab the attention of even the most uninterested and cold. She was living with less than a penny in her pocket but knew her ways to extract the dollar bills out of someone else's. She had killed the naive and innocent self of hers.

She boasted to herself in her thoughts, "How attractive I must have looked to this man with several bank accounts bursting with money?" she refused to spare any interest on the names that Mr. Bruce was introducing her to, "Mr. blah from blah airlines; Miss blah, the co-founder of blah group; and Mr and Mrs blah from the blah cruise travel." She smiled at anyone who approached; her motive was to make herself memorable to every personality present.

All the Actors, politicians, and businessmen from the party had to have remembered her, so that her Cinderella fantasy could be realized.

However, at the sight of the last guest introduced by Mr. Bruce, she was unable to mind her posture and demeanor anymore; her bewilderment was clearly written on her face.

"Here, he is my buddy, Collin."

"Ah!... I am Oriel." She retrieved the nonchalant countenance of her face. "It is nice meeting you."

It had been years since they had seen each other and Oriel's amazement was natural. But Collin didn't seem surprised; he was calm as if he had foreseen this encounter already.

"What is this atmosphere? Do you both know each other?" asked Mr. Bruce reading the silence between them.

"She was..." proceeded Harry with his reply, when Oriel abruptly interfered, "I don't think so."

Collin nodded slightly looking at her with narrowed eyes. "Exactly! I mistook you for somebody else, I'm sorry," his voice had grown to be deep and powerful.

Oriel's iris wavered avoiding the exchange of looks, and Collin grasped her sight with his penetrating gaze. Not only had his body changed; his height doubled; his biceps swelled up and his round face reshaped in a sharp jawline, but he had also developed the way he spoke. Opposite from the times when he used to sound unfriendly and aloof, now he was more relaxed and witty.

"So, Miss Oriel is your date for this boring party?" he asked Mr. Bruce. He was a friend so close to him that he was among the few people who could say things without putting much thought.

Mr. Bruce again offered her to take his hand. "I would be obliged if she would accept a dance with me," he turned his face to her and said.

Oriel spread her lips to draw a smile and grabbed onto his hand. "I don't think there's anyone on the floor."

With his hand holding on to hers, he came through the crowd which gave him space as a planet crossing its trajectory, and he stopped in front of the orchestra. He asked for a microphone and told them to dance with their partners. He asked for the lightning to be set in a beautiful harmony of both warm and cold colors. The hall's chatters were silenced and melodious music resonated in the place. Just as Mr. Bruce was approaching Oriel standing in the center of the dancing hall, Collin walked to him and secretly whispered something in his ears.

Oriel was perplexed seeing Collin telling Mr. Bruce something. She fretted if it concerned her past or not.

Then suddenly, the expressions on Mr. Bruce's face changed. He squinted his eyes in haze and a crease formed on his forehead. He looked at Oriel and Collin followed, doing the same. He gestured her an apology for leaving her alone, and he slithered out of the place.

Oriel was oblivious to what Collin had told him. She witnessed Mr. Bruce rushing outside in haste and Collin standing in his place, slowly approaching her.

He marched closer and sneakily slipped his arm through her narrow waist. She was surprised by his actions. "What are you trying to do?" she burst and pushed him away.

"Bruce has got some urgent work to deal with," he told her. "If you do not wish to embarrass yourself by walking down the dance floor without a dance, then you may go ahead."