

It was the perfect opportunity for the desperate Oriel. "The cancer in my body is going to take me earlier from this world. All of this is the punishment I am getting for my sins. However, it looks like a blessing has been mistakenly delivered to me by the heavens, that's you," said the leader of a drug mafia gang, a victim of Oriel's charms. She also didn't think twice before accepting his proposal, more like an offer that was to get her immense fortune in return. "I will make sure that your remaining days will be filled with happiness." She promised the dying boss and agreed live as his mistress. She knew that he had a wife and that the relation only existed on a piece of paper. Her name was Ursula, feisty and savage spouse of the dying mafia leader, Mr. Bruce. "Let him have that young girl as a last token of joy in his numbered days. But, I want you to keep her in close scrutiny because she also has her eyes set on his wealth. See to it that she never gets what she wants." Heartbroken Ursula ordered Collin, the loyal brother of Mr. Bruce. He was appointed as a personal bodyguard for his boss's mistress, "I will be following you everywhere from now on, you will have to bear with me because your safety is now a matter of concern for my boss." Oriel refused his company with a stern denial. "Don't tell me that you are still awkward around me, it has been years," but who knew that they shared a tragic past and a passion so deep. "Take my everything in return of your love. Just never betray me, and if you do, be meticulous hiding it," reminded her of Mr.Bruce.

JOUY · Urban
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38 Chs

First Love Confession

"Stop the car you bastard," Collin shouted at the car scampering ahead of his bicycle.

Paul turned his head and saw him right behind his car, following him. "What is he doing here?" he asked. "Did you call him?"

Oriel's rampant heartbeat restored its calm at his sight. "Stop the car, let me go."

Paul's head went cranky, he tightened his fist in anger. "Don't you dare to stop the car," he ordered the shaking driver.

The driver didn't have another option, he stepped on the accelerator and it became hard for Collin to follow it on his bicycle. He was already exhausted, pedaling continuously but thought of Oriel didn't let him give up.

"Just wait till I get my hands on you, you bastard," he gathered more energy.

"Hahaha... look at the poor cycle guy, trying to chase after my ride," chuckled Paul.

Oriel rushed and unbuckled her seat belt and tried to open the door. "Oriel, don't jump! You can't hurt yourself. I won't let anything happen to you, just wait for me."

Oriel trusted him and dropped the idea of jumping out of the car. She braced herself and her eyes searched for Collin, who had suddenly left the trail of the car; he was nowhere to be seen, vanished with his bicycle.

"Chicken! how cocky he acted a while ago, only to back off? Coward!" he mocked.

Oriel caught a look around; she wondered where he had disappeared to. She was now alone in the car abducted by him. His mischievous smirks said that he was not going to listen to her. That moment, she became frightened to be in close doors with a creep like him. Her wavering eyes wished to see Collin again, she felt helpless on her own.

Then suddenly, Collin was seen coming from the front, heading directly against the car, and screeching the brakes ahead of it The driver's immediate reflex was to step on the brakes, that caused the car to stop and Paul faced the impact with a sudden bounce. "What the heck." He was startled.

Oriel took a breath of relief seeing Collin before her eyes. She opened the door at once and stepped outside of his car, triumphantly. She went running to him and crushed herself in his arms. "Are you hurt?" he asked, flustered.

"I'm alright and I'm sorry that I was so stupid to follow him," she raised her head to look him in the eyes.

"Never be in a place where I can't reach you when I want," he grazed the strands of hair resting on her face.

Meanwhile, Paul placed his foot outside, holding his head that ached from the impact of the sudden brakes. "I ought to kill you both. Fu***ng love birds." His eyes went bloody red in rage.

"I will be back after having a word with him," Collin said, touching her small face. "You stay here and take care of my bicycle."

Oriel smiled brightly, with a crease free forehead. "Make it quick, just like you always do."

They reflected each other in their eyes. Collin walked away from her, feeling the last touch of the hands as they separated. He casually approached Paul who was fiery, urging him for a fight. "Let's get it over with, my friend."

Now that Collin was here, Oriel knew that she needn't worry about anything. It was not the first time when he was taking care of those who troubled her, She turned her sight away, avoiding the scene of Paul getting hits and punches rained upon.

Soon, she saw Paul's car heading away in the opposite direction, The fight was over and just a few cuts and bruises were visible on Collin's face, when Paul had to be carried by his driver.

"He has ruined your face," Oriel gently touched the tear on his lips that allowed a drop of blood to ooze out. "I am gonna have to treat it, or else it will leave a mark on your face."

Collin grabbed her hand to prevent it from feeling his lips. "Don't do it!" An arrow from his eyes pierced through hers. His throat passed the moisture down and his mouth felt drier on her touch. "It tempts me to have something that I don't deserve."

She also felt something that was readable in her gaze. "There's nothing that you don't deserve. Maybe you just never tried going for it," she said, and got on the bicycle standing beside. "Hop on! I'll take you school today. She waited for Collin to sit on the bicycle behind her, but he stood afar, looking at her longingly.

"What now?" she asked, wondering why he just stared at her. "Is there anything that you have to say to me?"

"This day has been awful for you already. Just forget that such a time had come, forget every moment... along with what I'm going to do now." His feet desperately reached to her, and held her face in his hands, bringing it closer to his lips. His lips stole a kiss from her. Oriel suddenly lost her balance, sitting on the bicycle, but Collin passed his hand through her waist, pulling her close to him. The momentary touch of his lips turned into fervent nibbling when he felt Oriel kissing him back. She was also relishing in the pleasure. Buckling her hands behind his neck as she lost herself to him.


Collin pedaled the bicycle and Oriel sat behind tightly hugging him. They were on their way to school but an unfamiliar smile and blush had appeared on their faces. "You will have to refuse uncle Roger if he asks you to do it ever again," he told. "Forget it, just tell me. I will do it for you."

Oriel smiled at his protective concern and hugged him tighter, leaning her head on his back, as to reassure him. "W...what are you doing?" he was nervous. "You may not want to get into an accident, just because I lost my focus off the road."