
Mishmash Life And Undisputed Love

Liliana, a tomboy who is brilliant nerd, her only dream is to become a doctor, nothing less or more. She has bunch of friends but no best friend, her friends always judge her for her appearance. Studious Lia has neither boyfriend nor a crush on anyone. She belongs to an affluent family but no one treats her as a princess. Liliana isn't waiting for her prince but she has a prince in her destiny who believes in fairytales. An idiosyncratic prince who breaks the stereotypes of the society will fall for the girl who doesn't give a damn about love. But it's not easy to fall in love with a sword, it's neither a flowery-path to walk on. Two persons of two different worlds will fall in love with each other, it's written in their destiny. Different is their word, they are different from the world, and so their love story is. The story will have mature scenes (kiss, abusive language, bold scenes, anxiety disorder,etc), read at your own risk. Copyrights : ©JinalGehlot2021 Cover credit goes to the owner of the image, i don't own this cover, I've just edited it as per my requirements. Update Schedule :- 1chapter/day Bonus chapters :- 50 power stones = 1 bonus chapter 100 power stones = 3 bonus chapters 200 power stones = 5 bonus chapters (Bonus chapter will be published the next day after hitting the target.) Follow the author on Instagram to get the notification of updates : @ambitious_jasmine_ Feel free to join the author on discord : Ambitious_Jasmine #4753 If time permits you please, drop a review in comments and give your precious votes. Lots of love from author.

jasmine · Teen
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86 Chs

Ch. 9. Apology

Liliana's pov :

I took a cold shower to calm my nerves and rage, got quickly ready in just five minutes, as usual, picked up a random chambray shirt and a pair of white loose jeans.

There is no better outfit than a chambray shirt in the world, I loved all the shirts but chambray shirts are my favorite, I never knew what it's called until I went shopping, and the salesgirl gave me the knowledge of the names of the clothes.

At the dining table, breakfast was being served by Fiona, John, and Kyla, and to my surprise, my dear mom, dad, and the little monster were having breakfast together. I descended from the stairs and placed my ass on the chair.

"Morning, Lily!" Richard greeted me as soon as he noticed me, everyone knew how much I hated this name, nevertheless, no one would stop calling me by this name.

A forced smile appeared on my lips, "Morning, everyone!"

"Morning, Lily!"

"Morning, Lia!"

My parents would never agree on the same thing, maybe when I was born they would have had a pretty sure quarrel on my name. My mom would have chosen 'Lily' but my dad would have selected 'Liliana', thanks to dad, I had a better name.

French toast and apple pie gave satisfaction to my hunger, by chugging the orange juice I stood up, bid goodbye to everyone, and left for school.

I asked my driver to start the radio in the car, sometimes, I like to listen to music, mostly when I'm pissed off.

The song 'unfriend you' was giving me nostalgic vibes, the words started echoing in my ears, I was freaked out.

How could he compare me with other girls?

Was I an attention seeker?

Everyone in this world knew I never liked the attention, even on my birthdays I never threw any parties, I never went to school on my birthday, well, it's a secret how I spent every birthday!

How dared he to judge me? And, I again started thinking of him, his mildly prominent eyes cheated me, I saw a glimpse of integrity and demureness in those deep ocean blue eyes but it was fucking mythical.

I hate Mr. Casano, I hate people like him, why can't they be just real?

Those fashionistas and grandiose girls are way better than him, at least they show everyone their real side, they don't put up acts of being docile.

How could I even imagine that a rich boy can be a gentleman?

I diverted my heed from Mr. Casano, I had decided not to think about him, he is no one rather than just a stranger to me.

For the very first time, I had no desire to go to school, and it was a bad sign for me, I couldn't be like this. I want to be a doctor, a successful doctor, it's my only dream. I provoked myself to worship my goal.

I'm very bad at hiding my expressions and mood, my nose is already bloated, I can't help it. Now, B3 girls will come to me for today's gossip.

"Hey, Lily! What's up?" Avery said and waved at me.

"Where have you been, darling?" Emma pouted and blew me some kisses, she never touches the people who don't wear branded clothes and expensive makeup, so kisses from distance are better.

I went white, I was already in my worst mood, and these B3 girls were filling their contribution in my fury.

"Have a good day, sweetie!" Mia assumed it wasn't a good day for me so decided to make it worse with her clingy words.

I crossed my arms to my chest, "are you done? I'm getting late for my class. Hello, I've been in my classes when you were maybe at your parties, malls, theatre or canteen, have a good day everyone!" I raised my eyebrow to demand the next questions, I knew they won't leave me alone until they get some gossip about me.

Emma took a strand of her hair and started twisting it with her fingers, "we can afford all these things, this is our lifestyle, baby. Mia, I'm smelling something…..amm...what's this?"

"I think something is burning here or maybe someone," Mia smirked.

They cackled and gave a high-five to each other.

I grinned widely, "goodbye, B3!" I marched, "muah, muah!" and blew some kisses.

The best way to stave off B3 is just ignoring whatever they said, don't panic, don't quarrel with them unless you want to be a part of school gossip.

'B3s' is an abbreviation of 'Billionaire, beautiful, three babies, everyone calls them B3s, and I guess everyone knows the full form of B3s. But they deserved something better, dude! It's not the perfect full form of B3s, I'll tell you the perfect one, 'Three brainless, bitches, and bimbos.

They throw amazing parties, that's why people tolerate their audaciousness, they are fashion influencers but no brand pays them for their accurate fashion sense. They claim that they are my friends but I don't feel so.

All the lectures seemed to be so long and boring, today, and the literature teacher gave us a new assignment in which we needed to collaborate with our seniors.

I'm not in the mood to start a new assignment, I'll just go to work, and then, home. I need some good food and a Marvel movie.

I went to the cafeteria, ordered one violet burger and French onion soup. After finishing my lunch, I headed to the bus stop and saw Justin talking to a guy, I was not sure to take the risk for Justin, and who knew if I would end up killing him.

As I was mad, I decided not to cross paths with him, I tiptoed to the bus stop, fortunately, I didn't need to wait for the bus, the fortune was getting better just like my mood, I got on the bus.

After half an hour, I reached the restaurant, greeted Mrs. Fennimore, and went into the kitchen.

When I'm having a bad day, I get depressed easily, it's tough to endure the loneliness. I usually enjoy my solitude but sometimes I wish I could have one loyal friend who would deliberately listen to me, and won't judge me by any means.

My mind didn't stop thinking even while cooking, I was making a cappuccino, and espresso for myself, I don't prefer taking caffeine much but sometimes, you need to eat or drink something bitter so that you can forget the bitterness of your life.

Beer, vodka, whiskey, and rum were on my wishlist, I wanted to enjoy all types of alcohol but first thing, I wasn't eighteen yet, and Queen Victoria won't allow me to enter the home if I would go drunk. She acknowledges that beer and vodka are not classy alcohols, the title of classy alcohol goes to champagne and wine only.

So espresso isn't a bad choice, I like espresso when I feel lonely. I poured the coffee into a mug and made a smiley with choco chips and cocoa powder.

I put cappuccino and espresso on a serving tray, and went to Mrs. Fennimore, she loves the cappuccino made by chef Lia Watson.

We cheered and took a sip of coffee, Mrs. Fennimore looked at me with astonishment, "Lia, dear, are you having any trouble? The coffee is too sweet to drink, how much sugar have you used in this one mug?"

"I, um, I don't remember. I'm sorry Mrs. Fennimore, I'll make another one for you." I stood up from my chair.

"No, it's fine! Please, sit and enjoy your espresso, dear! Don't worry much, life has so many ups and downs, be patient with every situation," she beamed.

Someone coughed from my behind, "Hello, Mrs. Fennimore! How are you?"

This time, I knew the owner of this voice very well.

Before they could start communicating, I made a swift move towards the kitchen with my espresso. After a minute, he came to me but I didn't pay any attention to him.

"One espresso, please!" and he stood there like a statue for a while and then, broke the silence, "I'm extremely sorry, Lia! I didn't know it was you otherwise, I wouldn't have uttered those filthy words for you. I guess if I knew it was you, I wouldn't even have thought about you like that, I know you are not like others, and I'm again sorry for disrespecting you. The world is full of bimbos but trust me, I have never compared you with them. I know you are so unique that I can't even think of comparing you with anything in this world.

Please, accept my apology!" He just kept blabbering and I kept doing my work.