
Mishmash Life And Undisputed Love

Liliana, a tomboy who is brilliant nerd, her only dream is to become a doctor, nothing less or more. She has bunch of friends but no best friend, her friends always judge her for her appearance. Studious Lia has neither boyfriend nor a crush on anyone. She belongs to an affluent family but no one treats her as a princess. Liliana isn't waiting for her prince but she has a prince in her destiny who believes in fairytales. An idiosyncratic prince who breaks the stereotypes of the society will fall for the girl who doesn't give a damn about love. But it's not easy to fall in love with a sword, it's neither a flowery-path to walk on. Two persons of two different worlds will fall in love with each other, it's written in their destiny. Different is their word, they are different from the world, and so their love story is. The story will have mature scenes (kiss, abusive language, bold scenes, anxiety disorder,etc), read at your own risk. Copyrights : ©JinalGehlot2021 Cover credit goes to the owner of the image, i don't own this cover, I've just edited it as per my requirements. Update Schedule :- 1chapter/day Bonus chapters :- 50 power stones = 1 bonus chapter 100 power stones = 3 bonus chapters 200 power stones = 5 bonus chapters (Bonus chapter will be published the next day after hitting the target.) Follow the author on Instagram to get the notification of updates : @ambitious_jasmine_ Feel free to join the author on discord : Ambitious_Jasmine #4753 If time permits you please, drop a review in comments and give your precious votes. Lots of love from author.

jasmine · Teen
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86 Chs

Ch. 8. Guilty

Jason's pov :

What I watched was splendid, terror overtook my face, I felt my heart was in my throat, shame spiraled through me. What I did was wrong, I never should have opened my fucking mouth.

Too many emotions were making waves in my heart, jubilant because she proved me wrong, she smacked that guy, nervous because I judged her without knowing that it was Lia, embarrassed due to being in a situation where I was erroneous, and I was scared.

Yeah, Jason Casano who is not afraid of anything in the world, was stunned because Lia didn't give him a chance to explain, and as far as he was concerned if he would ever be able to face her again.

The way she punched the guy in the face, I was damn impressed, maybe she was good at boxing, unconsciously, a chuckle came out through my mouth but I was glad that she couldn't hear me otherwise, who knew if I would be in the place of that guy.

When the first time I saw her on the bus, my heart was saying that she was a different girl, I wish I could have a time machine, would have been gone back and then, won't mumble any single word like that.

I was enjoying the fight, the guy deserved that punch and slap and so more, how could he approach Lia like that!

Despite my mind yearned for killing him, I controlled the urge. Somehow, I was trying to understand this girl, and she won't be amused to see me killing him.

Why I couldn't have any guess when Olivia called her Liliana?

I thought her name was Lia, now, I knew she wouldn't exonerate me but I never cared about what anybody thinks of me. Hence, I accept the perpetration was mine.

I guess, Olivia convinced her to leave that bloody guy, she was coming towards me, maybe it was my breakfast time to eat punches and spanks.

She looked at me, our eyes met each others' for just a second, and she just walked out.

Now, it's my time to make an apology to her, I chased her.

Lia was drinking water where we argued, I've destroyed my image of a gentleman in her vision, now, it was a drastic task to persuade her to forgive me.

She stopped consuming water and shuffled towards a car, I galloped but couldn't catch her.

I don't know why I was caring too much about her! Since it's just a girl who got the wrong idea of me, I shouldn't care much about a girl who wasn't even ready to listen to me in the first place, my heart anguished to see her hurt.

I remembered her face when she scrutinized me, and she got to know that it was me who spoke those vulgar words for her.

God, damn! Why couldn't I comprehend her voice when she apprised Olivia?

Well, it wasn't time for regretting, I knew what to do next. I went into the gym, took my bag, and left the gym.

I spearheaded my bike and reached home.

Barbie was chewing her breakfast, "Good morning, Jay!" She greeted me from the dining table.

"Good morning to you, sissy! I had a very bad morning already," I went to her, and took a glass of water.

"Why? What happened? Please, don't tell me that you again forgot to fill petrol in your bike! Jay, you need to be responsible and learn the functions of the bike, how could you call the mechanic when your bike stopped?" She chortled, "it's so easy to have your dream bike but it's not so easy to take care of a bike. And you even call it your girlfriend, it's how you would take care of your girlfriend? I'm telling you if you would forget a date with your girlfriend, it won't be easy to persuade her. Be careful, Jay!" And she finally stopped throwing words continuously at my face.

"Thank God! You finally stopped, I'm already having a bad day, despite making me feel better, you are making it worse," I pouted, the aroma of pancakes was pleading into my nostrils but I knew without a shower, Barbie is never gonna let me have a single bite.

"My drama queen, tell me what on the earth has happened to you?" She filled a glass of juice and then raised her eyebrows in a question.

I explained to her everything, whatever happened at the gym.

She exclaimed, "holy shit! Are you my brother, Jay? How could you do this? I guess it won't be easy for you to get remission of revenue from her."

"I can't believe you are saying this to me, of course, I'm your bro, are you my Barbie? My sister has a very brilliant mind, I appreciate her mind more than her beauty," and I started lauding her.

"I don't like butter so drop the act, what's the name of that girl?" She managed to keep a poker face but I knew if I was on tenterhooks so was she.

Without a second thought, I said, "Lia and Liliana."

"What the fuck, Jay! You don't even know her name, right? And still, you are cautious for her. Do you…" she narrowed her eyes.

I got the hint, "no, no, Barbie! I don't even know her, I accept that she has caught my attention yet she is different, I liked her boldness, intrepidity, waywardness, attitude, and…" I eyed Barbie pressing her lips hard not to laugh at me, "can you help me out with this or not?"

She shook with laughter, "okay, okay! Give me a valid reason why do you wanna apologize to her? Do you even know how to apologize? I know a Jason Casano who never gives a fuck about what others think of him," she took a sip of the juice.

Damn! She was right.

"Um, I suppose to be a gentleman, I'm honestly saying I didn't know it was Lia, otherwise…," she deranged, "otherwise? Otherwise, what? Huh?" She giggled when I stared at her, she stopped for once, and after a second her laughter button was again on.

"Okay, cool! My gentleman brother is regretful, I'm helping you this time but never repeat the same thing, I don't like the people who evaluate others without knowing anything."

"If professor Barbara Casano has finished her lecture, may I ask you to recommend any ideas to me?"

Barbie finished the juice and stood up from the table, "she works at Mrs. Fennimore, right?"

"Oh, yeah! Why couldn't I have this thought first? I didn't need to make fun of myself," with a slight move I picked a pancake, and I darted towards the upstairs, "thanks for the pancake, Barbie!"

"You, moron, clammy! I'll never help you again," she screamed and administered jogging after me.

And I collided with Mrs. Casano.

Mrs. Casano looked down at her dress and I noticed that my pancake had wasted her outfit or I should say that her dress wasted my delicious pancake.

"I thought you became mature after your eighteenth birthday but I see you have not, so should I remind you that it's our home, not a park, and you are a teenager, not a toddler?" She grimaced disgust.

I shrugged, "should I remind you that it's our home, not your office, and unfortunately, I'm your son who would love to play with her dear sister even in his eighties. So, be careful next time, my yummy pancake got wasted."

Barbie rushed over there, "good morning, mom!"

Mrs. Casano smiled, "good morning to both of you! I'm getting late for a meeting, see you guys later," she left the spot hastily.

"I don't think she'll ever get enough time to debate with me," I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"She is our mom, Jay. Please, don't behave like this," she seemed downhearted.

"Fine! I don't wanna fight with you on this topic, I'll try my best next time," I don't know why Barbie always takes her side but I can't hurt my sister, "by the way, I was wondering…." I put my fingertips on my chin, "if you could give me any guidance on how to apologize because I don't know how to, you know, I've never done that."

And she grinned like a Cheshire cat, "hmm..., someone is changing, maybe changing for good. By the way, I was wondering…" she mimicked me, put her fingertips on her grin, "if you could make her your girlfriend, huh? I like that girl."

That's what matters to me in this world, her smile, my Barbie's smile, I just don't like her melancholic face.