

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 73

The next day Aiden worke up early in the morning as usual,did his work out took a shower,but forgot to take into accountability one thing.His clothes were a mess.

After failing to find an iron,he just wore one of the wrinkled shirts and a blazer hoping to hide them.Aiden couldn't help but curse all the time,the target of his curses being the culprit who was peacefully sleeping with no care for the havoc she had caused.He didn't have time to even style his hair because he was already late.

When he entered the building many people started whispering at his not-so-usual messy appearance.The employees had something new today to gossip.

"Did you see the CEO today?Not only was he late,but he also looked like a mess."

"I know.That man took care of himself better than me." One stylish female employee said.

"I heard his wife came yesterday.He must've had quite a night."

Finally,the employees nodded in understanding and with a sly glint in their eyes.

"His wife is gorgeous.I would also be late everyday if I had to leave a wife like that behind."One of the male employees smirked.

"How do you know that?"One of the female employees questioned.

Another female employee answered her.

"Do you really think a rich man with a face like that would get someone ugly?"

The woman who had asked nodded silently.

"But our CEO is quite cold hearted.His wife finally came to live with him after months of living seperatly and he doesn't take a few days off?If it weren't for money and looks,no one would want to marry a man like that.I could never."

"Birds of a feather flock together.His wife isn't any different.Why do you think she was living in a different country the first few months of their marriage?"

"I bet their love talk is reciting pie charts." Everyone almost spilled their food laughing.

Two of the men started pretending to be them and kept giving eachother love whispers referencing their work.One guy mimicked Aiden and the other one did a female voice,pretending to be Aiden's wife.

Their co-workers kept laughing loudly at their little theatre,but after two lines everyone became quiet.

One of the female employees that was infront of the two protagonists lowered her head,while covering her mouth.She pointed out behind the men trying to signal them for something,but failed miserably since the men were too into their roles.

The man who was mimicking Aiden's wife was suddenly interrupted by a hand on his shoulder.He turned his head only to be greeted by his 'husband'.

"I didn't know we had such talented comedians in the company.These skills could really benefit us in the future." Aiden had a big bright smile on his face making the employees shrink even more.

"S-sir-"That employee almost died in that very moment.No words could come out of his mouth.

Aiden had been there the whole time and had been listening to everything,it was just that none of the employees had noticed.

He had initially come to the rooftop to spend the rest of his break without looking at a single annoying piece of paper.Not many people came there to eat lunch and currently he had his unsual appearance with glasses, this combo had never been seen before by any employee.So if people didn't pay much attention,they would think he was just some average co-worker,smoking.

Hearing how they were gossiping about him,of course he wouldn't waste the chance.Aiden had been paying attention really carefully.At first he didn't know if he should laugh or felt humiliated,but when the speculations about his and Amelie's intimate life came,he definitely chose the former.These employees of him were really something so Aiden couldn't help,but secretly record to laugh at it later.

After having enough footage he did what any good boss would do,terrorize the hell out of his employees,after all that was the fun part of this job.And he succeeded.

Those employees were really on the verge of tears.

"My wife would really love to see that impression of hers you do.If she happens to pass by here someday you definitely have to show her."Aiden's smile got even more wide and cheerful.

The employees felt even more scared.In their eyes their boss was an unfeeling machine with no sense of humour.

But before they could properly start to apologise Aiden told them to enjoy their lunch and just left.

Aiden looked at the videos in his office and laughed loudly.It was a piry that only he could watch this,if he had an actually good relationship with Amelie he would've definitely send her this.


When Amelie woke up it was almost noon.She stretched for a bit and looked around the bedroom,reality finally hitting her.

She had laughed like an idiot with the man she spited and she had also accepted his kindness.What happened to her cold and unforgiving attitude?

Amelie couldn't help but scrunch her face and cringe.After a few minutes of self-loathing she finally got up and went to do her usual morning routine.

After putting on a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants,she decided to properly explore the house.This house was decorated by her around their 'engagement'.She had asked Aiden to help,but he hadn't shown much interest and just given a list of to his mother about a few things he didn't want.At first Amelie had been a bit excited to decorate.The common areas were mostly thought out by her with a sprinkle from her and Aiden's mother.But the more she got to it,the more she was reminded of the pathetic lie she was experiencing and when it was time to decorate the bedroom,Amelie had had enough and foumd an excuse about work so she could avoid it all and left the thing all in their mothers hand.

After exploring she made herself a meal ,she took a nap,then she organised and cleaned a few things.

Amelie looked around and noticed how she hadn't checked a door that was right next to the master bedroom.When she opened the door she noticed that this room was smaller than the others and only had a few boxes around,but there was a lot of natural light in there and she could see the beautiful sunset.

"[What could this room be?]"

Amelie walked around for a bit,then she squatted and took a look at the content of the boxes.There were a few unusual items making Amelie confused,after rummaging for a bit more she found a pair of tiny shoes.

"[Awwww!These are so adorable!]" But suddenly her smile dropped.Amelie caressed the little shoes gently with a complicated look in her eyes.

"[I guess this is the baby's room.]"

Aiden's family had thought of the perfect environment for the start of a new family and had thought of every single detail,even this nursery.Maybe they didn't want to pressure them so they had just left it empty.The boxes were a few presents they had gotten for their wedding,some people seemed to have a habit of giving baby items to a young couple.

Soon Amelie was lost in thought while looking at the little shoes.In this life she had never been sure if she would marry,but for one thing she had always been sure and that was becoming a mother.

She didn't care if a man was in her life of not but she definitely wanted her own child. People had always found it surprising that a cold, ambitious,career oriented woman like her had such a strong maternal instinct,it didn't exactly fit her image.Amelie had never minded when people made assumption.She knew people had different views and different wants. As long as it didn't affect her then people could think whatever they wanted.She knew what she wanted and that was all that mattered to her.

Amelie smiled as she teased the little bows on the shoes,her smile a bit sad.

If she had a normal healthy marriage then maybe somewhere in her life she could really hold her own baby,but anything else she was really scared.She would want for her baby to be in a happy and safe space, and she wasn't so sure if she was capable enough of giving it alone.She didn't want her baby to suffer due to her selfishness.What if her love wasn't enough?

Amelie sighed and shook her thoughts off.It was still too early to think of that.That future was still to far away and there were a lot more thing she has to do before reaching that point.She had a lot of other goals she had to complete so if she jumped that train too early then she would fail both futures because she wouldn't be able to put the right time and energy to the both of them.

Amelie decided to admire those shoes a bit more before putting them away,but just as she was doing so a deep voice behind ruined her sweet fantasy.

"What are you doing?"

"Whoa!"Amelie turned around quickly and tumbled the box while trying to hide the little shoes,but that only resulted with her spilling everything on the floor.

Aiden looked at the items confusedly.

"What are these?What are they doing here?"

"Th-These are some of the wedding presents we got. I hadn't seen this room before ,so I got curious and found these here."

Aiden nodded while looking at the items.His gaze stopped at a pair of little shoes in the box.He stared at them for a while then at her and then at the shoes again.

Amelie felt like she was caught in a crime and wanted to break the silence.But she noticed that Aiden was also a bit strange.

"Did you need something?"she hesitantly asked.

"No.Nothing.I'll just go in my room and shower."
