

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 25

"[Ame are you okay?Did that old man do anything to you?Did he agree to take back the proposal?]"

Just as she got out the questions were fired to her by Dennis and Rosè.

Amelie smiled and answered.

"[I'm fine and he didn't do anything to me.We just had lunch.Also he took back the proposal.]"

Dennis and Rosè looked at each other and then turned to her.

"[How?]" they said at the same time.

"[We discussed a few things.Gave our reasons and just like that.]"

Dennis was still suspicious,but seeing how Amelie was fine and smiling he decided to believe her for now.

"[Well then,I'll be heading to my place,since I have to start packing my things.You two have a lot of talking to do anyway.]" she patted Dennis's back and left.

Being left alone,Dennis took Rosè's hand and took her to the park nearby.He didn't speak during the whole way,just held her hand tightly as if she would disappear if he let go.Rosè didn't say anything either and just let herself be dragged by him silently.

After sitting down on a bench,Dennis was the one who broke the silence.

"[Amelie told me to come.She said that this was the hardest time of your life and I needed to be there for you no matter what.I dropped everything and came.Why didn't you tell me anything?]"He spoke as he looked at the trees in front.

Rosè's vision got blurry,her usually loud and cheerful voice became quiet and weak.

"[Because I didn't want you to get hurt.]"

"[Do I look that delicate to you?That unreliable?]"

Rosè immediately took his face and pulled it to her direction.

"[No Danny!I never thought of you as that!I was just-I was just scared!]" she broke down crying.Dennis just looked at her silently,his eyes also red.

"[I didn't want you to get caught into a mess like this!I-I didn't want you to see how pathetic I actually am!How-How-]" she couldn't convey her words properly.

"[You were raised with a lot of love,with a beautiful family,with a lot of loving relatives!I couldn't let you see the mess I grew up in!I just couldn't!]"

Rosè was sobbing hard.For the first time revealing her real feelings,her real insecurities.

Suddenly Dennis cupped her cheeks and kissed her passionately.

He wasn't good at conveying his love with pretty words so he could only do it with actions.

Rosè's cheeks flushed from the kiss.Dennis finally let her go when she was getting breathless.

"[I want the real Rosè,not some perfect facade!I want to know everything about you!And I want you to rely on me!I love you and I want to love all of you!]"

Rosè sobbed even more at his genuine words.The look of his eyes with pure love made her feel even more guilty for hiding from him.

"[I-I'm sorry!From now on,I'll never hide anything from you again!]"

Dennis kissed once again and then took something out of his pocket.He showed the small red box to Rosè.

He spoke a but emotionally.

"[I had planned to give this to you on our trip in August.I had planned the perfect place,the perfect dinner and the perfect words,but as you can see I miserably failed at that.I don't want to waste a moment more and I think that now is the perfect time.]"

He opened the box revealing a white golden ring,with a light-blue diamond,exactly the same as her eyes,surrounded by other small white diamonds,the diamonds also covering the ring.

Rosè gasped and covered her mouth.The tears slid down her cheeks.

"[Rosè Strowlger will you marry me?]"

He got down on one knee.

Rosè sobbed loudly and immediately hugged him saying with all her soul.

"[Yes!A million times yes!]Always yes!]"

Dennis held her in his arms,hugging her tightly his eyes a bit red,but full of happiness.

After staying like that for a bit,he put the ring for her and after that took her in his arms spinning and kissing her.

That night he promised himself that she would never cry while being with him.


Amelie looked at the chat with her unread messages.She had sent Aiden messages hours ago,but he still hadn't responded.

At first, she had thought that he might be busy,but it had already been many days since the last time they talked so she couldn't believe that lie she told herself anymore.

Amelie looked absentmindedly at the city lights. Her heart had started to feel anxious.She wasn't as confident and sure anymore.Had he really had enough of her?Was he ghosting her now?

Her head fell on the glass window as she felt the light,fresh breeze.

Did she do the right thing?The advantages far outweighed the disadvantages,so logically that was the best for her and everyone,but what about the emotional part?Would Aiden be okay?Would she be okay,later?

Seeing the sent message that was still unread, she was about to cry.This was the reason she hated the thought of love.This was the reason she avoided it.

Aiden looked at the message on his notification bar.

"There is something really important to talk about.Can we meet up when you have time?"

It had been many hours since he had seen it,but he hadn't opened it.

Aiden then looked at the article on his phone that had caused a huge wave.

"The engagement of the young heir of Burdis.Who is the mysterious fiancè of Gabriel Burdis?"

It was right that Gabriel had announced his engagement,but he had kept his fiancè a secret.No one knew who she was and some speculated that she might be a nonpublic figure,that's why it was kept a secret.

After the truth had come to light,Aiden had tried to suppress it as much as he could.That would be his last act of affection he did for her.After that, he would cut contact,but he still found it hard to remove her from his follower list.He still found it hard to block her.

He had been expecting a post of her showing her engagement ring from that bas****,but apparently they wanted to keep it so much of a secret.

Aiden threw his phone on the table and took another gulp from his drink.He had been emptying a lot of bottles lately.

Suddenly he heard a knock.

"Come in." he didn't move from his place and just stared at the huge garden of the villa.

"Your grandfather wants to speak with you."

"I'll be there now."

Aiden emptied the glass and went inside.Today they were having a family dinner at his grandparents and he couldn't refuse as not to worry them.Most of the others had already retired to their rooms,but his grandfather obviously had something he wanted to discuss alone and in secret.


"Enter." the stern voice came across the door.

"You were looking for me, grandfather?"

"Yes,yes,take a seat."

Aiden silently took a seat.

"I called you here for an important reason,boy.It's about your marriage.I already discussed it with-"

"I'll do it."

His grandfather was a bit confused.This easy?

To assure his grandfather hadn't been imagining it Aiden spoke again.

"I said I'll do it.I'll go with the marriage."

"Well,then that's great!" his grandfather smiled.That young lady must've told him first for him to agree this quickly.

"When do you want me to announce the news?"

"Do as you see fit.I don't care."

"Then we'll discuss it with the girl first."

Aiden didn't say anything about this.

"I'll be heading to my room."

"Go and rest.Goodnight!"

"Goodnight." Aiden said as he closed the door.

When he went to his room he filled the glass of whisky full and drank it in ine gulp.But no matter how drunk he got,it was like her face got more clearer in his eyes.Her big brown eyes that would look at him with shyness,but also expectations.Her soft luscious lips that he didn't even got to taste,but just a slight brush that had ignited his desire more.He thought they would be his,but who knows how many times those lips had kissed that f***** Gabriel.

They probably had been laughing together when she had told Gabriel how he had fallen into her trap.

But he wouldn't let them get away with it easily.He would make sure for the Burdis to pay and for to do that he needed that CEO position.