

Amelie is a young and beautiful businesswoman trying hard to set foot in the industry with her new company, ran with the help of her cousin,Dennis. The events lead to her taking the place of her cousin's fiancè-to-be,Rosè, in an arranged marriage settled by Rosè's family. Her soon husband?None other than the heir of the prestigious Yoxal group, Aiden Yoxal, the temporary ex-boss she had no less than a few months ago. At first, Amelie is thrilled to have her kind ex-boss as a fake husband.It was better than a complete stranger,right?Plus they seemed to get on pretty well together.But his attitude is completely different?He looks at her as if she is his enemy! Soon her husband's indifferent and cold attitude turns Amelie into a cold and indifferent wife. What will happen to these two? Will they finally divorce or will they give this marriage another chance? But it won't be so easy when the world's most stubborn man is against the world's most stubborn woman.

WandererXXII · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 14

But chasing after someone wasn't so easy. Especially when she was your underling and also avoiding you.For weeks,Aiden had tried creating opportunities to see Amelie,but she would always find an excuse.

But tonight they would have a work dinner.He had organised this as a way to reward everyone for their hard work since they had already reached an important milestone in the project.This time she wouldn't run away.

Everybody at the restaurant was dressed to the nines.They had taken this dinner very seriously as a way to escape from the hard work that waited on Monday for them.

Since the weather had gotten a bit hotter,Amelie wore an off-shoulder dress that hugged her body tightly.The colour was a green jewel tone and the satin fabric would shine on the light.Her hair was in huge waves,on her left side and her makeup was a bit heavier than before,with an eyeliner and a red shade of lips.

As she entered the place,many people turned their heads and some secretly glanced.

Aiden was one of the people.Since the moment he had decided to pursue her,he wasn't hiding it,the only thing that stopped him from making it too obvious was the consideration he had for Amelie's feelings.He could guess that she wasn't comfortable with being under the spotlight all the time.

Amelie seems to have noticed his gaze and also made eye-contact with him,she then immediately avoided it and lowered her head.

Aiden smirked.Obviously she was shy.He then took a sip from his glass,but his eyes would still shamelessly stay on her.

In 2 hours the place got lively and this time they had music.Many people would get up to dance freely,forgetting that their boss was still there.

Amelie would occasionally take pictures, videos of the atmosphere while swaying to the music.She would post it later on her private social media account.

After doing that she would enjoy the food on her plate.All her these expressions and movements were caught by Aiden's memory.Dominick had to remind him some times that he was staring for too long.

Amelie was enjoying the loud music,but after listening to it for a few hours,her head and ears started to hurt.

"[I'll go outside and calm myself down for a bit.]"

"[Are you okay?]"Ivan asked concernedly.

"[Yes,just a bit dizzy from the noise.]"

"[Do you want me to come?]"

"[No,it's okay.I'll be back quick.]"

Ivan nodded."[Tell me,if you aren't feeling good.We'll return home early then.]"

Amelie nodded,then took her bag and went outside.At first,she went to the bathroom and retouched her makeup.Then she went to the balcony and got herself some fresh air while enjoying the slight quietness.

After a bit,she heard footsteps behind her.Amelie turned her head and saw the man that approached her.He was as handsome as ever. Different from the usual getup,today he just wore a black shirt with rolled-up sleeves,exposing the tattoo on his arm.His first few buttons were loose and she could see a bit of the toned chest.She noticed how the tattoo was also on his left chest.His hair was a bit unruly and his face was more relaxed than usual.

She just nodded at him and proceeded to look at the starry sky. Obviously she wasn't interested in entertaining him,so he had to do the entertaining.If this would make her happy,then Aiden didn't mind.

He walked to the railing and supported himself on it,right next to her.His back was bent and his face was turned in her direction.

"Not going to even say hi?"

"I did greet you.Just not verbally."

"I'll be kind enough to take it." He then turned around and leaned back on the railing. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

"What makes you think that,sir?"Sir?She was definitely distant.

"Well,I have called out to you many times,but you never came to me."

"Have you?When did that happened?"Her expression was full of confusion,even Aiden almost believed it.

"And each time we spoke for the past month,you were always short and cold with your answers,like a minute ago."

Amelie didn't speak and only side-eyed him.But that cold and indifference only allured Aiden even more.If anyone looked great with this look,then it would be only her.She didn't even need to try to seduce him,just this was enough.

The music from the inside had changed,to soft music,an old song danced with a partner.

Under the starlight,she looked more mesmerising.He had never seen her before with curled hair.They were parted on her left side,reveling the nape of her neck.The off-shoulder dress hugged her beautiful figure tightly,showing all her body's strong points,Her beautiful cleavage,her thin and elegant waist,continuing to her wide hips and hipdips.

It was like she wore it just to drive him even more crazy.Her curled,long eyelashes,fluttered lightly and stopped halfway,when she lazily looked at the night view.Her pouty red lips glossed under the starlight.He wanted to kiss them there and now.

"Would you care to join me for this dance, milady?"

Amelie looked at his reached out hand.She was stunned,but too lazy to make an expression,nor move.After glancing it she looked at the night view again.

"Not interested."

Aiden didn't think she would reject him so easily and so flatly.He grinned and took a step closer,removing one stray strand of hair,from her exposed shoulder.

"Then what if I order you,as your boss?"

Amelie looked at his casual movements.Suddenly her eyes had an amused looks and her lips curled into a smile.She turned in his direction,now their faces were just a few inches apart.

"Then I would reject you again,since we are outside work hours.I don't need to obey you.And even if it were working hours that isn't my field of expertise,so I would reject you again."

Aiden threw his head back laughing.She was really something else.

"Then what do I need to do,for you to accept this dance?"

Amelie suddenly opened her eyes widely.

"Really?You'll do anything?"

"If I can."

"So there are conditions.Forget it."Her face was dejected.

"That's unfair.I'd like to hear it first."

"You might as well not mention anything."

"Fine,fine.No conditions."

Amelie's eyes lit up.Her lashes was starting to flutter delicately as she was about to speak and Aiden couldn't help,but stare at them.He felt like they were tickling his heart.

"Then I will accept this dance,if you close your eyes."

Aiden closed his eyes.

"Now,stretch your hand left hand halfways."Aiden proceeded to do so.

"Raise your other arm halfways."Aiden obediently raised his other arm.The position seemed as if he was about to hold her,he couldn't help,but have a bit of expectation.

"Good.Now imagine as if it were me and sway to the music."

Aiden finally understood where she was getting to.He opened his eyes and looked at her with an exaggerated look of heartbreak,pointing his finger.

"You tricked me!"

"I never did so."

"You promised me a dance,if I did everything you told me to!"

"I did.And I gave it to you."

"That doesn't count!It wasn't real!"

"I promised you a dance,I never told if it would be real or not."Amelie shrugged.

Aiden looked at her squinting his eyes.

"You sly little fox.You should've been a lawyer instead of an engineer."

"I'll take that as a compliment!" Amelie laughed.

"With this, you at least owe me your number."

Amelie was speechless at how quickly he got himself an opportunity.


"I'm being nice.If I wanted to I could just check your company file,but I'm trying to be respectful and earn it from you."

"Wouldn't that be abusing your authority?"

"That is if I get caught."

"You just confessed."

"Right,I forgot to mention that there is no one who can hold me accountable."

Amelie was even more speechless.This guy was more shameless than she thought.