
Mirrored Flame

The sky was cloudy and dark, crimson droplets falling all around me. It's important... but why? Turning my head, I finally noticed Her, Him. And She, He was staring at me. "Who are you?" I outstretch my hand and they do the same. When our hands link together, everything clicked. Despite being completely different in every way, they're both me and I am them. But how did this happen? Where are we? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My story is a slow paced with much build up for the major events to come but I hope you can enjoy the world built with a mix of two of my favorite fables, the many tales of the Greek Pantheon and the exaggerated Romance of the Three Kingdoms to create a world where mortals can rise to Godhood and Gods can descend to mortality. ---‐--------------------------------------------------------- I am working on getting a custom made cover but chose to post chapters first.

Lunarshade55 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

Chapter 45: Finally witnessing a Map/Meeting Keeper of Enforcers

My desire to train was being drained the longer the silence on my other's end continues. But all in all, Jikani had improved as she ends up drawing blood, though a drop, she did improve.

'Might need to thank Gin for whatever training method he used on her.'

'Even if it was only a big slow two-hander.' 

With the silence on my other's end never ceasing and Jikani passing the first test, I ponder swapping out her training partner over continuing the training myself before sighing. 

I call out to Gin to take over Jikani's weapon training. The moment Sapheir catches me heading for the exit, he asks from the ground, catching his breath. "Something... wrong...?" 

I look to the guy trying to get off the ground, some resistance from his worn-out muscles before giving him a light wave. "I still haven't seen a map since leaving the valley so I'm just going to take a break to learn about the area."

'And hopefully, cloud my head away from this silence through planning my route.' 

He doesn't hold me up as he falls back down to take a dirt nap. Though he's still failing, he's been lasting longer, defending well against a B-rank spear, dagger, and bowman, even if he gets hit by the other attacks when his focus is taken by the spear. 

Heading out of the training room, I ask the guild receptionist who took over for Miri where I can look at a map of the Siltria territory. "We have some here. Just make sure not to damage it or you'll be paying replacement fees." 

Passing me a copy from inside the drawer, I agree as I take a seat at an empty table. This open bar is at the quietest point I've seen with only two or three tables of the local drunks sitting while everyone else is out working, if not training. 

The map isn't expertly detailed but it's enough for what I want to know. For one, there's a red dot placed where the village of Farnom is with this Valley taking up the center of Grenon's...

'Known land? That's...' For some reason, I don't think that's true. 

North-west from the red dot is the home village of the Frozen Sapphires, Sarmon, one of two villages just above Marcal forest. Further north from there is the Farengar Federation's territory of Heftern City. But the other areas aren't named.

'Would need a better map for that.' 

But now for the information I've been looking for; further south from Verei's current location is the town Markston, which will be the intersecting point for Veda and Verei, the place that connects Farnom Village and the capital before continuing west for the City of Oriel. 

'There's likely a lot of smaller towns here and there too but all information isn't available with this map.' 

Further east from the capital are a few more cities before the last one just outside the Desert of Hugo.

'So, they really do call it Hugo, though I see now they simply call it "the desert" because there isn't any other one on this continent.'

Sadly, the map won't show how big the desert is but I can tell it's a large chunk of Grenon's 'known land'. 

Opposite from the desert, the lands to the west seem to be a mountainous region of cold. 'Snow to the west, desert to the east, in the center is green forestation.'

Wait, why do I know it's a snowy region?... Because it's mountainous?

Leaning back in the chair, I can't remain focused on these minor details for long else I'll slip back into Veda's view of the deafening silence. 

"Back to the City of Oriel." I tell myself. 

It holds a hefty amount of flat land in the Siltria territory and some of the lands of Renon's territory. Not as much as the Federation's but a sizable chunk despite being a few miles from Siltria's capital. 

But now that I get to see the pathing myself, it's far too likely both parts won't be able to converge in Markston if Verei doesn't head out first. But the Frozen Sapphires have only recently started their training and if I go alone, something could happen. It isn't a single-day journey and the tree tops won't be as tall the further out of the forest I go.

'Should I just head out on my own to meet up with my other?' 

'Or play it say and give the Sapphires a few days?'

Just as I begin contemplating my next step, the door to the training room opens as the two parties come out.

Floris is short of breath after spending over 2 hours doing nonstop jogging, something normal people may be used to but Mages truly are a different breed. 

Jikani has bruises all over her body from every time she was countered by Gin.

'Looks like he's a strict teacher under that silent attitude.' 

And lastly, Sapheir's being carried over Gradon's shoulder. 

"Hey Deidura." called out Gradon. "These three hit their limit so we're calling it a night. Did you find out what you need?" 

I can't help chuckling at the sight of the group's ragged state, but I'm happy to see them taking their training seriously. 

"...Yeah, I found out what I wanted." 

I can wait a few more days. I wouldn't want to interrupt their training when they're taking it this seriously. 


We've already entered the castle, and the shift is currently changing as many Knights and Servants are moving through the halls. We end up stopping at a split in the corridors, a spot I've been on a few times as it leads me to my room. 

Emeri, who's been silent for the longest while, speaks first, "This is where we split up. I need to get ready for work. So..." 

She begins handing me the bag holding the chain mail. I hold both the dress bag and chainmail bag on the same shoulder, the weight of them both steadily wearing me down but I will swap them on the way.

I give Emeri a hardened smile. "I had fun. See you tomorrow before leaving?" 

She shook her head. "I'm glad you had fun but I won't be able to see you off. I'm being sent east of the Valley to monitor the Hobgoblin activity. But..." 

She takes a second to gather her courage. "Come back to the Kingdom sometime and see me again. I want to know the real you instead of the fake person you've tried to be since the moment you first arrived."

My eyes shook as I thought back on how different I must've acted since I first woke up this morning. The manipulative and calculating person I used to be who has shown signs that she did used to be around people.

But Emeri gives me a forced smile, "I still have to tell you the rest of my story after all." 

I give her a warm smile after hearing that before giving her a hug she wasn't expecting.

"You needn't fret over that. I enjoyed spending time with you. And I hope to spend more time with you in the future. But it has to be after reuniting with my brother once more." 

I feel her return the hug. "Then find him soon! You still have more of the capital to see." 

After separating, we give each other one last wave before going our separate ways. 

Walking through the corridor, I can only hear my own footsteps. Having come from a very active part of the castle to a completely silent part was making me anxious. It doesn't help that even Verei is sitting in silence due to the Sapphires being sound asleep in bed due to exhaustion. 


'I don't like it.' 


Eventually, I hear another person's footsteps ahead of me, a man coming down the hall. Despite not knowing the man with many wrinkles on his face, the purple armor is hard not to identify considering I've met almost all their members within these past few days. 

While I don't know who he is, what keeps my focus currently is the mysterious aura he gives off, as though a veil surrounds his body. I was uncertain what this was until I looked at his armor, or more specifically, his chest piece. 

As we reach each other, we pass without much of a word, making me question if he's too busy for small talk. However, that is not the case as I hear his voice shortly after. 

"You're the Deidura girl, right?" Came out an old grizzled voice. 

I stop before turning back. "Yes. Is there something you need?" 

Beyond the thin sharp beard, I can feel the atmosphere of someone experienced in life. It's a feeling that Uldrei had when he stopped playing the fool during the times of training me... and the time he moved to protect me. 

"Mostly just curiosity," He answers. "I've heard about your achievements within the Capital. Beyond the return of the Keeper of the Word, there were rumors of you being close to the Keeper of Hunt, who often keeps to herself and even went shopping with the princess, who only ever leaves the castle for special occasions." 

Ah, that one trip spread a lot of rumors. Not surprising. They are all pillars of the kingdom and yet, from entering with Serci and only ever leaving around Emeri and the princess, I might as well have been a stranger who made herself at home the very moment I arrived. 

'Come to think of it, the only times I wasn't around one of them was with the Queen, in my room, or being brought by one of the maids to them.' 

I answer, "It has been pretty busy for me. Though the change of living in a forest to living in a guest room in the capital of Siltria was by far the biggest." 

He gives a light chuckle. "Yes, it was so unprecedented I originally thought you may be using hypnosis to slither your way to the center of our capital with the Deidura name as a cover." 

My blood ran cold by the implications, and fearful as I recognized how it must've looked from an outside perspective. Someone unknown to the Capital arrives using the name of a hero and becomes close to the next ruler of the capital within the day. It would easily make sense if it was 'that kind of magic.' 

But the Keeper shook his head. "Don't worry. Meeting you here, I can tell that isn't the case. You were just a lucky girl surrounded by coincidence." 

To say I was confused that he gave up on that idea so easily would be an understatement. I hadn't even thought of how abnormal these events were in the eyes of others from the outside looking in till he pointed them out, and just as quickly he's no longer suspicious? 

"B-but how can you tell I'm not someone using manipulation magic? I mean... What are the signs that someone is using them?" 

He gives a light chuckle, "When you've met one, you'll never forget. They have a very distinct air about them, a spell like that of a cloak surrounding their being as they burn their mana to force others to think as the user sees fit, changing your desire to go right into a desire to go left would be a simple enough example. They would be someone of terrible social skills suddenly getting a silver tongue, making you feel you could agree with everything that comes out of their mouth."

"But you aren't that. Your air is as pure as any everyday civilian, you aren't experienced in social interactions with your success easily attributed entirely to your luck and personality. Lastly, there's your eyes. They still have a light of innocence in them..." 

His smirk falls before waves his hand around. "You aren't brainwashing anyone." 

So, there is a look to people who use hypnosis magic on others... A feeling of a disturbance through the atmosphere? Though that description fits my first impression of him, I notice something different about that haze.

He doesn't fit all of those descriptions himself either. His eyes, though hardened, can't be described as 'lost of innocence'. I haven't interacted with enough people to guess their social experience myself but he's telling me this, so if he was, he doesn't fear getting caught. Lastly is the Veiled feeling, which can all be explained by that armor. 

"But enough about what isn't true," the Keeper says to shift the subject. "What caught my interest the most about you is a certain event concerning you and Her Majesty. My condolences by the way but as a mage I can't help but have an interest in that book you so desperately called for." 

'He's shifting the conversation to ask about the book?' 

He continues. "Despite there being much gossip about the incident through the servants and knights around when the event was taking place, the Knight you had read the title of each page had... it had a lasting effect on him. Enough so that the man once content with his position as a Royal Knight came to me rather suddenly for advice on how to improve his capacity in the arcane arts." 

As he spoke of the after-effects of the event no one else would speak of, I recognize the depth of what happened after I fell unconscious. 

'The depths of knowledge lying in that book is more than what normal people could handle.'

Powerful and varied enough to make a Knight hired as a shield for the royal family to feel inadequate with his strength. 

"Of course, I had to turn him down," the Keeper continued. "His magical capabilities were inadequate, but I was able to reassure him of his current strength, well enough that there wouldn't be any fear of the man resigning just because he witnessed power on a higher level. But it does make me curious; would you allow me to read from the book?" 

My eyes shook. He brought up all the gossip and negative feelings of inadequacy from someone accepted to guard royalty being brought down a peg after reading a few pages, and yet he still wishes to read it himself? 

"You just told me about the effects that kind of knowledge has on other people. So, why are you asking to read it?" 

He shrugs as though it should be an obvious answer. "To satiate my own curiosity and nothing more. I'm a caster first, and like many before me, I wish to satiate curiosity with Knowledge. You are one too, and a powerful one at that. No rumor need be spread for what I can see exuding off you from your very existence."

"Though that alone tells me about your capabilities, the look in your eyes tells me of your skill. You recognized the aura of the Orichalcum armor, didn't you? You see the anti-magic aura brought by this armor's very existence, something only the best of casters that trained their sensitivity in mana flow to the fullest can discern." 

'So it was Orichalcum armor.'

'It was his commission.'

"You're the Keeper of Enforcers who commissioned Mr. Fyord. I heard about it when commissioning the chainmail... While it is true I noticed the veil-like aura of the orichalcum, I have to admit that this is the first time I've ever seen it." 

He wasn't expecting my mention of where the chest piece was crafted but before he could react to my mention of never seeing it before, I bowed my head and gave him my answer. 

"You asked if you could see pages in the book but, I must apologize. I don't think it's a good idea for just anyone to see it. Maybe if I find you trustworthy I will one day let you read a page or two of my grandmother's discoveries." 

He stares blankly at me for a minute, his eyes feeling intense as I fear the possibility of him using force to get his hands on the book, yet a cackle comes from his mouth instead. 

"That's the right answer to give a stranger you know nothing about. Allowing a Royal Knight to see your grandmother's beloved research was an exception brought by a desperate situation and it should remain as just that. As the Queen instructed, I won't try reading it, especially when you declined me yourself."

"But take this as a lesson. Only let those you trust be allowed to open the cover because what you hold is considered dangerous even by Her Majesty's standards. She has deemed it necessary to keep that book's very existence a secret from the rest of the world, So do your part and keep it from prying eyes." 

With those last words, he continues on his way, as do I. 

He was intense, giving off an aura of experience hard to ignore. The only other person who came close was Relle while she was doing her job. But compared to her, the Keeper of Enforcers is someone I hope to never get on the wrong side of. 

Decided I will post a chapter every weekend. But here is almost two chapters worth of words (one view would've been too small while the other still a decent size)

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