
Mirrored Flame

The sky was cloudy and dark, crimson droplets falling all around me. It's important... but why? Turning my head, I finally noticed Her, Him. And She, He was staring at me. "Who are you?" I outstretch my hand and they do the same. When our hands link together, everything clicked. Despite being completely different in every way, they're both me and I am them. But how did this happen? Where are we? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My story is a slow paced with much build up for the major events to come but I hope you can enjoy the world built with a mix of two of my favorite fables, the many tales of the Greek Pantheon and the exaggerated Romance of the Three Kingdoms to create a world where mortals can rise to Godhood and Gods can descend to mortality. ---‐--------------------------------------------------------- I am working on getting a custom made cover but chose to post chapters first.

Lunarshade55 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 27: Chainmail

After we've gathered the essentials for traveling, I ask Serci about getting some protection and we head to an Armorsmith that is commonly frequented by the Knights. 

This part of town wasn't as bad as the area around the general store, more well-kept but also not as well-kept as the main street, having a more grey tint. But it's also not as crowded as the main street, there being rather few people around, and even fewer people staring at the princess. 'Maybe most of these people are families of those in the castle?'

Upon arriving, we open the doors only to be greeted by a wave of heat across our bodies, the temperature inside being much higher than the outside. What I see is the sight of various armors lining the walls, one side for men, the other for women, and all of varying sizes, colors, and materials. Despite the temperature going up another fifteen degrees, it's rather comfortable when compared to the sudden cold winds.

We hear someone yelling from the back as if it were his normal pitch. "The moment the steel is hot and ready you better pull it out of the fire and evenly hit the chunk to the mold of a chest plate! And don't continue beyond that while I deal with the customers!" 

I hear three people shout in confirmation before the backdoor opens, the temperature getting shot up by almost another five degrees just from the door opening. Only seconds later, a man shorter than my male counterpart came out from the back door. Despite being shorter, he was wider with more muscle, making his body at least twice as thick. 

"Welcome to the Iron Maiden! What armor you looking...?" 

The moment he realizes who came into the store, he changes his pitch. "Ah, the Keeper of Hunt, Word, and the Princess. A pleasant surprise. Was there something you wanted to personally commission? And who's the lass that hasn't quit staring? You never seen a Dwarf before or something?" 

'So, he's a Dwarf? If I remember right, they are a race of mountain dwellers, though he must've been from the branch that chose to adapt to human societies.'

The powerful physical and magical resistances innate in every dwarf was strong, but less powerful the longer dwarves live on the surface. This made multiple variations of Dwarves, the resistant Mountain Dwarves, the less resistant City Dwarves, and the in-between. 

The Armorsmith who has a bald head and beard big enough to replace every hair missing on that head would probably be one of the kinds in-between. 

"S-sorry. It's my first time seeing someone smaller than my brother, much less a member of the Dwarven race." 

The Armor smith seems to shrug it off with a light chuckle. "I see. And just how tall is your brother?" 

I try to remember the measurements Miri took a few hours ago when my counterpart was getting his guild card. "About 5'2." 

"5'2, eh? Quite the pipsqueak then!" 

The dwarf began to cackle while the other girls try to keep a straight face, but I didn't really mind, swept in by his infectious laugh. 

Another free-spirited guy not afraid to say what's on his mind. While this reminds me a lot of a certain 'Steel Bone' adventurer Verei got to know, I can't help but think of the old man the few times he really let loose. 

When the laughter settles, the Dwarf returns to being a store owner. "Alright, let's get back to business. What type of equipment were you looking for coming to our fine establishment? Did one of the Knight's shields get shot through again?" 

With a chuckle, Emeri tries to hide her embarrassment by clearing her throat. "N-no, we're looking for armor for our friend here. This is Veda and she is the granddaughter of Uldrei Deidura." 

I give a light bow, attempting to move like the princess had but I can feel my step was off. The Armorsmith, however, didn't seem to care about etiquette, focusing on the name. 

"Granddaughter of Uldrei eh? I've heard the legends like everyone else. Would've loved to check out that blade of his to see how it worked...But anyways, the kind of armor I would give you... you're no fighter judging by those arms, not even an archer like Ms. Penetration over there. So, my guess is that you're a mage?" 

Emeri's face gets dyed red from the nickname he gave her on the spot. I'm curious to know what happened but she looks too embarrassed to be willing to say anything.

"Yes, I'm a mage so something light yet durable would be perfect." 

While shaking his head, he gave a deep sigh. "The more fitting term would be light and flexible. If you want durable, it would require something closer to magical metals, which isn't easy to come by. Or if not magical, it would require mystical hides of a mythic beast that even your grandfather hunts once in a blue moon. Be it a Sphynx, Troll, or something like that Cockatrice he's known for, it wouldn't be easy to get due to the lack of sightings, let alone how strong they are." 

I didn't realize that 'light and durable' was such a tall order. "T-then what armor would you recommend Mr...?" 

"Ah, forgive me for the late introduction. I'm Marton Fyord! Now about what I recommend..." 

Just as he was about to start giving options, the rhythm of hammer blows in the back suddenly made a sound I could tell from my very core was wrong. Even ears like mine that that I can tell aren't familiar with smithing methods could tell it was a nasty mistake. 

A vein pops up on Mr. Fyord's head as practically shoulder-checks the back door before the sound of profanities comes through. "I swear to the gods, Mardon! Laren! Filron! I know I fucken told you only to mold that metal into a chest piece! Not only did that sound like you were moving on to the next step without my ok but you missed the bloody anvil!" 

We hear the one-sided shouting match that couldn't be overturned by any excuses the three tried to make before the wailing sounds of three separate heads being smacked resound throughout the door. 

'The armor piece must've been important, probably commissioned by someone of high rank if not an important piece of metal for him to be this upset.' 

Emeri and Serci look to each other with a sigh, this seeming to be more common than it should while the princess is just as lost as I am. When he comes out from the back room, he gives an exhausted, irritated, sigh before looking back at us. 

"Apologies, the armor was meant for the Keeper of Enforcers. He recently came into my shop with enough Orichalcum for a breastplate and he had asked me to craft it for him. Not as mythical a material you were asking about but still a rare metal to appear in this land. It gives a nice amount of resistance to magic and a decent defense as something just above common Steel. It would be considered a great piece of armor for someone like him who has low pain tolerance while helping him defend against many forms of magic on it's own. It was nearing its final step and my apprentices DECIDED! that they were skilled enough to complete it without me." 

It took him a minute to cope with the mess his apprentices had made for him but pushed it off until after he'd dealt with the current customers in front of him.

"So... an armor that would fit a mage best is the leather of a mystic beast. This ain't the rich land of the Federation or the Knowledgeable land of Oriel City so we don't often have that at the ready for civilians. We barely had enough for the half-elf's squadron. But what I can do is make you some chainmail, a lighter version that isn't going to weigh you down too much but can still protect you from all but the most direct blows." 

"The material for chainmail is often the same, iron and steel, but the main difference is how it gets built. Be it butted, riveted, or punched; they all have their uses. My recommendation is riveted as that lasts the longest. It can also be put on easily as it only requires a pin in the right place to keep it together."

"Punched takes a bit more work and is harder to hide under a dress seeing as we punch the rings into sheets of metal and put it on like any other leather armor, but it's the most durable of chainmail." 

"Lastly is Butted, which I consider to be jewelry more than armor. Less about its strength against taking blows and more about how it looks design-wise. Something I would only recommend if you're asking for a prop or plan to turn it into an artifact." 

With the long-winded explanation over he leans on the counter. "So, Iron or Steel, Riveted or punched? Or did you bring a piece of heaven you would like to be Butted together into an artifact?" 

The explanation of the different forms of chainmail helped me think about what I wanted quickly, especially with the mention of it lasting longer. I don't know when I'd have the time to get a replacement on my journey. "Steel Riveted please. I don't have anything for Butted and I'd prefer to have armor hidden if I ever need to fake what wounds I received." 

He gives a satisfied nod. "Understood! I'm always happy to meet a customer actually willing to listen to the words of the smith! I often get too many idiots coming through those doors thinking they know exactly what they need without listening to the positives and negatives. Far too many fools looking for what looks right over what works right." 

"Lucky for you, I already have plenty of chains left to Rivet together. I would've said it would be finished in the morning tomorrow after the orichalcum breastplate was finished if my apprentices hadn't PUT A MASSIVE DENT IN IT!!!" 

Three heads run back into the back room while the Armorsmith takes another deep breath before continuing. "As his order was both first and already nearing its completion, his order comes first. So, please come back after midday tomorrow with your payment." 

After finishing with the reservation for a set of chainmail, we give thanks on our way out. I try to think if there is anything else I need but for now, I ask to find a place to rest, my other coming in contact with a situation that may require him to act. 

Quite a few methods for making one piece of armor. And I think my research still isn't over considering the many more types I might need to look through.

Would help ease my mind if you'd give a like or comment for this hard work.

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