
Mirrored Flame

The sky was cloudy and dark, crimson droplets falling all around me. It's important... but why? Turning my head, I finally noticed Her, Him. And She, He was staring at me. "Who are you?" I outstretch my hand and they do the same. When our hands link together, everything clicked. Despite being completely different in every way, they're both me and I am them. But how did this happen? Where are we? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My story is a slow paced with much build up for the major events to come but I hope you can enjoy the world built with a mix of two of my favorite fables, the many tales of the Greek Pantheon and the exaggerated Romance of the Three Kingdoms to create a world where mortals can rise to Godhood and Gods can descend to mortality. ---‐--------------------------------------------------------- I am working on getting a custom made cover but chose to post chapters first.

Lunarshade55 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 22: Again?!

Awaking to the light from the rising sun, I hear someone open the door. Unfortunately, this startled both to wake up as a result of living in dangerous lands for practically half my life. 

When I register that it was a castle Maid, I took a deep breath before I listening to the maid remind me of what my schedule would be today. 

"Apologies for waking you but I've received word you had promised the Keeper of the Hunt to have a meal together before meeting the princess." 

Putting on the best smile I could as a person woken up early in the morning I answer. "Thank you for coming to remind me. I was just about to get up." 

Stretching both bodies, I prepare to get up. Though I was startled awake, I think it would be better if both halves wake up and sleep at about the same time.

Verei's bed wasn't of the best quality, making me feel stiff but when stretching, I could tell that Veda had a better night's rest. After Veda finishes the same movements, feel as though I've come a long way since my time of the endless agony that was my first attempt to move these limbs out of sync. 

Sapheir and Floris began to wake up soon after I finished exercising before I proceed to encourage them to join me. After that, we leave for the bathhouse to enjoy a nice soak.

We didn't get the chance yesterday, seeing as I had to give a report, eat dinner, and win a duel and it was too late after for Verei. 'I'm going to enjoy this to the fullest.' 

The outdoor bathhouse was similar to a hot spring as walls block off the view from the outside while getting a view of the open sky above. As Veda follows the maid, it turns out she was bringing me to the Women's VIP bath to get cleaned up before meeting Emeri.

Fortunately or not, the men arrived at theirs first. And as we entered something unexpected happened as a warm feeling came down Veda's nose.

The maid was more shocked than I was as I try to cover my bleeding nose with my hands before receiving a handkerchief from the maid's apron pocket. "A-a-are you alright?! Should I get the doctor?!" 

The maid was starting to panic but I reassured her. "D-don't worry! This happens every once and a while! My brother has the same condition and though random it isn't life-threatening!" 

The maid is shaken but accepts my excuse as I deal with the blood, silently cursing at this development as I continue for the bath. 

"Yo Deidura!" The person greeting Verei was none other than Gradon the Steel Boned, who was walking over to greet me while as buck-naked as everyone else here. 

I fail to look somewhere else in time as Veda proceeds to lose a bit more a bit faster, scaring the maid more before I get Verei's head moving up to avoid looking at anyone else. 

'The two guys beside me at least had the decency to put on their towels but this guy is a free spirit.' 

I take a deep breath to get my mind off the elephant, "Hey... Gradon. Mind covering up?" 

He cackles loudly as he starts flexing.  "Why? Intimidated?" 

I can't tell if I should laugh or cry considering the contradictory feelings that both bodies are feeling. 'But first things first, get the nosebleed under control by getting more people covered!' 

"It's more that I'm still not used to public baths. I just got separated from my lifestyle of living with my grandfather and sister away from society only a few days ago." 

He scratches his chin. "I guess but I don't want my towel wet." 

Floris helpful points out. "You can just fold the towel and put it on your head when getting in. Just wrap it back when getting out." 

Some good advice, and seems Gradon agrees as he proceeds to wrap the towel around his waist before giving a thumbs up. 

He wasn't the only one as we convinced others to put their towel on, making the area less of a danger zone. With more people covered, Veda's bleeding became manageable, allowing me to enjoy the bath as I stare up at the sky, both because I have to and also because it was a nice view. 

'Who would have guessed that both bodies had their own preferences? This makes all public areas into a danger zone so long as I can't get over it.' 

It was a minute later that Veda reached the guest bath in the castle and the feeling of maids lathering Veda up with soap was still sending chills up both spines. But I'll probably get used to it if I don't leave as soon as possible, 'and I pray I don't have to get used to it.' 

Thankfully there weren't any women sharing in Veda's bath this time around.

Losing blood in one body was problematic enough. 


The moment I entered the cafeteria, I see the place filled with people this time around. Most of them appear to be knights having their breakfast just after their morning training. I spot Emeri waving me over rather easily due to her having an entire table to herself.

I'm curious why her table is empty despite there being so many knights here but I don't know this kingdom well enough to tell if it's common for Knights to not affiliate with Keepers, if Emeri chased them away herself, or if there's a different reason. 

Regardless, she gives me a bright smile as I sit at her table, two seats apart for fear she tries to hug me while I try to eat. "Morning Veda! Did you sleep well?" asked Emeri enthusiastically. 

"Yes, it was hard to wake up. But yesterday, I had a nice talk with the princess after we split up. Apparently, Serci let her know I was going to be having dinner soon so she took the time to get things prepared." 

She seems to be eating a soup of a light creamy sauce that has meat and a variety of vegetables with bread on the side. I noticed most of the knights having the same meal, though the amount of food in her bowl looked like more than the knights'. Seeing everyone else having it made me curious. 

Emeri looked a little on edge after hearing me bring up the princess. "What stuff did she prepare for you?" 

I was about to think out loud everything that was said but before I could start, the person in question sat in the open seat beside me. 

"I simply made it possible for her to get to the academy on recommendations through Serci and I before finding someone to help her get there." 

The moment Emeri sees the princess, she gets up and salutes with a fist to her chest. "A-ah m-morning princess, I wasn't expecting you!" 

I giggle at Emeri's reaction before gesturing to the princess. "I was going to start by saying she would be joining us for breakfast before we pick up Serci as they'll be joining us on our shopping trip." 

Emeri hears that and sits back in the seat, though stiff. "I see..." 

Princess Maridia smiles at Emeri as she picks up the teacup that a maid pours her. "Were you wanting to go alone with Ms. Deidura? I have to admit, I'm surprised by how quickly you got attached considering you've never gotten this close to someone before." 

Emeri flinched when she heard that. "O-of course I don't mind you coming along! But... I wanted to show her around and help ensure she has a wonderful time here... considering our... failure to stop the Orc." 

She used her spoon to fiddle with some of the meat chunks while getting lost in thought. After a deep breath she continues. "Not only did our first impression start with a threat but we started a fight looking for the artifact with a monster we couldn't finish due to our lack of competence. We strengthened the enemy with every corpse we made along the way, setting up our own defeat."

"Had we listened to Serci's gut and escaped after confirming the first Artifact, we could have kept from giving it a reason to use the Berserker's staff and likely avoided ruining their life." She stares at the princess, knowing she must've heard about Serci's worry at least once before starting the mission. Why else would the Queen choose to use the crown's power on her for that mission if it wasn't?

'She is blaming herself far too much. Though I was the victim, it's hard for me to blame them just because it was more than they could handle. The destruction of my home and the death of my mentor isn't her fault just as it isn't Serci's.' 

And I reassure her as so. "Don't worry Emeri. There wasn't anything that could be done. You couldn't have known what was there or what was in their possession till it was too late." 

"Even then, Grandfather knew he wasn't going to live much longer. He was preparing us to head out on our own days before you arrived. So please don't worry yourself over what's already passed. After all, had it not gone down as it did, I probably wouldn't have gotten to meet either of you or even Serci as I have." 

They both couldn't help but be swept up by my words, a smile coming across both of their faces. It may not have been long but I had a wonderful time with them, as I did with Uldrei. 

"A little too sweet for breakfast don't you think?" 

It took very few words to make the atmosphere grow cold. The glee we all had from my reassurance was shifted into negative emotions creeping in due to the man who made his presence known without a step left behind.

But the degree of disdain each of us exuded was of different levels: 

The princess had minor annoyance by the remark, having the least negative interaction due to their social status of Keeper and Princess. 

Emeri was greatly angered by his appearance, as he had always left a bad taste in her mouth, even before Veda was in her life. 

But I had a boiling hatred for the instigator, the original reason for my animosity towards Keepers had it not been Serci I met first. 

Emeri raised her voice first, used to him pushing her buttons, "Oh just shut it Lejer! Why do you like to get involved in other people's business?" 

He was already sitting in the chair next to Emeri without me even noticing. But disgust surged from within my heart the moment at the sight of him, the Keeper that suggested ransacking my home, the Keeper in Yellow called Lejer. 

"I'm just making a joke. You know how newbies often try to abuse the free meal before training try for sweets before getting made to barf it back up during warm-ups." 

'Mood killer', that one word described him perfectly despite the friendly attitude he gives. Like a snake tickling your funny bone, his jokes are nothing but hair-raising. 

And it only stung worse when our eyes met. "I heard the news, nice job bringing Serci back. When I told everyone to retreat, I actually thought we might lose a member but the captain's quick thinking to chuck his 'Sacrificial Shield' her way was spot on. So, thank you, local of the Valley, for taking the initiative and getting our unarmed junior home. I'm Lejer Trojer, the Keeper of Trade." 

Despite feeling more hatred towards him than the Keeper of Arms at the initial meeting, I somehow managed to keep my words in. I don't ask him for an apology like with the Keeper, Hektr. It hasn't even been a minute since his arrival and I could already tell the process of events if I did. 

A fake, nonchalant apology with not a stutter in his voice would only irritate me more than not getting one at all. So, I simply return the greeting with as few words as possible. "Veda Deidura, Uldrei's granddaughter." 

He stared at me for a second before a smirk came across his face. He looks left, then right before looking back at me. "Don't see your brother or the old man. Did they not come with you?" 

Honestly, I'm glad I never met someone like this in my life, though it does make it hard to write him to be at the same level of prick every time. First appearance felt overboard for what I wanted so might rewrite it again.

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