
Mirror: Ancient god of Mirrors

The Earth lay in a state of formlessness, devoid of power and life. It was a desolate realm, lacking even the concept of reality. The world existed as an expanse of emptiness, an endless void and space where nothing could dwell. For thousands of years, time flowed swiftly, yet the Earth remained unchanged. It seemed as though it was cursed by time itself, trapped in a stagnant existence akin to an ancient vessel. But then, from the depths of cryostasis, someone awakened. An ancient aura descended upon the Earth, instantly overwhelming everything within its reach. Though there was nothing within the void, it began to split and crack under the weight of this indomitable force. The darkness in the sky churned and swirled in response to the unbearable aura emanating from the mysterious figure. Standing amidst the vastness of outer space, the man gazed upon the planet of blackness. The darkness that enshrouded the Earth was oppressive and stifling. Change was necessary, something needed to shift. This being was short in stature but possessed a muscular build, and had a face concealed by thick darkness. His visage was hidden, for anyone who beheld it would be consumed by the truth of his being. But there was no one to witness it. The universe appeared to be in a state of laxity, with no external force capable of altering this fact. And then, with a sweeping motion of his hands, the void and space were torn asunder. A formidable shockwave rippled through the fabric of existence, dividing the waters that had compressed into a single form. It became evident that this seemingly boundless water had been compressed in such a manner. However, every power has its limits, and it was possible that the waters were truly bottomless. Yet, the man's power concealed that fact. Swirling black tendrils streaked across the expanse, severing the darkness and reducing the endless abyss to a sky pit. The sky pit, a supernatural realm, devoured anything that ventured into its depths, condemning it to eternal loss. As land emerged, celestial bodies materialized out of the blue. The sun, the moon, and other planets revealed themselves. The being did not create them; these celestial entities had been concealed, only to be unveiled by the manifestation of his mighty powers. The sun cast its radiant light upon the newly formed planet. And as the planet took shape, life mysteriously appeared. Plants, animals, and eventually humans came into existence. Once again, the being ventured into outer space. He unleashed his powers, creating a formless energy known as "Mirror," which flooded into the sky pit. The Mirror energy possessed reflective properties, harking back to the days of the gods when the being himself had been an unrivaled, peerless youth. He had the ability to create Mirror energy, and those who absorbed it could reflect their own powers back upon themselves. Mirror was the miracle of the universe. From Mirror energy, he bestowed unique Aspect abilities. Fourteen ranks were meant to be unlocked, but only seven were unlocked by the most individuals. Upon inheriting the Mirror energy, they became Seekers. Their souls were engraved upon reflecting mirrors, rendering them immune to the corruption that could potentially invade their beings.

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Awakening and Bonding with the System

Chapter 6— Awakening and Bonding with the System.

Rex was afraid.

He had always felt fear, it had always been an instinct, it was and is always palpable. But, seeing a strange machine humming softly, running variant tests on his body was enough to cause his increasing tension.

Rex was already feeling so overwhelmed.

Suddenly, a small spark ignited from the nebulizer.

Rex gulped, and when these electric sparks started to flow in through the tubes that we're sticking all over Rex, his mind, his body, his insides...

Everything was tortured.

It was the worst feeling of his life. He had never imagined that, he would ever experience such life. Being strapped to a machine, a nebulous sparks injected into him causing him pain and causing something to stir within him.

His body seemed to be in chaos.

His eyes melted and repaired itself.

His body was also destroyed and mended in the process.

Rex screamed.

Nothing was considered so dire in the face of insistent pain and harrowing torture.

Rex was in a mood of disturbing sorrow and pain.

Gnashing his teeth, enduring the pain, trying to be the strongest boy that his mummy had always claimed him to be, but... he couldn't.

His screams turned into howls and then ear-piercing cry.


several holographic images hovered above Rex and instantly manifested to become mirrors.

The broad man watched and a certain chill ran down his spine.

The tall man moved quickly.

"Bind the system to him now... hopefully, it still works."

The hovering mirrors instantly simmered and then, deafening sonic boom resounded as it cracked into a thousand pieces.

None of these glass pieces dropped to the floor and an overwhelming aura filled the air.

Flames of hell was slowly being summoned from the underworld as an unbearable heat filled the place.

Rex golden eyes was burning with an intense light that screamed solely of devouring, destroying and consuming.

The tall man instantly moved the two large embellished needles and it struck into Rex.

The pain wracked Rex's being, but his sanity was instantly devoured with the thoughts of death and doom.

His voice warped and twisted. countless mirror shards broke, instantly destroying the broad man, his body reduced to a complete dust.

Even an Enlister cannot kill a person in such fashion.

Envoys and Supreme Druids could completely lay waste in a City like this but, was this really someone who was simply awakening?

He was supposed to display powers from the Seeker Realm, but his powers was already reaching the realm of Supreme Druids.

Plus the same powers kept climbing as though not dropping. It would get to a point that even the highest rank would not be able to rival this.

This is the problem of forcibly awakening someone who needed time to awaken. Now, only the system would help him, if not... Rex might become a threat to the whole world.

The tall man looked at where his other comrade had just been brutally destroyed.

He activated the bonding process.

[System Activating...]

[System, fully activated.]

[Bonding process, Scanning...]

[Scanning host for compatibility.]

[Host is not compatible for bonding... Reject or Accept Bonding process....]

[Bonding process accepted! Process begins...]


Rex's power instantly spiked to another level, and wherever they were... everything was instantly crumbling.

Envoys were pooling into the area only to be destroyed by mere aftermath of the powers. For some reason, the tall man was strangely safe, this power didn't kill him.

The nebulizing machine was suddenly quivering as though on the verge of breakdown.

[System binding progress:


There was still a long way to go and if the machine didn't hold up for long, the entire process would be terminated and instantly, Rex must have fully awakened with a bizarre power.

* * *

The time between when Rex was in the market, and the time when he was abducted spanned exactly three weeks, which means that between that period when he witnessed the swirling darkness and passed out, it had been three weeks before he woke up.

Time has been manipulated.

And since that period Jake had helplessly been searching for Rex.

He had tried his abilities, everything... his lines summoning. Even the ability that can be used to read someone's whereabouts didn't work out at that time.

But he didn't give up on the search until he noticed a certain devastation that was happening few blocks away in a tower that was actually supposed to be off limits from any normal indigens.

That minute he was realizing the devastation, the same minute... he saw a mirror shard and that shard instantly caused the building to be blasted off with stones and woods raining down in total destruction.

Jake was shocked.


That indeed was Rex. Did he awaken?

Jake blurred leaving afterimages in his wake.

Two hours had passed leaving the tall man with Rex as the binding process continued.


By now, Rex mind was starting to settle.

His eyes was turning listless. His body was not compatible and, the stress load couldn't make him accept it.

His heart beat started to slow down and the display of powers reduced.

The tall man sighed, but all of a sudden there was a whooshing sound and a fist collided on the tall man's face instantly blasting him back that he crashed into pile of machines and abandoned storages.

Jake stared at Rex.

"Rex! Hold on, I'll get you out of here..."

He tried to pull the inserted needle but, the tall man appeared in a blink of an eye and grabbed his hands.

"You'd kill him if you stop the process." He said.

"He'd also die if this same process continues!" Jake was adamant.

The beeping sound continued softly as the counting continued.

Rex was still alive... for now.


What would he do if Rex just died in the midst of all these?.

All of a sudden, Rex began to jerk, as though having a seizure. Jake quickly reached out, but was stopped.

The system was still counting...


That was it.

[Initializing host's lifeform....]

[Host's life, 0.06%]

[Reviving process....]


[Host's life fully restored...]

Rex instantly woke up with a startling gasp.

But on seeing Jake there, he started to weep intensely causing Jake to pull off the tall man's hold and reach out for Rex.

Jake angrily pulled out all of the needles and tubes inserted into Rex and he turned to the tall man.

"Who asked that you do this? This is a child and he might die in this fusion or fission process."

The tall man lingered for a while.

"It was a command from a Supreme Druid. He'd be coming very soon with many more Envoys. You might want to leave with him before they arrive."

Jake wanted to retort, but the man was actually letting them go.

Jake immediately carried Rex and disappeared from the building.