
Mirai’s Hero Academia!Katsuki Bakugou x OC

Mirai Shiromi, was childhood friends with Izuku and Katsuki however that changed when they started showing their quirks. And Katsuki started to show his true colors, Mirai hated him ever since, but then time flew by. And well...suppose time does changes people.

Haha_I_write · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Yeah, just do your best Iida.

The news of All Might's arrival as a teacher at UA sent shockwaves throughout the country, sparking a media uproar that lasted for several days. News reporters, fans, and even curious bystanders flocked to the school entrance, eager to catch a glimpse of the legendary hero and, by extension, to interview the students.

Mirai, who had never been a fan of media attention and even planned to become an underground hero like Erasure Head, had a simple solution for avoiding these nosy individuals.

In a flash of blue light, Mirai appeared inside the school gates, accompanied by Midoriya, who thanked her for the assist.

"Seriously, some people are way too eager if they're willing to question students this early in the morning," Mirai sighed.

"Mirai…" Midoriya began, looking away at her.

She glanced at him, "Hm?"

"It's not that early. You kept sleeping through my attempts to get you conscious enough to get ready,"

His words pierced through her heart. "How hurtful! We're literally right on time."

"Being right on time isn't the same as being early, Mirai," Midoriya countered.

She huffed in response, but as she glanced back, she noticed a reporter stepping inside the gates. However, before the woman could take another step, metal walls slammed up, nearly colliding with her face. The sight was almost comical, and Mirai might have laughed if it weren't for the approaching figure of Mr. Aizawa.

Immediately, Mirai stiffened and yanked Midoriya's arm, teleporting them inside the building. They sprinted to the classroom, arriving just before Mr. Aizawa's entrance. Despite their timely arrival, the two were subjected to a earful from the glasses-wearing student about 'being punctual' and how 'UA students are expected to arrive a few minutes early before classes start,' all while he chopped the air like a Lego figurine.

"If you cannot bring yourself to wake up early, then I suggest—" Before he could finish, Mr. Aizawa slid the door open, and everyone quickly settled into their seats, falling silent.

"Good morning," he greeted, his voice as low and tired as usual. "Before we start, I'd like to say that you did a good enough job on the battle training." He walked to the desk and placed a stack of papers on it. "I reviewed the video clips and your scores. Bakugou," he tilted his head towards the explosive blond, "stop acting immaturely."

Mirai stifled a laugh.

"And Shiromi," Mr. Aizawa continued, his gaze shifting to her.

She froze, her laughter dying in her throat.

"Next time, don't let me catch you being late to school," he warned.

"Y-Yes, sir," she stammered, feeling Bakugou's smug 'serves you right' attitude radiating from the seat next to her. Seriously, why did she have to sit right next to him? She could see the board just fine… well, maybe.

"Finally, Midoriya," Mr. Aizawa addressed the green-haired boy, who looked down, bracing himself for criticism.

"Finished with a busted arm, again? I won't let you use not being able to control your quirk as an excuse forever. I hate repeating myself. Once you fix that, you can do more."

Midoriya looked up, surprise at first but soon a smile spread across his face.

"Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya,"

"Yes, sir!" Midoriya responded, his eyes almost shining with determination.

Mirai blinked, who would have thought that the same teacher who threatened to expel students on the first day would offer such…encouragement?

"And now for homeroom business," Mr. Aizawa said. "This may be sudden, but I want you to…"

On second thought, maybe this guy was about to put them through hell, like a special test where the loser had to complete a thousand workout sessions or clean the entire school by themselves.

"…choose a class president."

Immediately, the class's atmosphere felt lighter. Finally, something school-like!

Kirishima rose up, "President? Choose me!"

Another student raised their hand, "Me too!"

"I wanna do it too!" She raised her hand higher.

"It was meant for me."

"I'll be the leader!"

And so on. Usually, no one would jump at the chance to do more work, but in the hero course, this role trains your ability to lead people as a top hero. Mirai didn't particularly want to do it, but since everyone was so enthusiastic, it would feel weirder if she didn't volunteer herself too. She raised her hand but said nothing else as others spoke up, even Midoriya was muttering.

"Silence!" One student yelled over the others, and the class quieted down as their heads turned to the source. It was none other than the glasses guy.

"You'll be responsible for leading the masses," he said. "It's not something anyone can do. This sacred role requires trust from others."

He continued on and on. Mirai blanked out for some of it, but basically, the class decided to pick the leader by a vote. Oh, and his hand was raised the highest, which was weird.

After the votes were cast, the results were displayed on the chalkboard. Midoriya Izuku had three votes, and Momo Yaoyorozu had two votes. Everyone else got one vote, all except Mirai.

"Huh? You didn't vote for yourself, Mirai?" Midoriya questioned.

Bakugou instantly rose up, "Did you vote for Deku, you little—"

"What? Like she would vote for someone like you?" Someone snickered.

"What did you just say?!"

"Quiet now." Mr. Aizawa's eyes glowed red before he blinked. "Midoriya, Yaoyorozu, stand up in front of the class. Midoriya will be president, and Yaoyorozu will be vice president."

Midoriya and Yaoyorozu did as instructed, with Midoriya trembling. "Is this… really happening?"

Yaoyorozu turned her head as she mumbled, "I was so close…"

"I think it's pretty good," Asui pointed her finger to her cheek.

"Midoriya can be pretty fired up," Kirishima said, "and Yaoyorozu was pretty cool with analyzing the battle training."

Mirai glanced at the two. Yaoyorozu did seem like an organized and thoughtful person, and Midoriya was the same, but…

"Huh… really now?"

┏━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┓

┗━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━┛

"Wow…" Uraraka said as she tried to push through the rush of students passing by. "It's packed today too."

"It's probably because the support and management classes also meet here," Glasses guy informed as he tried to make a straightforward pass for the three of them, finally using his arms for something other than chopping the air.

They finally found an unoccupied table and settled in. "Itadakimasu!" they said together as they began to dig in. Midoriya, who was looking down at his food, sighed. "I'm so worried about whether I can be a good president."

"Eh, you'll do fine if you put your mind to it," Mirai said as Uraraka nodded.

"I agree," Glasses said. "The courage and judgment you showed during critical times make you a worthy leader. That's why I voted for you."

Mirai's eyes widened. "That was you?"

"But didn't you also want to be president too?" Uraraka asked, then stated bluntly, "You have glasses, after all."

"Exactly!" Mirai snapped her finger.

"Wait…" He squinted his eyes behind those glasses, "The one person who voted for me… that was you?!"

"Yeah," Mirai answered.

"B-But why? You don't even like me. You still refer to me as 'Glasses guy' and 'Hey you!'"

"Yeah, and?" Mirai continued eating. "Do I have to like someone to think they're a good leader? I thought of you as that one president type ever since we met."

"Shiromi…" Glasses seemed to be on the verge of tears as he clasped his chest. "Such a strong sense of integrity! You so humbly made the choice you, yourself, think is right!"

"What the hell is that sentence, man?" Mirai raised an eyebrow.

"You know, I was wondering," Uraraka leaned forward, "are you… a rich boy?"

"Rich bo…" Glasses' throat caught, but he soon tried to maintain a calm composure. "I was being careful since I didn't want anyone to call me that."

The trio all stared at him in suspense. Then, he sighed. "Yes, I come from a long line of heroes. I'm the second son."

"Eh? So cool!"


"Do you know the Turbo Hero: Ingenium?"


"Of course I do!" Midoriya cut Mirai off. "He's a famous hero whose Tokyo agency has 65 sidekicks." Then his eyes shot up, "It can't be…"

Glasses stood up, hands on his hips. "He's my older brother!"

"He's so frank about it," Uraraka smiled.

"And proud of it too," Mirai added.

"A lovable hero who honors rules and leads many," Iida continued. "That's why I admire him and want to be a hero, but I am still not ready to lead others." He turned to Midoriya. "Someone like you, who could perceive the setup of the entrance exam, is a more suitable leader."

The others were silent for a moment before Uraraka said, "It's nice to see you smile for the first time, Iida."

"Eh? Is that so?" He scratched his cheek. "I smile too! On occasions."

Mirai stared at him, the same way she had stared at Mr. Aizawa when he encouraged Midoriya, someone she hadn't thought too fondly of before.

She smiled. "Well I think you're alright, Ii—"

But then a piercing alarm went off.

"Security level three has been breached. All students, please evacuate to the rooftop."

Chatter erupted among the students, a mix of shock and worry filling the air as everyone scrambled to their feet.

"What is security level three?" Glasses asked the person next to him.

"It means someone broke into the campus," the student answered tightly, "It's the first time in my three years here. We should hurry!" With that, he rose and sprinted away.

The rest of the students followed suit, and suddenly, Mirai found herself pushed and squished around like a chew toy in the sea of panicked bodies. She tried to teleport, but every time she did, she ended up in another student's way and was promptly shoved aside. In the chaos, she lost sight of the others as she fell backward, colliding with another student.

"Shi—sorry!" Mirai turned to face the student, her eyes widening "Oh? Kirishima and Kaminari?"

The red-haired and blond boys were also being swayed by the frenzied crowd. "Shiromi, you okay?" Kirishima asked, trying his best to steady her amid the commotion.

"I'm fine—Ack!" Mirai yelped as they were swept along with the crowd once more. "Who in the world broke into the school?!"

Just then, the roar of an engine boomed overhead, and the three students looked up to see Iida flying—no, rolling—through the air above them. He crashed into the wall, managing to stand precariously on the exit sign while clinging to a pipe for dear life.

"Everyone, it's all right!" Iida yelled over the commotion, his voice cutting through the panic. The students slowed to a stop, their attention drawn to the spectacle above them. "It's just the press! There's nothing to panic about!" He reassured them,"No need to worry!"

"This is UA!" Iida continued, "Let's act in a way that reflects our prestigious school."

Mirai glanced at the students nearby and saw the worry slowly dissipating from their faces, their shoulders relaxing as they were taken aback by the commanding presence of the student above them. Kirishima and Kaminari exchanged a look and let out a sigh of relief. "So it was the press after all," Kirishima grinned as the sound of sirens began to fill the air.

"The police are here,"

"Thank goodness," another student murmured, the fear in their eyes giving way to relief.

As the chaos subsided and order was restored, the students made their way back to their respective classrooms. Mirai found herself walking alongside Kirishima and Kaminari.

Class 1-A began, with Midoriya and Yaoyorozu standing at the front of the room. Midoriya, trembling and blushing, spoke up. "N-Now we will decide on other class officers." He glanced down, his voice wavering slightly. "But… can I say something else before that?"

The other students turned their attention to him, curiosity piqued. Midoriya took a deep breath and raised his voice, ensuring that everyone could hear him clearly.

"I think… Tenya Iida should be our class president!" he declared, "He took control in such a cool way back there. I believe it's only right that he becomes president." Midoriya looked up, a smile spreading across his face.

Kirishima nodded, "Well, if Midoriya thinks so, I'm on board. Iida did the most to help during the cafeteria incident."

"Exactly," Kaminari chimed in, "Plus, he was practically the exit sign!"

From the corner of the room, Aizawa's said flatly, "Don't waste time." Midoriya flinched at his words, shrinking back slightly. "I don't care who you choose, just hurry up." With that, Aizawa laid his head down, cocooning himself in his sleeping bag.

Iida stood up, his arm raised high"If it is the class president's wish, then I, Tenya Iida, promise to fulfill the duties of the class president from this moment forward."

"You go, exit boy!" Kirishima cheered, giving Iida a thumbs up.

"Exit boy Iida, we're counting on you,"

Mirai chuckled to herself.

'Him as president… yeah, that sounds about right.' She smiled, 'Just do your best, Iida.'