
Marc x Bullied! Singer! Reader pt.2

Marc battled with himself, struggling to stay in control. "No! I won't let you!" He yelled. The akuma spread.

And Marc lost.

You walked into the school, trying to avoid Chloe. She had been terrorizing you the entire week. You rushed ahead, finding no sign of the blonde.

Suddenly you bumped into someone. Your books fell and the other person tumbled down. You gasped.

"I-I'm so sorry!" You went to help the person up. He flinched and rushed to his feet.

He mumbled an apology and scurried off. You watched his fading form curiously. Then the bell rang and you rushed to get your books.

You cautiously walked into the school like you had many times before. Chloe was ahead, talking with Sabrina. You darted past them and to your safe spot.

The staircase.

You sat down and watched the pair. They hadn't seen you. You sighed in relief.

"U-um..." You looked to see that same kid from yesterday. He had a journal out and his hood pulled over his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize someone was here," You said, rushing to stand. You walked off with a sigh. Now where would you hide?

Just as you were heading upstairs, Chloe grabbed your bag and pulled you backwards. You fell to the ground with a thud. She laughed.

"Oh, look Sabrina! The loser can't even stand up straight!" The pair laughed as you got your things together. "And who's this? Her loser boyfriend?"

You looked up to see the kid from the stairs. He looked just as scared as you were. "N-no..." He mumbled, not bringing his gaze up to the blonde.

He quickly handed you something and turned away and ran. He knew danger when he saw it. You looked down at what he had handed you and found your notebook. He returned your notebook.

Chloe swiped it from your hands. "What's this?" She flipped through it, seemingly displeased with her findings.

"Ugh, nothing but horrible poems. Here," She said, tossing the journal into your lap. "You can keep it." The journal landed on the ground with a thud.

Chloe turned and flipped her hair. You looked down at your journal and hugged it close. You heaved a sigh and turned on your heels, ready to go back upstairs.

You caught a glimpse of the same boy from just now, and he was staring back at you. He quickly turned away again and ran into the art room. You nudged it off and continued on your way.


Marc battled with himself, struggling to stay in control. "No! I won't let you!" He yelled. The akuma spread.

And Marc was lost.

And in in his place stood his alter ego. Reverser. He smirked.

"I won't let you get away from me that easily, (Y/n)..."

Reverser leapt away. You stared at his fading form from your hiding spot. "I'm sorry sorry, Marc..."

You rushed to find Ladybug and Cat Noir, wherever they may be. "I'm so sorry, Marc." You started crying.

You rushed back into town where you rushed about the streets, calling for the superheroes. It took a few minutes of panicked cries before a yo-yo was thrown in your direction. Ladybug landed at your feet.

"What seems to be the problem, (Y- miss?" You heaved a sigh of relief upon the sight of the spotted heroine. "Oh, thank goodness you're here, Ladybug! It's Marc! He's been akumatized!"

"It's all my fault! I should've never thought akumatized boutique leaving!" You spelled out your guilt to the girl with tears streaming down your cheeks. "He-he's akumatized because of me! Please, you have to save him!"

Ladybug put a hand on your shoulder and offered you a smile. "Don't worry, (Y/n). We'll get your friend back." You felt a weight being lifted from your shoulders at her words.

"Thank you, Ladybug..." You smiled. "Thank you."

Ladybug gave a curt nod. "Of course. Just make sure you're somewhere safe. I have a feeling he may try to come after you." She winked and signed off.

"Yeah..." But you didn't want to stand by. You wanted to help.

This was Marc! Your best friend! The boy that saved you!

He was your everything! Your light! Your inspiration!

You couldn't stand by. So you marched after Ladybug in hopes of finding Marc. You just had to find him.

You walked down the stairs, handing to the cafeteria. "(Y/n), wait up!" You heard. You turned to see that kid- Marc, was it?

He chased after you. You quirked an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Y-you dropped this." He held out your pen. You gasped.

"My lucky pen! Thank you so much, Marc!" You gave him a tight hug. "I don't know what I would've done if I had lost this pen!"

You hastily stuffed it in your bag. You looked back to see that Marc had a blush on his face. He looked as if he was holding something back.

"H-hey..." He stuttered. You tilted your head. "Yeah?"

He cleared his throat as if he were preparing for a speech. "U-um, would you...maybe...l-like to sit with me a-at lunch?" Your cheeks heated.

"O-only if you want to! I understand if you don't! I mean- who would want to sit with a loser-" "Sure." You smiled at him.

"I'd love to." You watched as his expression turned from one of anxiety to one of shock. "R-really?"

His face flushed even more. "Yeah. But we should hurry. We won't have a place to sit if we don't get there in time." You took his arm and pulled him to the cafeteria.

And that was the start of a friendship that flourished into something of a relationship, though you wouldn't know it until it was too late.

"Ladybug! Over there!" You pointed across the street where Reverser had just flew past. You rushed over in hopes of catching Marc.

"Marc!" You called after him. "Marc!" Said male turned to see your approaching form.


He raced over to you and grabbed your arm, pulling you up and onto his platform. "You won't be leaving me anymore! I won't let you!"

He conjured up one of his paper planes and threw it at you. "You will love me, (Y/n)! Reverse!" You couldn't dodge the plane, and it hit you right through the heart.

And suddenly all feelings of fear and hurt washed away. "Now, join me, (Y/n)! And I promise you, no one will hurt you again!" You stood in a daze for a moment.

You blinked. Reverser smirked as your arms wrapped around his tightly. You snuggled closely against his chest.

"Then what are we waiting for, my king?"

(A/n)- Hey, guys! So, I know. This ended with a cliffhanger. I'm sorry, but I didn't want it to drag out. And no, I won't be doing a part two. Sorry. But that just leaves the rest up to you! But I hope y'all enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!