
Adrien x Akumatized! Reader

"Yes...Hawkmoth.", came a dark voice from an ally way. It was (Y/n). She generated into a snake like being.

She slithered into the streets, searching for the one who caused her pain. Adrien. She tried to forget about it, but her hatred for him coated over the love she had once thought she had for him.

There was a scream coming from a nearby civilian. (Y/n) turned her head to look into the eyes of the woman, and turned her to stone. Her power was like Medusa's, any face that dared to stare into her eyes would turn to stone.

Just then, a staff extended its way to (Y/n). A cat leapt his way to look at her. He made sure not to stare into her eyes, though.

He felt awful. He had made a rude comment about another girl's hair, granted, the girl trying to hook up with him. (Y/n) wasn't with Adrien at the time, so when she turned the corner of the building, and heard him, to her, it sounded as if he was talking about her.

A part of Cat Noir, or Adrien, wanted to do nothing but run up to (Y/n) and embrace her. Though, he knew she would reject him, the one thing he did not want to happen. (Y/n) spoke with a hiss, "Well, if it isssn't Tuna Breath.".

Cat Noir was insulted, enraged! Nobody had ever called him Tuna Breath! He tried to ignore it, especially when Ladybug appeared.

"Cat, who is it this time?", she inquired. Cat Noir, without hesitation, responded, "(Y/n)...". Ladybug's eyes widened, for she knew who you were.

You all went to school together, why wouldn't she?

Ladybug was about to look at you before Cat Noir shielded her eyes from making contact with yours. She flinched from the sudden action.


"Sorry, M'lady. I just Cat have you being turned into a rock.".


"...Long story...".

"Ahem...", (Y/n) cleared her throat to take the stage. Without direct contact, they looked at her. She giggled, then ran off into another direction.


"Ahh, well, you see. It all started-".

"You had something to do with it?".

Cat Noir sighed, then nodded his head, ashamed. Ladybug was very angry. A superhero causing an akuma?! Come on, now.

His words were jumbled as he said, "I accidentally said something to another girl and (Y/n) thought I was talking about her.". Ladybug was a bit confused. She heard him, but didn't understand.

"So, this was in your superhero form?".


"Caaat...you know better!", she dragged the first word. She was disappointed in him. Cat Noir's ears drooped down to his human ears, something that has never happened until now.

Cat thought of ways he could solve this. knew the comment wasn't directed to (Y/n), but she didn't. Ladybug seemed to know everything, as she said, "The first step to solving this mess is for you to apologize. Though, that would be hard to do since she doesn't know you're a superhero, and you messed things up in your civilian form.".

She put her hand to her chin, looking much like a detective. Before they could go after you, they needed a plan. Cat thought of something. "I could just de-transform, apologize, fix everything, then you could come in and purify the akuma.".

Ladybug contemplated on this. It sounded logical enough to work. Why not at least try?

"Ok. I'll be by the Dupaing Cheng Bakery.".

With that, she zipped off to her parent's bakery. Cat thought that was a strange place to stake out, but what did he know? They were in this mess because of his mistake anyway.

Cat searched everywhere for you, finally locating you on the Eifel Tower. You were looking down at people who dared bring their gaze to yours. He used his staff to jump up to you.


"Oh, so now you're Tuna Surprise?".

Cat had to admit, that one kinda funny. He did show up unannounced. He shook his head to rid him of that comment.

"(Y/n), I'm here to apologize.".

You were confused. Why would he apologize? There wasn't anything he did to upset you.

Then, a bright, green light cast from the corner of your eyes. Your head spun around to see Adrien. A ball of fury knotted inside your heart.

"Get away from me, you jerk!".

Adrien looked you in the eyes, ready for what was about to come. Before you turned him to stone, he shouted, "Ladybug, now!". A yo-yo came latching onto one of the tower's bars, and with it was Ladybug.

You were about to jump, when Ladybug grabbed your arm. "Look, I'm sorry for what he did to you, but this sint the right way. If only you knew.". Before she finished her sentence, she looked over at the now frozen male.


She gasped. She would have never guessed thst Cat Noir would be the boy who sat in front of her in class! "It was Adrien this entire time...", she told herself.

You jerked your arm away. "If only I knew what?", you snapped harshly. Ladybug took this as an opportunity to explain the problem.

"You see, (Y/n), Adrien wasn't talking about you. He was talking about another girl.".

You always believed Ladybug. Though, you wanted to say she was wrong, most of you trusted her words. Hawkmoth tried  holding back tears, for Adrien was his son.

Hawkmoth was Gabriel Agreste. To see his son frozen, hurt him so badly. He wanted to take away this power forever.

You gave into Ladybug. You voluntarily handed her your hair pin, and she crushed it. Within a minute, everything was back to normal.

Adrien, and everyone else were not frozen anymore. You went back to being you. Ladybug turned to Adrien, and whispered to where you couldn't hear, "Don't worry, I won't tell.".

Adrien gasped. Ladybug knew. Before he could thank her, Ladybug took off like a shooting star in the night sky.

Adrien looked at your hunched over form. You were still on the Eifel Tower. Adrien guided you safely to the elevator, and in not time at all, you both were in the ground.

Adrien hugged you. You cried into his shoulder, repeating, "I'm sorry, Adrien. I'm sorry.". He hushed you, and said, "(Y/n), I would never say those things about you...I was just really upset with someone, and ended up taking it out on her.".

You believed every word that flowed from his mouth. You let go of the hug, and looked each other in the eyes. You could see the moon in his eyes.


"(Y/n), I love you...".

You smiled, and rested your head in the crook of his neck. Adrien sifted his hands through your hair, and said, "Your (E/c) eyes shine beautifully in the moonlight. I can see the stars in them.". You brought you head to his, and pecked his lips.

"I love you too...Adrien.".