
Miracle Doctor And Empress

Within the prominent family of sorcerers in Mount Qingnan, the Zhan family, finally had a daughter, breaking the millennium curse that their family couldn’t have daughters. During her full moon banquet, the taciturn crown prince said he liked and wanted her, so the emperor simply conferred this newborn as his son’s crown princess. Zhan Yunge, the treasure of the Zhan family, has bones like jade, skin like snow, and moves like flowing water. True to her reputation, she was an absolute beauty. She only had two hobbies since birth, and they were reading and sleeping. Whenever she got bored, she would fortify her reputation of being arrogant. Nangong Xuan, crown prince of Shengyu Empire, was an all-rounded genius. He possessed divine looks, brilliant tactics, limitless talent, and an indifferent personality. He only had one hobby, and that was to dote on the girl he had fallen for at a young age. At the age of three, he had decided he would add his name into her list of hobbies. Everyone knew of her reputation of being a useless rich young lady. She just happened to be born into a top-class prestigious and powerful family, but only he was brilliant enough to recognize her for who she truly was and possess her. Arrogance was a disposition she retained from her past life. Acting spoilt was how she disguised her glamorous tactics. When she read, she was actually learning medical skills and sorcery. When she slept, she was actually cultivating her soul. On the day she revealed her true self, she stunned countless eyes and stole countless hearts! A rich young lady of many talents, Zhan Yunge, and a two-faced cunning crown prince, Nangong Xuan. As they pursue romance, they stirred up the entire nation. He wagered his country for a glamorous future where he and she would be together.

Afternoon Sun · History
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40 Chs

Two Reasons

Editor: Henyee Translations

Zhan Yunge smiled uncontrollably at her older brother. She was impressed by the things Zhan Yunshu could come up with to torture Nangong Xuan.

"I had no choice. Other than you, he is the only other person who can get close to the ice orchids without passing out." Zhan Yunshu shrugged and pretended he did not deliberately make things hard for Nangong Xuan.

Nangong Xuan did not mind the trouble. Since the flower garland was intended for Zhan Yunge, it was only right for him to make it personally. He had already attempted to make the flower garland several times, but Zhan Yunshu did not like his work.

Zhan Yunshu only stopped being picky because they were running out of time. He did not take it to heart. After all, his darling Zhan Yunge deserved only the finest.

Nangong Xuan quickly walked up to the girl dressed in blue. She was wearing the ice orchid flower garland on her head making her look even more stunning. He held her hand and helped her up from her seat. He bent over and hung something at her waist. It was the ice orchid jade pendant he had spent three days carving.

Zhan Yunge lowered her head to see an ice orchid pendant, made from the finest blue jade, hanging from her belt from some blue string. It bore a striking likeness to a fresh ice orchid and it looked almost real.

"Who carved this? It looks great!" said Zhan Yunge as she held the ice orchid jade pendant.

"It was none other than me," said Nangong Xuan happily.

Zhan Yunge glanced at Nangong Xuan in disbelief. She turned to look at her reflection in the dressing mirror behind her. There was a pretty flower garland on her head and a life-like ice orchid jade pendant hanging from her waist. She sighed and said, "Not bad for a crown prince."

Zhan Yunge never had the knack for making handicrafts in all her lifetimes. In the past, Zhan Yunge was an orphan, so no one tried teaching her. In this lifetime, her mother personally taught her needlework. After a month, Zhan Yunge was still unable to embroider even the simplest pattern. She was very good at painting, but she simply could not master needlework, so even her mother gave up on her.

Nangong Xuan's lips twitched. He flicked her forehead. "You're being naughty."

Zhan Yunge caught her sisters-in-law covering their mouths and laughing at the sight. She lifted her skirt slightly and headed out of the room. "Let's go."

Nangong Xuan and Zhan Yunshu followed behind her along with her eight sisters-in-law. Wan Yu and Wan Yun got relegated to the back. They took a shortcut and headed to Jinhua Garden where the banquet was held to wait for Zhan Yunge at the entrance.

Jinhua Garden was already filled with people. Each year, everyone in the clan would come home, so it was almost as lively as the New Year Festival.

Zhan Yunge took her time walking. She took in all the sights on the mountain slowly. After she left the Zhan residence, her carefree days would be over. She would hardly have the chance to come home to Mount Qingnan.

When she got to the compound entrance, she halted, raised her head, and looked at the name of the compound written by her ancestor. The sound of people chatting could be heard. Her family had doted on her and this was the only family she had ever known.

Even though she was born due to her ancestor's deal with a mysterious man, they had genuinely loved her. Before she was struck by her heavenly tribulation, she wanted to do something for her family.

Sadly, the Zhan family lived in seclusion and had no worldly aspirations. She was not sure what else she could give them.

"I know there is some distance between Mount Qingnan and the capital, but it is never too far for you to come home. You are welcome to come home anytime you miss us. The crown prince has always been traveling between the two places, so I am sure he does not mind continuing to do so," said Zhan Yunshu dotingly while standing on her left.

Zhan Yunge veered her eyes away and smiled at Nangong Xuan. "I know, Big Bro."

Even though Zhan Yunshu had just mocked Nangong Xuan while he was comforting Zhan Yunge, Nangong Xuan did not take it to heart. After all, Nangong Xuan kept stealing Zhan Yunshu's little sister from him ever since they were children. If Zhan Yunge wanted to come back, he was happy to oblige. He nodded to her in agreement.

Zhan Yunge felt moved when she caught the look on his face. She reached her hand out and held Nangong Xuan's hand. "Big Brother Xuan, you have never missed a single one of my birthdays since I was three years old. I hope you can keep this up."

It was the first time Zhan Yunge had taken the initiative to call him "Big Brother Xuan". In the past, Nangong Xuan had to resort to underhanded means to squeeze it out of Zhan Yunge. Also, this was the first time she had ever asked him to do something for her.

"I promise not to miss any of your birthdays from now on." He did not like it since her request was too simple but Zhan Yunge just smiled without harping on the subject.

If she did not manage to survive the heavenly tribulation when she turned 16 next year, it would be her last birthday in this lifetime and she would have no future to speak of. In that case, the future did not matter.

"Let's go in. Let's not keep Grandpa and Granny waiting." Zhan Yunge held Nangong Xuan's hand and entered Jinhua Garden.

After they entered Jinhua Garden, the servants closed the door, so they must be the last ones to arrive.

The moment Zhan Yunge entered the compound, the atmosphere reached a climax. The commotion coming from the compound could be heard from a distance.

Some of the maids and servants who did not have the right to enter the compound looked enviously at Jinhua Garden. The Zhan family was the most powerful clan in the country. Most other influential families had a lot of discord. The family was tight-knit and did not care about fame and fortune. It certainly made the maids' and servants' lives a whole lot easier.

Jinhua Garden had a huge banquet hall. A soft intricately woven carpet was laid on the floor. Everyone sat on the ground cross-legged with long rectangular low tables in front of them. They had already started drinking, so they were chatting enthusiastically.

The banquet started at mid-day. By late afternoon, Zhan Yunge's face was very flushed, since Zhan Yunge was permitted to drink some wine. She lay on her grandfather's knee with no image to speak of as she smiled happily with her eyes narrowed. She kept smiling as she looked at her family who had gathered today to celebrate her birthday.

"Grandpa, this is the most tight-knit family I have ever seen," said Zhan Yunge softly.

Old Master Zhan raised his hand and touched her head. "Do you know why our family can always get along well and remain the most influential clan in Shengyu Empire all this time?

Zhan Yunge was caught by surprise. She was a little drunk, but her mind cleared up a little. "Isn't it because we live in reclusion and stay out of worldly affairs?"

"Silly lass. We are all humans. How could we entirely escape worldly affairs?" Old Master Zhan shook his head.

Zhan Yunge frowned quizzically. The Zhan family for the last century had never got involved in political matters. Although they were renowned sorcerers, the clan was never involved in worldly matters. Why would her grandfather say that?

She sat down and looked at her grandfather quizzically.

Old Master Zhan smiled mildly. He pointed at everyone and said, "Look at everyone."

Zhan Yunge looked in the same direction her grandfather was pointing. It was all her family. It was her uncles and father sitting in order of seniority along with the 13 boys of her generation and their wives and her five nephews. What did her grandfather mean?

"The Zhan family is able to remain the most influential family in the country for two reasons. The first reason is that only the clan leader's family is able to reside on Mount Qingnan and have full control of the clan," said Old Master Zhan.

Zhan Yunge instantly knew what he was getting at. Her father and uncles were her grandparents' children. The clan leader was their eldest brother, so they were naturally close. Although the other boys in the family were cousins, they were as good as biological brothers. The whole of the family was naturally close.

"After I pass away, only your eldest uncle's family will reside at the Zhan residence. The rest of the family including your father, mother, and older brother will have to leave Mount Qingnan. It is all part of the family rules handed down for generations. This is the reason we do not have any infighting in our clan," said Old Master Zhan as he looked at the children sadly.

Zhan Yunge was stunned. She looked at her second, fourth, and fifth uncles and their sons and asked, "How do you feel about them leaving?"

"The Zhan family will give them a lot of money and resources. After they leave, they will move out of the country and live somewhere else. Since they are equipped with the right skills, they can do well anywhere. Our family has always lived in seclusion. Even when the descendants move out of the residence, they choose to stay away from worldly affairs." Old Master Zhan looked out the door. He seemed nostalgic as he thought about his brothers and nephews.

Zhan Yunge contemplated. "Did the mysterious man demand this as well?"

"No, he didn't. The rule was laid by our ancestor."

Our ancestor? Zhan Yunge had already learned of the ancestor's family yesterday and could appreciate his reason for setting the family rule. The ancestor did not want his descendants to fight each other. Even though it seemed cruel to split the family apart, it was far better than in-fighting.

"What about the second reason?" asked Zhan Yunge.

"Secondly, none of our descendants are to become government officials." Old Master Zhan glanced at Nangong Xuan as he sat by the side. He wanted Nangong Xuan to know the Zhan family's stand.

"Did our ancestor set this family rule as well?" Zhan Yunge instantly knew.

Old Master Zhan nodded.

Zhan Yunge pondered briefly and asked, "Grandpa, I won't get the family involved in political matters."

"You are mistaken." Old Master Zhan corrected her.

Zhan Yunge looked at her grandfather quizzically. Was this not the reason for their conversation today?