
Minecraft:The Good Fanfiction

A world forever locked in war,a tyrannical force yet to be defeated,and romance yet to bloom. it'll all happen here.

Studio_10XT · Video Games
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36 Chs

Twin Opposites

Gladya growls softly as she paced in front of Grayson's severed arm. "You know pacing on front of a severed limb can be considered insanity,right?" Steve askes,coming to form where the arm was cut.

"Oh shut up would you?!" Gladya growls,as she approached the arm. The anger in her face slowly faded,as an idea came to mind.

"You know....I invented a cloning spell so the Female species can continue...It can regenerate limbs,get someone pregnant,heal injuries,the works. So I wonder what would happen if I were to use it on a severed limb..?"

She starts making a few complex hand signs,energy began to pass between her hands. Gladya reaches out,and begins to apply the energy as if it were a salve of some sort. The arm twitched,and a bone began to grow into Steve's noncorporal form. As Gladya continued,that one bone became a skeleton,veins began to branch and vine themselves into the Skeleton. Some veins began to expand into internal organs,ballooning to become what was needed.

Muscle began to grow over the now biologically prepared skeleton,sealing off at the belly button,and finally,dark grey skin began to paint over the surface,however there were no genitals,save for an asshole.

For the moment the male was blissfully asleep..

"So It does work like that as well.." Gladya said,wiping away the sweat that had accumulated.

She released the male,allowing him to collapse to the floor. "Grayson. Grayyysooon! Wakey wakey..." Gladya said as she gently nudges the male.

The grey male grunts in slight displeasure.

His eyes open. One was gold,the other purple...

"W-who..?" He began.

"Honey you don't remember your own wife? Did you hit your head..?" Gladya asked,gently picking him up.

'Wife? Bitch, please,Grayson wouldn't marry ya if he were at the end of a sword.' Steve said.

"Who said that?" The Male asked.

"I- Uhh..Didnt hear anything." Gladya said with uncertainty.

'Riiiight,because you totally had cotton stuffed into your ears. Im not gone im just in a corporeal body now.' Steve said,spite dripping from his voice.

"Ill just ignore it...But uh...What IS your name,if you're my wife?" The clone asked.

"My name is Gladya,yours is Glosys. You are my king. Come. There is much to tell you." Gladya said

They passed the museum,which was now closely guarded. "You are the last man alive,and our world is dying a slow and painful death. The Nether is beginning to break into the overworld,and in order to correct that balance and your's,is to unify the Realms." Gladya explained,as she led the Grayson clone to a balcony. An obsidian city was laid out before the male,and a thrallish crowd began to gather at the foot of the castle.

"My loyal subjects,you are aware of the troubling times upon us,and they are trying..But even in this age of war,I have found a King to lead you once more!" Gladya announced,leading Glosys closer to the balcony.

"Bow and praise your new king. Give him your strength so we can make the final push!"

The crowd began to kneel,chanting a montra. Purple energy began to pass between the crowd's people,back and fourth until an interconnected web could be visualized.

Gladya puts an Eye of Ender in Glosys' enchanted hand,raising it to view the crowd.

It's catlike pupil sought out the strongest link,upon locating the person in question,a purple beam was drawn.

The energy transferred into the enchanted arm,slowly travelling down until it seeped into Glosys' body. He began to gain muscle,however only a modest amount,horrific memories of a faked truth seeped into his mind,and lastly,the seemingly realm-wide need and hatred of a particular silver haired,golden eyed fellow.

Before long the energy leaves the crowd and shoots into the eye,turning it a pure purple.

Gladya gently brings his hand down,and attaches a necklace.

"This is all of my people's power..We cannot spare a drop more,for the grand unification calls our name too heavily. Lead us,King Glosys." Gladya said as she put the necklace onto the larger being.

"Formalities out of the way,I would like to beckon your concerns. We must concern ourselves with your..Evil alter-ego. He is very dangerous,and unfortunately prolific with the crowd. What should we do?" Gladya asked.

The King gave a thoughtful rumble...

"Recall the armies. All of them. Root out spies. We will snuff out the little resistance that has started." Glosys said affirmatively,as he headed into the castle,"What of your strongholds?! Your cities and villages?!" Gladya asked in surprise.

"If they're as pure as us,they will root that fucker out. Our strongholds will endure,and the communities do not need us meddling. I want to end this war now so we can heal our reality." Glosys said,turning to Gladya with a glow to his eyes.

"And what should we tell the soldiers?" Gladya asked,intertwining her fingers..

Internally,she was already disgusted with the level of arrogance this clone carried. It was almost profoundly dangerous,though she could not afford to lose the only foothold on her plans..

"The End War starts today. We cannot afford to wait any longer on the Great Unification." Glosys responded as they entered the throne room. Glosys settled in the King's throne,an obsidian formation that spiked out in random,yet beautiful patterns.

Gladya reluctantly joined the male,sitting on the arm of the throne.

And so the tide has changed,Preparation began to fill the air of the endish troops as word got out with the mass retreat. The plans King Glosys had seemed to compel the rest of the reluctant,yet loyal soldiers.

Those that were unloyal remained behind,to possibly be later hunted,or warn Grayson of the coming dangers.

The game was set. Now there are 2 kings on the board...only time will tell who will triumph.