
Minecraft:The Good Fanfiction

A world forever locked in war,a tyrannical force yet to be defeated,and romance yet to bloom. it'll all happen here.

Studio_10XT · Video Games
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36 Chs

The Scars Of Gladya PT4

("Home Alone")

Kupa and Grayson have started to call the 2 story house they discovered home. While the repairs were extensive,they have become easier to complete with time.

With the house mostly repaired,Kupa began packing essentials for herself. "Grayson,I'm going to go look for Alex. She might be around and uncorrupt still,and is the only other person that I know that has our heading." She said.

"Sooo you're also going to waddle off into the infinite beyond,possibly to never return?" Grayson asked,his voice laced in concern. "What if you're captured?"

"Captured? What idiot would be suicidal enough to capture ANY kind of Creeper?" Kupa asked.

"Point taken. Won't I be vulnerable,though?"

"Not really,we're actually off of any known map of the region in Terris. For now we are basically nonexistent to the world until some explorer decides to get bored and expand the borders of Terris. You truly don't have to worry about anything else other than making sure you're comfortable and well kept." Kupa insists as she heads for the door.

"Now remember Grayson,no visitors. The last thing you need is to be pinged by the Enders,so if you can manage,try to stay inside too." She said.

"All right,all right I get it! Be safe. Come home." Grayson said with a chuckle,walking over and kissing her forehead. Kupa heads out the door,leaving the house very silent....

It was still unfurnished,though he had wood to spare,still.

"Maybe a little furniture will make this place more comfortable..Im getting tired of sleeping on the floor.." Grayson mutters as he starts toward the house's material pantry.

He retrieved oak and spruce wood,and starts whittling them down into the shape of a table.

("Finding Alex")

As Kupa left the house,she started in the direction they had come from only days ago,following the faint path of campsites back into the Region.

"Now...If I were an amazonian warrior in distress where would I be..?" Kupa pondered...

There was only one place Miners could be taken in the situation Alex seemed to have. A prison close to where the War of Krubis was finished...Miner's End. It was the only place that could hold a human as strong as Alex,for it had the indestructible properties of bedrock,but the security and ease of access like cobblestone.

Kupa traveled for hours,until a shadow loomed over her. In the distance,a massive statue of Gladya in armor could be seen,boldly raising a blade into the heavens. The blade itself built so high that it cleft the passing clouds in two. The statue was situated on another statue of a limp male cadaver,which had been bent back slightly to be flush with the rest of the mountain.

It brought a disgusted groan,bearing the statue even the remotest of attention brought sour feelings and thoughts of the horrible war that ravaged the land 20 years ago.

At the Statue's feet,a bedrock prison sat square in the valley below. "Miner's End...What a lovely jewel in this hell of a world.." Kupa mutters as she heads down the hill toward the prison.

Upon arriving at the gate,an armored female in a booth stood. "Who are you visiting?" She asked gruffly.

"Alex Minor. Aged 25." Kupa said.

"Accusation?" The Guard questions.

"....Harboring a male." Kupa guessed.

Piston sounds began to emit,and the ground rumbled beneath Kupa. Before long,a two block wide entrance splits open in the seemingly impregnable wall,about 6 blocks tall. "You will be visiting Alex in Chatroom 777. You have 24 hours,starting now." The guard said as Kupa passed into the windowless prison. Many of the prisoners seemed to mind their own buisiness,others using fruitlessly self manufactured tools to escape.

Kupa paid it no mind,locating the 'chatroom' the guard talked about.

Alex was delivered via a Hopper Tube it seemed,as she was dropped into a seat with a seemingly annoyed look.

Though the expression changed seeing as Kupa was behind the indestructible glass.

'How is Grayson?' Alex signs worriedly.

"He is fine,we're currently on the outside of the known region. He is learning very quickly on how to be a miner in the longtime,if he desires to stay." Kupa said.

'Ohh thank the gods he is okay for now..' Alex signs in relief,with a gentle sigh.

"In addition,we finally managed to settle somewhere. We can't keep running forever." Kupa adds.

'Honestly I could care less of where he settles,as long as it is out of Gladya's reach.' Alex signs.

"For now it is,at least to the known region. However I doubt it will remain like that if they cannot find Grayson." Kupa explains. Alex pulls a hidden pen from her sleeve,and starts writing on the glass.

It was an enchantment.

'You will remember this,regardless of how. It will hide you from the gaze of Gladya and her minions.'

"Can you escape?" Kupa asked hurriedly.

'No. The prison is made of a bedrock type material. I'd need diamond.'

Kupa tears up some,settling her hand against the glass,Alex briefly joins her hand as well. "Alex...Im worried sick you won't survive. PLEASE be careful. I mean it."

'I know. Worry more about Grayson. The Balance depends on this world's survival. Either I escape,or I am stuck here until Gladya's defeat. I can choose both. But you have to keep him safe. Go back while Gladya is still blind..'

Kupa nods,leaving the prison..


As Kupa left,Alex was sucked away by the Hopper tube. Quickly,and roughly she was blasted through the vast and open part of the prison back to her cell.

The exit shot Alex out against the back wall of her cell-

As she landed,she looked to the obsidian door,scarred by days of scrabbling against the door,failed escape plans and even full blown tools short of diamond. The sounds of prisoners in her block pleading to be released,or unanswered threats shouted to one another.

'Ugh..Ive met large villages less annoying than this...'

For the moment,she walks over to her cell's bed,settling on it and pulling out a secret tool from underneath. It was a diamond tipped stick,which had been repaired multiple times from failed attempts at escape.

Footsteps approached..

She hides the stick as a prison guard opens the view slot.

"Alex Minor. You are summoned for hard labor in the mines." The guard spoke smoothly. The door was opened,and Alex was cuffed by a pair of guards. They were not chained cuffs,but as they were put on it seemed that Alex's strength had been reduced to human levels,without altering her form.

The prison itself was a hollow cube of bedrock,with an internal layer of obsidian. The interior had the sense of an empty,and infinite sky in a limited room,as the prison was sectioned off with high prison walls into various spaces of recreation and labor.

Alex was brought to a section labeled "Mine 59",and around it,many warnings of gravel cave-ins and vast cave structures.

A stone pickaxe was put into her hands.

"You will search for coal and iron." The guard said.

Alex looks to the mineshaft,then nods in agreement.

She heads down the shaft,which seemed empty. This changed as at the end of the steps,the ground had been hollowed to reveal a full blown mining prison city.

It was crawling with guards,and prisoners cuffed the same way as Alex roaming 'free'.

Alex covered as much ground as she could to find where the mines truly started. Upon finding the entrance,two Iron Golems approach Alex.

"Alex Minor. You are 3 hours and 73 minutes late to your mining deadline. Proceed with caution."

'Cant forget the lovely work ethics down here...' Alex thought as she rolls her eyes,passing by the golems to go searching for what had been requested.