
Minecraft:The Good Fanfiction

A world forever locked in war,a tyrannical force yet to be defeated,and romance yet to bloom. it'll all happen here.

Studio_10XT · Video Games
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36 Chs

The Scars of Gladya PT3

("Gladya's Truth")

'I wasn't always a Villain. At one point I was as pure as starlight,proficient in all lines of duty,and an iron fist to be feared by man and woman alike.

Then I met HIM. Krubis Levi,a human male from the overworld. At the time Enders and the Overworld lived in a form of harmony,though it was frangible. I was only a princess in waiting at the time,and he a knight of Terris Magai. A sweet and innocent soul he seemed,well mannered,and seemingly a sensation amongst the Enders and even my own family.

We got along well at first,so well that he showed me the wonders of a life outside the obsidian palaces and end cities,'The Grasslands' He called them. A vast place with no village in sight,just green mountain ranges and plains..enough space it seemed to hold thousands...if not millions.

An enchanting night under the stars eventually bloomed into a loving,trusting relationship. Many words were said,emotions felt..Questions answered..

And for many months,it was nothing but pure bliss..

There was an issue,however. His eyes were set on someone of lesser fortune and power to myself,I was but a friend. Every visit he seemed to have aged by the decade in his world's times,so those blissfully beautiful minutes we once spent together then went to....her..

By the next time he had crawled back,i had already been throned,my parents having passed away after decades of waiting for me to select a suitor.

He had aged well,his face war torn,his armor dripping with enchanted runes..

He proclaimed that he had decided who would have his hand in marriage. I was all to eager to show I was worthy,though his choice stopped me dead..

He picked a peasant over all the power he could ask for...

And all I could see was red for 15 years.

Though my anger came at a grave cost...a curse that bound me to The End,from a goddess disappointed in my trifles..

Much of it I remember,and would gladly do again. Now it's only a matter of time before I make this world perfect. Connected and fair.'

("The Searching")

A knock interrupts Gladya.

She closes a leatherbacked journal,settling a feather on top. "Enter." She said huskily. An armored guard walks in. "My Omnipresent,We are unable to find the creature you refer to as "Boy". We have tried everything,even tracking by Wolf,and Phantom .."

"And?" Gladya growls as she approached the guard. "W-we have found his campsites but he seemed to-- N-not exist..."

Gladya takes a deep breath. "It's okay,young soldier. You are dismissed..." She purrs softly. They left as quickly as they arrived...

A completely black creature appears,it's gender indescribable...It was very thin,and it's only tell were it's mystic,soul stealing purple eyes..

It purrs at Gladya..

"Kill the soldier."

It turns to leave-

"Wait. Don't kill her. Take her down to the machine."

The creature disappears silently...

The guard that had reported Grayson's missing status was about halfway down the hall from Gladya's room. She was grabbed by the creature,being teleported to what seemed to be an impenetrable bunker..

The creature clapsed its hand over her mouth,as Gladya approached. "So what you say is true,correct?"

The soldier nods gently,her breath hitching at the creature's surprising strength. "Hmmmm...Set her in the seat." Gladya demanded. The soldier was moved and roughly settled in a seat,right below some kind of machine. Her arms were locked into place,as well as her head.

"You are Korinth Wayman..Aged 27. You've led a lovely life amongst my army..The only human uncorruped...Led in the final push in the War Of Krubis....struck the killing blow to the head of that horrendous operation...Then there's recently. You're defecting,aren't you?" Gladya asked.

"No. I serve in your name against Man. I am loyal to only you,my queen." Korinth said. Gladya growls,approaching the soldier,"So you are not covering the trail of the Boy,correct?" She asked intently.

"No. Men are not equal to us." Korinth responds quickly.

The machine above hisses,and a piston descends with some form of strange device with amethyst crystals attached. An aura emits from the soldier's head,to form a shaped 'screen'. A memory displayed before Gladya.

The soldier was disassembling Grayson's camps,hiding tracks,even killing his assigned Enders to keep Grayson safe.

Gladya growls as she passes through the cloud,grabbing Korinth by the chin,"You....Why do you perform such treason? WHY shouldn't I kill you?" Gladya questioned,as she drew a dagger from underneath her dress. "Because only I know where Grayson is,but your petty mind magic cannot get through my memories without hitting bedrock."

"Lovely,it looks like I'll have to tear it out of your mind. Did you know that tearing a memory from a person's brain cell can be dangerous? Like taking the cog from a clock,that ONE memory gone will cause cell degeneration. How? I don't know! THATS the fun!" Gladya said joyfully,as the machine began to scour Korinth's mind.

At first,Korinth laughed and chuckled softly as the machine worked,though as the hours drew on,with Gladya watching every memory pass by,such laughter turned to discomforted groans,and then screams as her innermost memories finally spilled.

Even then,the machine could not pry the direction of Grayson's heading. The strange crystals powering the machine grew bright,and shatter,taking Korinth with it as the machine winds to a stop..

Gladya growls...

"Yet another failure and traitor. HOW MANY WOLVES ARE AMONGST MY FLOCK?!" Gladya snarls at Korinth's corpse,which stared blankly at the woman,unresponsive to her questions. Gladya's temper has finally frayed,as she teleports back to the main fortress to sleep. Gladya's Spirit form leaves the human doppleganger,and shoots straight into the sky.

She reawakens in the End,where her physical body actually was..

"My Queen. You have awakened once more. Have you found the menace?" A Dark guard asked. "No,unfortunately. The humans are incapable and untrustworthy of the simplest duties. How hard can it be to find a male and bring it to me?" She asked.

"Quite,my Liege. Even without Steve The One's assistance it seems the Gods do not want him found."

"To hell with the Gods. They don't care to protect him they care to protect this 'Balance' bullshit. If you cannot tell,they have chained me to this damnable realm as if I were in the wrong!" Gladya said,as they walked through polished obsidian halls and into a large throne room.

The Guard fell silent...

"Is there something you wish to discuss?" Gladya asked as she settles on the throne. Over her head was a pair of moth wings on a mount,bound together to look like a cloak.

"No Ma'am,i do not under risk of incurring your wrath." The guard responds quickly.

"Good. Now find that male. Our plan rests on his shoulders,after all." Gladya purrs gently,intertwining her hands in deep thought ...