
Minecraft Adventures: A Christmas Tale

The OverWorld. Five days until Christmas. The Dark Elves are now a threat of the past and haven’t caused any trouble. But with every new story, comes a new villain. At the North Pole, panic unfolds as Misses Claus finds that Santa has gone missing. No Elves know where he could’ve gone. With only four days until Christmas, Misses Claus sets out on an adventure to recruit help to find Santa and save Christmas. Will she beat the clock and save Christmas? Find out in this epic finale to the Minecraft Saga: Phase One.

PaperBoy_03199 · Games
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[CH. 010] In Honor of our Christmas Hero

'Twas the morning of Christmas Day. Children all around the OverWorld are waking up to presents under their trees, cookies eaten, and milk glasses empty.

No child woke up knowing what happened the night prior. But Santa and the North Pole went out of their way to report the news.

Left resting on the Christmas trees, were handwritten letters. No house, and no child, was left in the dark about their fallen Hero.

Thomas and Aurora returned home with Santa as their house would be his first stop. The ride to their home in the sleigh was quiet and somber. Few words were spoken. Thomas and Aurora didn't witness Daniel's death and sacrifice, but they'll find out come morning.

"Santa?" Aurora said as she looked up at Santa. Her and Thomas were sitting in the front next to Santa.

"Yes, my child?" He asked as he looked down at her. Their house was coming into view. Santa whipped the straps and said:

"Bring us down gently now, Dasher," he called out, "easy Dancer and Prancer. Knock it off Ruby, you naughty reindeer! Gently now!"

"Where's Daniel?" Aurora asked.

Santa sniffled and wiped his nose. As the sleigh touched down on the ground and came to a stop, Aurora and Thomas waited for him to answer.

"Um—well—he's in a better place. A peaceful place where no bad guys exist. That's where he is, my dear children."

You don't need to tell them Santa. They won't understand what Daniel did and why.

"What did he do?" Thomas asked as Santa leaned forward to tie the straps to the metal bar.

Oh sh—, I forgot they can hear me.

"Language, mister!" Santa said as he looked up into the sky.

"Oo, he almost said that naughty s-word," Thomas giggled with his hand over his mouth.

Sorry Santa.

"It's okay, god man," Santa said.

My name isn't "god man", it's Au—.

"Ho, ho, ho," Santa laughed, "nobody cares."

Rude! I'm going to have to put you on my naughty list now.

"Don't listen to him Santa," Aurora said, "he doesn't mean it."

I do!

"No he doesn't," Thomas said.

Oh brother. Hey Royce, can you finish narrating for me? My characters are being mean.

Yeah, be right there.

Thank you! I'm going to let my friend finish the story. I can't take this anymore.

"Wuss!" Thomas shouted.


"Fathead!" Aurora shouted.

"Alright children, that's enough. Leave the angry god man alone," Santa said as he stood up and jumped down and off of the sleigh. He turned around and held his arms out. Thomas and Aurora got up and walked over to him.

Thomas jumped into his arms first. He lowered Thomas down onto the ground and repeated the same with Aurora.

Royce here. Taking over for Austin. I'll be sticking to the script. You won't hear much of me.

"Don't care," Thomas said, followed by him and Aurora giggling.

Wow, you guys are mean. Austin wasn't kidding. Should've made a glass of spiked eggnog.

"Sounds delicious," Aurora said, "what is "spiked" mean?"

"Don't answer that, Royce!" Santa said as he grabbed his sack out of the back of the sleigh. "Alright kiddies, let's head inside. After you."

Thomas and Aurora both began walking back over to the front door. Their father never locks the door, so getting in was the easy part. But saying goodbye to Santa again…that's going to be tricky.

"I wonder what he got us for Christmas," Aurora, with her hand up against her face so Santa couldn't hear her, whispered to Thomas.

"A chest full of coal," Santa laughed, "ho, ho, ho. I'm kidding younglings. You'll find out soon."

Hey, that's what I got Austin.

"What?" Thomas asked as he looked up.

Never mind.

"Weirdo," Aurora said, giggling.

Once they were inside, Thomas and Aurora made sure to be quiet so they wouldn't wake their dad, who was sleeping in his bed.

Santa walked over to the Christmas tree, and set the sack on the floor. When he did, the presents he was giving the children appeared inside the bag. Whatever it was that was inside the bag, it was as tall as their dad. What could it be?

Thomas and Aurora tiptoed over to their beds and quickly got in them, throwing the blankets over themselves and resting their heads on the pillows.

"Now you must be asleep before I put your present under your tree," Santa told them as he reached into his lower coat pocket. He took out a handful of glowing dust. "Now this is going to make you very sleepy, very fast."

"Wait," Aurora whispered as she threw the covers off and got out of bed. She tiptoed over to Santa and gave him one last hug.

"Will we ever see you again?" She asked.

"Perhaps," Santa answered as he sprinkled a pinch of dust over Aurora's head.

"This adventure was just as fun as the first time, Santa," Aurora said as she stretched and yawned. "Goodnight Santa."

"Goodnight my dear," he whispered with a faint smile on his face. "Sweet dreams."

He watched her lay back down in her bed. She covered herself up and yawned again as she closed her eyes. When she fell asleep, he looked over at Thomas. But he was already sound asleep. But just for good measures:

"Just in case you're still awake," Santa mumbled as he sprinkled a pinch of dust over Thomas's face. "That should do the trick. Merry Christmas."

And once they were sound asleep, he looked over at the sack with their present inside. This was an unusually odd gift, but it's what they wanted.

"Alright Juliana," Santa said as he walked over to the plate of cookies and bottle of milk. "You can come out now. They're sound asleep."

As he munched on a chocolate chip cookie, he walked over to their tree and placed the letter on a branch. All the envelope on the outside said was:

In Honor of our Christmas Hero:

"Our hero, may you rest peacefully"



"I must be on my way. More presents needing to be delivered," Santa told Juliana as she walked up to him. She frowned as her eyes became glazed and watery.

"This is by far the best Christmas gift you could give them, you know that?" Juliana whispered into his ear as they hugged.

"That's what being a Santa Clause means," he reminded her.

As she backed away, she gave him a kiss on the forehead and smiled at him one last. She looked outside through a window and saw the mighty sleigh. Frankie and Phineas were waving at Juliana.

"Merry Christmas Juliana," Santa said, which would be his final words to her.

"Merry Christmas Santa," she said to him as she handed him his present sack. After that, he walked over to the front, opened it, and walked back outside. The door magically closed by itself, albeit quietly.

"My beautiful babies," Juliana said as she walked over to their beds. She leaned over and gave Thomas a gentle kiss on his forehead, and then gave Aurora a kiss on her forehead.

In the days, months, and years that followed many things would change on the OverWorld. As the heroes you knew and loved aged and faded away into obscurity, new heroes were destined to rise.

Thomas and Aurora would grow with their mother, Juliana, by their side once more. They would never adventure with Santa again, but they never lost hope.

Thomas would grow up to find himself amongst the crew of the S.S DreamChaser, with Ava as its Captain. A female Captain? Yes, you read that right.

Aurora would grow up to become a witch, like her mentors Leona and Merlin. After leaving the nest, she set off on her own journey of self discovery. In the end, she found herself under careful supervision as she began training to become the next Elder Witch.

Petra would live a peaceful, uneventful life. She fulfilled her promise to Daniel. By raising her two adopted daughters, Ava and Annabelle, she bid them farewell as they both ventured off down different paths. Thirty-two years after Daniel's death, Petra would succumb to age and pass away peacefully in her sleep.

Ceres lived a peaceful life in the Plains biome, giving up his lifelong passion for the mystic and magical arts. He now resides on his farm, caring for his animals. He still lives, but continues to age and grow older.

Stanley and Miraz continue to protect the Heavens above the OverWorld, while also occasionally coming down to visit Daniel's memorial. After thirty years, his memorial still stands tall and mighty. That's all thanks to them.

Now living out the rest of their days in the afterlife, this won't be the last you see of them.

Mileena would return to the OverWorld after the Gods and Goddesses granted her a second chance at life. She was returned to the exact location in which she was killed by the ice golems. She went back to her place amongst the Resistance, to only disband them and shut down all Resistance operations.

"There is no evil left, therefore no need for continued operations. As of today, I hereby dismiss all of you from your positions. I thank you for your service to the greater cause. The OverWorld has finally achieved what we've always sought out: Peace," she announced to her followers.

Christmas Eve is now a day of Celebration in honor of Daniel and Christmas. TinkerTown was recruited to build and sculpt the massive statue for Daniel's memorial, while a Blacksmith forged a plaque that would accompany the memorial statue. The iron sword our hero used in battle is on display, encased in a glass block on a table next to the plaque.

As for the Narrator Austin, he would start planning and working on the future of the Minecraft saga. With so much left open, there's still plenty of OverWorld to adventure in and explore.

Royce? What are you doing?

Uh, nothing. Just sticking to the script.

Uh huh, let me see.



Ugh, fine! Here!

[Austin gasps] Wow, you did good. Told you my characters were mean.

You did, and I was prepared. Called one of 'em a brat!

[Austin looks aside to Royce] Let me guess…Thomas?

Yup, that's the little brat! Kept picking on me.

[Austin looks back down at the narration ending and takes a drink of his spiked eggnog. He then spits it out all over Royce] THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SECRET!

[Royce shrugs and chuckles nervously] I'm—uh—would you look at the time? Best be going. Bye!


[Austin sits down at his desk and sets his glass down next to him] Let's see…where were we? Oh yes, here we are.

The OverWorld is a much safer place than it has ever been. There's only one blockhead you can thank for that…and his name is Daniel.


Want to see more? Come back tomorrow at 1:30PM to read: Epilogue: 35 Years Later!

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