


I read and write for the fun of it. ••Upcoming Stories (2025)•• Minecraft: The Next Epic Adventure A Minecraft Mystery: Blockheads Out Of Time

2020-08-15 JoinedUnited States



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  • PaperBoy_03199
    PaperBoy_03199a year ago

    Hi everyone, I just want to start off by apologizing for not keeping a consistent release schedule for the Minecraft Universe; or more specifically this story. But after completing the plot outline for this story just last night, I spent a good 2 hours writing the first chapter “Living Nightmares”. I also want to thank everyone for their patience as I reworked the plot. It took much longer than I wanted it to, but I feel it’ll work out in the end. Also, if you’re not aware: this will be the final Minecraft story…for now at least. My plan for the remaining 19 chapters is to release one full chapter everyday until it’s completion. And I hope that you will find this story just as fun as its predecessors. Again, thank you ALL for your patience. I now introduce: MINECRAFT: THE LAST EPIC ADVENTURE.

  • PaperBoy_03199
    PaperBoy_031993 years ago
    Replied to Hashira_

    Thank you! Happy to see you’re enjoying the story.

  • PaperBoy_03199
    PaperBoy_031993 years ago

    | A Quick Note from Author | Hey Minecraft Adventures: Savage Lands of the OverWorld Fans, it’s me. After taking a hiatus from the Minecraft series, I’ve now finished my previous involvement with ‘The Red Man’, which means I’m going to return to writing this story. I hope you’re still invested in this series like I am. I never intended on abandoning this series. Going forward, I will try to be consistent with chapter releases; starting with Chapter 10: Making A Move debuting tomorrow at 12:30P.M CST, 11:30A.M EST, and 9:30A.M PST - Austin

  • PaperBoy_03199
    PaperBoy_031993 years ago

    Thank you so much for reaching out and letting me know about that. You’re the best. 😉 -Austin

  • PaperBoy_03199
    PaperBoy_031994 years ago
    Replied to Daoist350247

    Thanks! It’s good to hear that you’re enjoying the story so far. This weekend, why don’t you check out one of the many other stories I have to offer? Again, thanks for the review. You’re awesome! 😁

  • PaperBoy_03199
    PaperBoy_031994 years ago
    Replied to SireLancelotDulac

    I don’t plan on dropping this series at all. This is, by far, my favorite series to write. Fun fact, my favorite story in this series so far is ‘MineCraft: The TakeOver’.

  • PaperBoy_03199
    PaperBoy_031994 years ago
    Replied to SireLancelotDulac

    Hey there, Thanks for the “hilarious” review lol. I am continuing to write this story. I post one new chapter a day anytime before 2:00p CST. I’m super happy you’re enjoying this story. There are another (8) planned stories in this series. But who knows, maybe I’ll add more as I continue to pump out these stories. Thanks again for the review (and powerstones too). - Austin_Vanburen

  • PaperBoy_03199
    PaperBoy_031994 years ago
    Replied to Mani_

    Thank you so much Mani for your heart-warming review. This story is one of my favorites by far both writing and reading wise. Thank you so much again. 🙂

  • PaperBoy_03199
    PaperBoy_031995 years ago

    Hello everyone, This is Austin_Vanburen, the author of Minecraft: The First Epic Adventure. To begin, I would like to say thank you for reading this story. I hope you all enjoyed the story. I had a blast writing it. When I first posted this story, I didn’t realize how “popular” it would be. Garnering 2.7k views since I first posted the story on 9/6/2020. This story was not in my normal comfort zone and took a lot of hard work to complete (two months to be exact). Because of the immense popularity among stories under the “video game” category, a sequel is in the works as of this writing (as you guys already know.) 🙂 The adventure our heroes go on in this story is out of this world. I won’t say much. I don’t want to spoil any of the aspects of the story. When I originally concieved the idea to write a Minecraft story, I didn’t intend on posting it. The original plan was to only share it with my younger sisters (whom are 10 & 11 years old. They’re all things crazy about Minecraft.) 😅 As you all would know, the sequel is titled Minecraft: The Evil Queen Rises. I currently have the entire plotline of this story mapped out. To tease you just a little bit, the story will be twenty (20) chapters long. Upon completion of the sequel, you guys will be the first to read it and hopefully give feedback. Again, I am very excited to share more stories with you that aren’t just about Minecraft. Feel free to leave your thoughts on how you enjoyed or are enjoying the story so far below. I will see you all again soon when the sun rises again upon the OverWorld. Best regards, Austin_Vanburen