
Mine To Protect

A clash between werewolves and humans leaves lovers at the mercy of betrayal, lies, and war. Natalie, soon to be alpha is saddled with the troubles that come with the crown. To worsen things, she is mated to a human, Hendrix. With the other packs at rivalry for their union, she is left with a tough decision, to marry Dante, the son of her late father's enemy, and save her pack, or stick with her human mate and drive her pack to ruin. When she finally chooses a path, she finds herself weak, and at the mercy of death's cold claws, as she is brutally pierced by betrayal, deep and hard. Just when Natalie makes her decision, she finds out she's pregnant for the human. Her baby who turns out to be a hybrid and one of its kind, bears the burden of his nature and the past of his parents. Excerpt:   "Hendrix, tell me, are you okay? It's just the both of us, you don't have to fake it."   "I'm fine." He gently tugs my hand off and untangles himself.   My heart sank, but then again, I may be overthinking things.   "Have you had something to eat, is your papa around? Can I..."   "Lady Natalie, I'm fine. You can stop worrying now."   Words escape me. I'm definitely not overthinking things. We may have only spent a few days together, but I can swear that it feels like I've known him for a lifetime.   "Lady Natalie?" I scoff. "Hendrix would never call me that."   "Maybe he died in the pack house." His obstinate self defends.   "No, he died here, or maybe on his way home." Because I felt the passion in his touch and now? It's gone.   "What are you doing here?" He asks.   Taken aback, I only stare at his suddenly huge frame.   "If what I heard and saw in the main chamber is true, you shouldn't be here."   "Disregard them. They can't dictate how I live and who I choose to be with." I'm careful not to use the word 'love'.   It's for the weak.   "Unlike you, they can with me."   "I'm the next alpha, you're safe with me."   "And I don't feel safe. It doesn't feel like it, I'm sorry." He bluffs. "It's best you leave, for the both of us. This thing would cost us dearly and I can't afford the luxury. It's already forbidden for me to be here and talk more of being with their alpha."   "Thing?" I fight back tears. He doesn't respond. "Goodness!"   I can't cry in front of anyone. I tell myself... But right now, I can't follow my own orders. Tears fall freely, and I cuss beneath my breath.   "You want me to leave?"   He keeps mute.   "Like I'm so stupid to chase the wind?" My voice breaks. "I will take your advice and go be with Dante if that makes you happy." I turn to leave.   "You're not stupid... Natalie." His voice is shaky.   I stop on my spot. He called my name, I sob.   "But the longer you remain here, the more unforgivable our sin becomes."   I spin to face him, my eyes on him.   "And who cares about their forgiveness? I don't or do you?"   I scan his face and wish he would lie to me, even though he does care.   He doesn't speak... Perhaps, I shouldn't force this.   I turn to leave when firm arms grip my waist, spin me around, and press me on his firm bosom.

Lennin_Lucky · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
77 Chs


"You can't possibly threaten me in my pack." I try to get a firm grip on myself. For one, he didn't sound like he was bluffing.


"We will see about that." He grimaces.


"Get out!" I scream with all I've got.


His words are getting to me, as a wave of panic attack sweeps every fiber of my being.


He aggressively shoves the broken dish from his feet, not minding if it hits me or not. Not saying another word, he storms out.


Silence takes over the atmosphere after his departure, leaving me in awe, and uttermost confusion.


For a moment, I remain still, replaying what just happened. From the start, he presented himself as a loyal and easily manipulated puppy, and now... I'm not absolutely surprised.


"I thought this is what they wanted? Me saving this pack and their lives in turn. This is what that greedy Alpha Arthur of his papa wants, right?"


 I scoff, having no one to respond back.


"He wanted this pack to merge with his and form a great clan... What am I missing out?"


I itch my scalp, more confused than imagined. "Argh!" I clutch my stomach and scream, the pains resurfacing. "What do they really want?" I ask rhetorically.


The tiny noise from assembling broken dishes has me turning. On the floor is Sasha putting the dishes together. How didn't I realize she had been here all along?


How much did she listen in on our conversation? I stop to think. Dante never said anything secretive... sensible, actually. He's too dumb for that.


Not noticing me, she continues putting them together.


"What are you doing here?" I query, heaping the overdose of annoyance and irritation on her.


"I'm getting these broken pieces off your way so you don't injure..." She stutters.


"Not that, damnit." I sigh. Not like I told her to. "Don't play pretense, what are you doing here?" I'm worn out.


She bows her head. "I'm sorry, my lady, I never meant to pry. It just happened, and he was pretty pissed for me to leave you alone with him."


"And for the umpteenth time, let me be. Mind your damn business." I shush her right on her tract.


"Definitely my lady." She bows and continues picking up every one of the broken pieces, this time in haste.


I pace quietly, I hate to feel vulnerable in front of anyone, strangers precisely. No matter how close she gets, I can never be comfortable letting her into my space.


Walking about, I think long and hard about what to do.


"My lady, do you need me to get you..."


"Freaking shut up! In fact, get the hell out!" I scream. "Why can't you let me think?"


She hurriedly packs the crumbs, assembles the tray together, and heads out.


"Wait!" I stop her. "Send a word to the Beta, and the council elders. Now!" I command, sending her away.


She hurries away, shutting the door behind her.


"I'm their soon-to-be lead alpha, and I won't let them intimidate me." I feed my soul with soothing words and pump my ego the best I can. "I command a powerful army, and I won't give them a chance to crush me without putting up a fight."


I brush sweat off my face, breathing in and out profusely. I slowly walk to the mirror and stand in front of it, unhappy with the weak reflection that stares back at me.


My late papa never groomed a weakling for a daughter, talk more as his heir. I won't put his hovering spirit to shame.


Rushing to the extreme, I pick up my sword, insert it in my scabbard, and sling it around my waist. It's quite a while since I sent Sasha out, she should be able to relay the urgency of the message.


"I need to iron this out once and for all. It's less than two weeks to my coronation, nothing must go wrong, I can't let my late papa down." I heave a sigh.


Heading for the door, I hurry towards the general chambers. The guards step outside for me to go in. Beta Xavier is already in and seated. I walk in, about the same time with the three elders, one at a time.


"Good day, Lady..."


"Save it. I believe you're aware of my choice by now." I hit the nail spot on.


"No, Lady Natalie." Elder Gonzalo, the first elder speaks up. They exchange surprise glances before he looks back at me.


The others allow him to like they've given him the authority. Quite conniving.


I sigh.


"How are we to know your choice when you're yet to make one?" He continues. "Besides, it's just the second day, you still have more than twenty-four hours to make a choice."


"I see." I look at the Beta, who bows his head, his cover already blown.


"From words reaching me, you demanded I make a choice, forced me to make one, actually." I repeat exactly what Beta Xavier said earlier.


They look at one another.


"We would never do that, besides we've not had any meeting since the last one."


"I will be sure to end you." I growl, my voice low and hard, a warning to Beta Xavier.


"In my defense, I just wanted to help you make the right decision." He speaks up.


The guts.


"We were not getting anywhere past this, and it's tiring." He finishes.


I let a creepy smirk lurk around my lips, eyes totally on him.


"That's beside the point. The thing is, I chose Dante. Moreover, you all don't approve of my union with Hendrix, the human, and my mate." I rub it in.


They look at each other, not expecting this to be my choice. I get it.


"And just to put it out there, I'm choosing Dante not because of your disapproval, but because of my late papa, and this pack." I state clearly. "I need to carry on his legacy."


They nod.


"Lady Natalie, you should have a rethink, it seems you're pressured and I don't..."


"I guess we know who to blame for that. And I called this meeting to state clearly that my decision should be respected, hence, no harm should befall Hendrix, the human."


They keep mute.


"This is what you've always wanted." I shrug. "You can live happily now." I mock.


"Don't get me wrong, Lady Natalie, the human can't live regardless..."


I turn to face Beta Xavier, my eyes are bloodshot red. Perhaps he seeks an ally, so unfortunate for him, the elders are too terrified to even speak up, not one word. Perfect.


"This would be my last note, one silly move, and watch me damn every consequence." I blurt.