
Mindless seeking for happiness in an[other] world[s] as [Me] a goblin

A "random" depressed and borderline insane guy is killed in a home intrusion accident and got reincarnated as a goblin. If not for the fact that he's a waste he could've done better in his second life, but oh well, he failed in it too. Then why does he even have a s.t/y?.r/y? W?.h>?Y?. a?m? eh?/r.r/E? Wo? a.R..??r/. y?.y>,o? [Friend]

DaoistBadWriter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs


Opening his eyes this time... he found himself in heaven once again.

It wasn't much, calling it heaven would be the same as calling a stick the most dangerous weapon in existence.

Of course, for some it truly was such a weapon.

The same as lying in a beauty's embrace was heaven for Norn.

First thing that he saw was Erika' beautiful eyes staring right at him.

It was just a part of that heaven.

The best part about it, that she, for some reason, decided to lie on top of him.

It was somewhat strange considering that she was a lot taller than he was, but Norn wasn't bothered by that all.

More than that, he liked it a lot.

Sadly, however, it wasn't the time to continue having fun.

"Good morning Erika"

He said as he looked her straight in the eyes.

"It really is good..."

Was her answer. Her voice was nothing like it was at night.

"Borrow me your lips for a second."

Norn said confidently, he wasn't going to act shy anymore.

Why bother?

Instead of answering Erika kissed him gently.

"Do you want some more?"

She said after soon after in ended.

"Would like to, but we have things to do now."

It wasn't what he wanted, but he needed to have power to be able to protect that little heaven of his.

As such, a question came out of his mouth as he was sitting on the bed, looking at Erika who was now dressing up.

"Are there any dungeons in vicinity?"

It was a gamble. He didn't know if those were a thing in this world.

What if they weren't? How would she react?

And what if... they were real? How would he explain his knowledge about them?

"There are, but i'm afraid i wont let you try to conquer them alone if that is your intention."

Her voice was unusually stern.

"Oh? Why is that, i wonder?"

Norn couldn't help but smile as he asked.

"You are my husband now, i wont let you die that easily."

Her gaze was fixed on Norn as she said it.

"Who said i'm going to die?"

Norn didn't even bother about Erika calling him her husband, he was more interested in her desire to protect him.

Her behavior up to this point was a complete mystery for Norn.

Why was she so submissive to him? Was that a kink or something?

He couldn't believe that a woman that was at half as goon looking and presumably smart as she would call a goblin her husband.

That simply didn't make any sense whatsoever.

"...Also, why are you so submissive to me?"

He added almost immediately after his last line.

He couldn't wait anymore. He needed to know the answer.

Norn didn't even expect that she would answer, but asking it now would help to get the answer later.

"How do you know about dungeons if you are several days old?"

Erika smiled as she said it, immediately continuing:

"See? Not all questions are to be asked, so..."

But, as she was about to continue her little lecture...

"That's because i reincarnated into this body, i was originally a human and in my world there are lots of stories that are similiar to this world. As such, i wanted to see which generic thing this world has."

Norn's speech was crystal clear and he didn't pause for a second as he was saying it.

Erika's smile froze on her face.

She didn't say anything for a considerable period of time.

Norn, however, was patient.

He didn't say it just for the sake of saying it.

Erika clearly knew more than he wanted her to know.

First of all... How could SHE, a mage that's a bit too overpowered compared to any normal mage, would be captured by goblins?

Why was she so calm about all of it?

It was too coincidential that she happened to appear here just as he reincarnated.

Norn suspected that she knew some sort of a prophecy that he was a part of.

As such, there was no real point in hiding his origin from her.

It's not like she didn't know about it already.

If she didn't, however? Well, who cares? It's not like it will bring him any harm.

She was at his side anyway, and if she had some powers behind her?

They already knew who he was if they sent her here.

As such, the only thing that could happen after this reveal was inrease in Erika's favour towards him.

One way or another she would think that he just gave out his most important secret to her.

Will she not think better of him because of that?

Norn doubted that it would be the case.

Nevertheless, it was still a gamble.

"I'm... sorry. I already know that..."

She finally answered. Her voice was weak, as if she was a talking dog that just broke a vase.

"You are... prophesised to appear in this world... along with another world that will destroy ours..."

Last part of that sentence was said in a voice that wouldn't be heard if it wasn't complete silence around here.

"Let me guess, that world that is supposedly invading is the one that i came from?"

Norn asked with a slight smile on his face.


"So, you were sent here to kill me since i of that world, and is considered an enemy?"

Another question from Norn. He was clearly amused by asking it...

"W-what? No! I would never!"

Erika immediately became lively.

"What are you even talking about? Who sent me where? I came here on my own and i doubt anyone but me knows that prophecy..."

She began another lecture...

"... I heard it from my grandma before her death, in short it was about a person that would be the one i desired the most and that i would meet him at my lowest..."

She was gesturing as she explained even more, who her grandma was and all that.

In short, she was a prophet of sorts and even though she knew that Erika wasn't really cursed and it was just a mutation that made her hair brighter she didn't try to persuade others to think the same.

Norn's mood became a bit worse after listening to that.

She was a fucking cunt, that's who she was.

"So, you decided that it's me? How so? I'm a fucking goblin, maybe some random hero would've rescued you a few days later?"

He couldn't believe that bullshit prophecy that Erika told him about.

Yeah, she was here and all that, but how is that possible to predict something in the fu...

Oh, right... That premonition of his... He moved because he felt somewhat ominous in that cave...

Wasn't it the same thing?

"Well, even if that hero appears, so what? I already chose you, i'm not going to change my mind. Our souls are tied together, forever"

Erika grinned leaned towards Norn as she was saying it.

He looked at her bare breasts that he could now see properly.

"Eh, whatever. I just wanted to make sure that u're not here because some ultra-secret demonball-sucking organization sent you. Whether or not you actually like me is up to you."

He didn't bother too much after he got his answer.

He was only scared of that bullshit plot that didn't bring anything good to the story.

As such, it was no use thinking too much about prophecies and such, so what if she was here because of one?

She was with him, loved him (as he guessed it) and it was all fine between them.

Does it really matter why it happened? Even if it was some sort of a plot...

He was a bit too weak to even consider fighting against whoever came up with it.

"Of course i do love you! You are my husband after all!"

She made a slightly unhappy "Hmph!" expression as she said it.

"Fine, i believe you. Now, i will need your help with dungeons and magic. I need to become stronger as fast as possible."

As he was about to ask what exactly he didn't understand about magic, he suddenly remembered...

"Wait, right. Were there any people who also got reincarnated or perhaps summoned?"

It was a question that he planned to find an answer for from the very beginning.

"Hm... I think? In a recent war between humans and demons there was an extraordinary guy. However, it is rumoured that he betrayed the empire and was killed because of that."

"Oh for fuck sake..."

Norn immediately grunted after hearing it.

It was that fucking revenge plot once again! Fucking hell, there HAS to be some retarded hero somewhere...

"Boo hoo i got betrayed because i'm too fucking stupid to understnad that i'm being used *sad face*"

He never understood those plots. How would a person who's strong enough to rival the whole world couldn't understand fake shit around him?

Who the fuck came up with such a thing?

"What's wrong?"

Erika asked about Norn's grunt, she thought that he knew something about heroes that she didn't...

"Nah, it's nothing. Was just wondering if i'm first one here or not... How recent was that war though?"

If it wasn't too long ago he could try to ally with the hero.

It's not like those "heroes" in revenge plots were good people, they would for sure ally with a goblin if it was profitable enough.

"Eh... I think around 1300 years ago? I dont remember the exact time, i was studying magic at the time."

Her answer was nonchalant, but Norn couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"1300? How old are you, again?"

He asked with a concerned voice...

"I'm 1955 years old, but since u're from another world, we have 13 months each is 30 days that are 24 hours, one hour is..."

"Stop, i get it, the only difference should be the amount of months... It's still a long fucking time! I'm only 23!"

Norn interrupted her as it was obvious that it was a minor difference. Still, they had around 390 days in a year, which meant that years in this world were around 10% longer than in his...

Which meant that Erika was around 2150 years old...

"Oh, it's fine, i dont mind."

Erika answered as if she was the one that was supposed to be concerned about it.

"Yeah, i dont care either. It's just... Kinda strange that you were a virgin for such a long time."

It wasn't a question or anything, just a remark from Norn.

"Is that a problem?.."

She said with a somewhat sad tone in her voice...

"The opposite, if you weren't i wouldn't have bothered with you, i'm not looking for used goods."

Norn's answer what straight and somewhat cruel, but it was what he thought.

"Were you a virgin?.."

Erika's question rang after a few seconds.

Norn thought that she was asking it half-jokingly, but when he looked at her...

Her face didn't look like she was joking.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?"

He smiled as he asked her.

"Nope, i'm not looking for used goods."

Norn decided to not continue this already strange piece of dialogue between them.

"Anyway, i cant seem to understand how to..."

After that, he began asking her seemingly infinite questions that he got after practicing magic for a day straight.

It wasn't much and Erika was able to answer them easily.

Norn was actually surprised at how good she was at it, if not for her help he would've stuggled to answer even one.

In such manner several hours went by.

He was desperate to get stronger...


"By the way, if you are reincarnated, cant you see your own status? I heard that heroes and reincarnated could do so."

Erika suddenly brought up this particular ability of reincarnated people when she was explaining how strong their enemies would be.

"Yeah, i can only see mine thought. Also, i dont know how to access the description of skills, i can only see how they're called."

His voice was dissapointed and angry at the same time which made Erika wonder why it was the case.

"Can you tell me what they are? Also, can you see your stats? They are numerical values of your provess in something, strength or magic, for example."

Erika tried to explain every bit to Norn as she imagined herself to be his teacher.

"Yeah, my skills are [I want to speak!] and [Training Expert], and my stats are..."

However, as he opened his status window he paused...

Name: Norn

Age: 0

Sex: Male

Race: Goblin (???)

Titles: [Fearless]

Achievements: [Level 2], [Blessing of Purity], [Blessing of Love]

Skills: [I want to speak!], [Training Expert], [I am so happy to have you~]


ATK: 5







WILL: 22


FATE: 15

LUCK: 17


"What the fuck happened?"

He couldn't understand his new status at all.

Yeah, two blessings were fine, he could link them to last night...

That title, however? That skill that he got?

What is going on, exactly?

Fearless? What's that supposed to mean? What did he do to get it?

And that new skill of his... What bullshit is that? "OwO i'm fo whaffy cho aff yu >w<"

Who the fuck named it? What does it do?

"Okay, do you know a way to see what a skill does, exactly? I'm a bit confused right now."

Norn simply stared at Erika with a blank smile.

"A priest could help... Is something wrong?"

She noticed that peculiar change in Norn immediately.

"Yeah, i got a skill that's called [I am so happy to have you~], any ideas what it is?"

His smile became even wider...

"I... Uh... That's the first time i hear of such a skill, i'm sorry..."

She was a bit embarrassed because of it. She thought that she would be able to explain anything to Norn, it would've made her look dependable.

"It's fine, i also have [I want to speak!], [Training Expert], i know what both of them do though."

He didn't bother hiding anything from Erika now.

"My stats are...<>, ... and my soul is 15... is that good or bad?"

He recited his stats to her, hiding his "Soul" stat. It was a surprise.

At first, Erika didn't react too much when he recited them.

Yeah, it was decent, some humans weren't as good as he was.

However, when he said that his magic stat was 9 her brows lifted a little.

When he told her about his "Will" she tilted her head a little.

When it was "Fate" stat's turn... Her expression froze for a second.

His luck? At this point, she couldn't react anymore. It was already enough.

Norn noticed that her expression changed a lot with his latter stats... he couldn't wait to know the reason.

"Uhm... Let me explain one thing to you. 9 in magic stat is not much, but since u're a goblin that's barely a week old... That's a lot."

She was speaking normally for now...

"Your will of 22 is... Well, commendable. It cant be raised with training and usually rises with other stats, the fact that it's the highest for you is somewhat strange..."

It started getting weirder, as if she was trying to convince an old couple that her "magical stone" would make them immortal...

"Your "Fate" is... Well, as far as i know the highest ever belonged to one of the elven kings, it was 38. The fact that you, a goblin, have a fate of 15 is mind blowing..."

She smiled a little after saying it. She was even more confident in her choice.

"Your luck? Good enough, not as good as other stats, but still fairly decent."

Erika was honest with her comments. She didn't hide anything, just like Norn.

She understood that since he trusted her with everything he had... She should do the same thing.

"As for your soul stat? I dont know about such a stat, to be honest, it's my first time hearing about it."

It was Norn's turn to be surprised.

Why was it new for her? Is it a special stat for reincarnated or something?...

"It's fine, dont bother too much about that thing."

He simply waved his hand at her apology. it wasn't needed in the first place.

"Do you know if there are any dungeons here, or maybe you could locate one?"

It was a thing that he put next in his "to do" list.

Since they were real, why not find one to train? Wasn't it simple as hell?

"I dont think that there are any nearby, but i will try nonetheless."

Even if her attempts were futile, if Norn asked her to do it... why would she not try?

It's not like it would harm her... Well, even if it did...