
Mind over Heart

What will happen when the firstborn of the mafia clan Kevin Hart Knight was forced to go out of his safe heaven? What if an extraordinary boy, Vin was fated to meet a not-so-ordinary, Amy? They say, 'Two broken souls fix eachother..' A story of two opposite people who belongs to a totally different world. Feel free to romanticise it. You're gonna love this one. Enjoy. _A.S.Styles^^

AS_Styles · Realistic
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26 Chs

16. A nice guy...?

Amy's POV:

Claire brings me to a canteen in business faculty. It's my first time here. As soon as we found ourselves seats, people around us almost disappeared. I didn't think they were done eating yet because I saw food in their plates.

Everytime I was with him people seems to go away. Maybe I should consider this seriously, but not now.. maybe later when I was at home, while cooking or studying to distract myself for no good reason.

Relax Amy! It's your second time with him. What can possibly be go wrong!?

He bought me juice which I didn't even touch. Why would he treat me? Actually why would he even bought me here? He's my senior so it can and cannot be about college or study or anything, right?

He didn't seems to be a bad guy, maybe a little bit... Because I still get a chilly slash uneasy feeling around him. It's not like he treated me badly or even rudely... Unlike someone.

'First that mean guy, now this cold senior... I won't be surprised if that Pretty lady appears out of the blue. At least I remember her as a cute one.'

"Ha hah!"

I looked up at his face. Did he just chuckle? Why?

"..." I shut my mouth and mind at once.

"Keep going..." He smiled a smile that looked like a smirk.

"I want to go." I said loud and clear, not that loud..but still.

"Why? Are you afraid of me?"

"NO!" Well that came out a bit louder than I intended. "I mean why would I?"


"You seems like a nice person..." From inside.

"Hahaha I should record this and showed it to some specific people around me." He looked .... happy?


At least he's having fun. I am glad my crazy misery makes him feel happy.


"Talk to me." He switched back to being serious. Like he wasn't laughing a second ago.

"I don't want to.. and I don't have to.." I said finally having enough.


"Look! with all respect I'm thankful for this" I pointed at the glass in front of me that I didn't even touch. "You took your time and bought me here for no specific reason. I am glad you seems to enjoy my company. But let me go today. I'm having a..."

I bowed down and start picking at my nails unconsciously.

"... someone was being mean to me. I don't mind his words but the way he looked at me..."

I closed my eyes and a gorgeous face appears in front of my closed eyes. I clenched my fists.

I stood up at once. Who needs this nutty senior's permission to leave? I'll just go...


"Okay..." I sat back down.

Salute to my Patheticness!

That's not even a real thing. I didn't know if to laugh or cry at myself.

"I guess you're having a bad day..." He started.

"Wow you solved a great mystery.." I cut in sarcasticly.

"..." He glared.

".. sorry." I bowed down like a kid who stole and eat someone else's candy.

"Now you're going to tell me what exactly happened.."

I just looked at him. He raised an eyebrow like challenging me. Let's see if I can disobey him... No!

"Fine! I'll tell you. Gawd you're so stubborn... No offense okay!" I said exasperated he just smirked.

"So I met a guy..."

"...okay..." He looked amused already.

"Nah nah don't be amused. It's not like that.. at ALL. Okay hear me out." I placed my elbow on the table sitting in a more relaxed position before starting.

"Okay so last week I met a guy. A handsome one. Actually I have met four guys, all handsome and charming in their own special way " He raised an amused brow at my confession, making me clear my throat.

"..ahem . That's not the real point. Well the guy I met for the first time.. I yelled at him... on his damn face... with great potential. Later he came to me, that was the same day by the way... Well he came and treated me so kindly." He scoffed but I continued

"I hurt myself a little, he came to me out of the blue , even applied ointment on my hand. Can you believe that?" He shooked his head. Maybe he wanted to laugh but didn't . Anyways.

"He did the dressing, before leaving he even wish me Healing. We separated on a good note. Or at least that's what I thought. Because after that day I tried to look for him." He raised an eyebrow so I explained my good intentions.

".. I just wanted to thank him for his kindness. It didn't seems like a big deal to you... But it was special for me because I don't even remember when was the last time someone cares about me being hurt other than my parents, you know." He furrowed his brows.

".. usually I don't feel any pain... It's just like a slight sensation in my muscles then my nerves told me something is going wrong in my body..." Maybe I am going too deep. He tilted his face like he's judging me. From now on he's gonna treat me as a weirdo or maniac. Great!

"...well forget what I just said. Point is that I get hurt a lot. I bruised, I bleed. But no one really came with medicines in their freaking hand to take care of me. But he did. And that touched me. Not in a romantic way but still..." He smiled a little. I smiled back just out of habit.

"... today I saw him finally. He was just sitting and looking good. And I admit that I was hella happy to see him. I go to him, I greeted him. And guess what! He didn't even recognize me. Can you believe that?" He looked slightly confused.

"Of course you can't. That's so unusual. Like how many people did he get to applied ointment on in five freaking days to forget completely about me..!" I hit the table with my fists.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

".. about???"

"That he didn't recognize YOU?"

"Obviously duh! He looked at me in the eye and asked 'who are you'." I made a face to mimic him

"He even said he doesn't know me. On top of that he asked me to leave.. ughhhh that was so embarrassing... I just looked at his face while he was giving me both irritated and annoyed looks. He did not just said all that like a normal human being, he shouted that at me. As if he was making sure that not a soul left without hearing that. Oh please allow me to vanish in thin air."

I tried to hit my head on the table, but my forehead landed on something soft. Well soft enough to not let me hurt my head.

I raised my head and saw his hand on the table. Even his kindness is too much for me.

"So that's how Sweet Revenge tastes like.." I murmur to myself.

"What?" He looked curious.

"I yelled at him in front of his friends..."


"So he hit me back first with his little act of kindness. He treated me in a way that makes me feel special. And today he hit me hard while yelling at me in front of everyone. Now we're kinda even...." I tried to make a sad face, that usually girls make. I'm not sure if I am making it right.

"Only an idiot can do something like that." He commented.

"I do that...all the time."

"..." He was dumbfounded. Haha

"When someone treats me unfairly, or even talk to me rudely. I treats them in the bestest way possible, making them feels special and ashamed of themselves at the same time..." I smirked a little. Hehe!

He just looked at me in disbelief. Watching his face I shut my mouth while biting my lower lip.

"I've told you everything.... can I leave now?" He kept looking at me "...pretty please...." I tried to act cute like any other girl but failed miserably.... Damnit!

He didn't said anything, just kept his gaze on me. Can I take that as a yes?

I was contemplating when a hand came towards me and landed on the front side of my head. He was patting me.!?

"Are you trying to comfort me?" I asked out loud. He just smiled.

"I'm just making sure if you had enough brain in there or not."

This one is mean too..

May all good looking guys trip over nothing and fell flat on their good-for-nothing handsome faces kissing the floor fair and square!

I tried to glare at him, while not daring to slap his hand away. How dare he touches me! I leaned forward and took a sip of the juice in front of me. Still glaring at him.

As soon as I felt coldness and sweetness in my mouth, I felt my head cleared up a bit.

Wow it's tasty what is this flavor? I've never tried it before. Should I ask this senior about what did he get me?

Wait!! Why am I even drinking this? I sat back on my chair.

On second thought.. I've already took a few sips. It's not like he can drink this now.


Pathetic of the day award goes to Amy!

I leaned forward and took a sip again, a really big one. So that I don't have to sip again and again in front of this senior, who keeps staring at me like I'm his favorite person in the world.

He was chuckling while looking at my face. Maybe my cheeks puffed up because of too much juice in my mouth.

"Drink slowly no one is stealing." He ruffles my bangs. Annoying senior whose-name-always-slipped-out-of-my-mind.

"So what should we do with the handsome guy of yours?" He asked making me choke on my new favorite juice.

"He's not mine..."

"...yet..." He narrowed his eyes while smirking at me pointedly, leaving me speechless.

"Should I kidnapped him? Or took him behind the college and beat him to a pulp?" My eyes widened.

"Maybe if we hit his head hard enough he would remember you."

Well that makes me laugh.

"What if you took his right arm and I took his left and then heaves him together all the way up to roof top. Then threaten him to throw of the roof if he refuses to recognize you.."

Now I was laughing out hard.

"...if he didn't recognize you even after all the threatening then... We'll make him kneel down and apologize."

I covered my mouth trying to stop laughing but I imagine the scenario in my head and laughed out again.

"... Tell me Amy you wanted a written apology or an oral one." He tried to wiggle his eyebrows at me but failed, making me laugh even more.

Then senior gave me a few seconds to calm myself down. Thank you very much! Ah my tummy hurts from all the laughing.

"I was right!" I murmur.

".. about?" He mimicked.

".. about you being a nice guy." I smiled but for some reason he fell quiet.

After seeing that my smile is not going anywhere he gave up and smiled back.

"Thank you Amy!" He said lightly. I wanted to ask 'for what?' but then decided to not.

Let's just go with the flow.

"You're welcome senior Christiano." I said back. But for some reason he throws his head back and laughed out.
