
Minato : Yellow Flash

This is a Translation and Edit Raw Name : naruto flash 火影之忍界闪光 Author : 时间流转 RAW Status : 1057 Chapter (Long Journey) The story start when Minato began his first year at the Ninja School, one day after practice he found himself with more energy and instict that he never knew. And the moment a red hair girl tranfer to his class he began to see memories he never saw, he progress quickly like he know that he had done everything before. Read as Minato step by step remember his future memories up until he died sealing the Kyuubi into his son and as he watch his wife dies. The story will not follow canon, and the memories will return slowly....

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30 Chs

Chapter 16: Body Flicker Technique


[More Chapter at p@treon.com/goldengaruda]


The strength displayed by Minato and Uchiha Yoruki is totally beyond what the freshmen of the ninja school should have. Whether it is the students watching the battle or the teachers of Konoha, they are all shocked.

Even Jiraiya, hiding in the dark, stares with wide eyes.

Uchiha Yoruki's strength is understandable. After all, the reputation of the Uchiha clan still resounds throughout the ninja world. As a genius boy in this generation of the Uchiha clan, his progress is naturally different from that of ordinary people.

But Namikaze Minato is just a child from an ordinary family. He does not belong to any ninja family. Even his parents died when he was young. Before he entered the ninja school, he had absolutely no contact with anything related to ninjas.

Yet, Minato has been enrolled for less than a year. It is good enough for ordinary students with slightly better talents to be able to complete the refining of chakra.

However, he is now able to compete with Uchiha Yoruki. This talent reminds Jiraiya of another person.

In this world, there is indeed a difference between ordinary people and geniuses.

There is no doubt that both he and Namikaze Minato are true geniuses!

On the training ground, Uchiha Yoruki and Namikaze Minato are fighting with taijutsu. The strength and body speed of both sides are on par. The frequent switching of offense and defense between them dazzles the students watching.

Uchiha Yoruki grows more and more frightened, not because Minato's taijutsu matches his, but because Minato's combat experience is not inferior to his. He has been practicing with senior ninjas in the clan almost every day since he was three years old. The practical experience he has is simply not comparable to that of the students taught by the ninja school.

Yet, Namikaze Minato's practical experience seems to be on par with his.

All this, not to mention him, even surprises Minato himself. At the beginning of the battle, he was also shocked by Uchiha Yoruki's combat experience.

However, when Uchiha Yoruki's attack comes, his body seems to respond automatically, as if it has experienced countless battles.

During the battle, he gradually adapts to this feeling, and the switch between offense and defense becomes more comfortable, gradually suppressing Uchiha Yoruki.

Shirota-sensei and other Konoha teachers feel a bit depressed because the level shown by Uchiha Yoruki and Minato was not taught by the ninja school.

Bang! Uchiha Yoruki gradually becomes flustered, and Minato catches a gap in his offense and defense. Minato hits Yoruki's chest with a straight punch.

With Minato's strength, this punch would be a solid hit, and the battle would be over.

However, that would inevitably injure Uchiha Yoruki.

So, he changes his fist into a palm, slapping Uchiha Yoruki's chest and pushing him several meters away.

Yoruki staggers a few times before finally stabilizing his body.

"Let's stop here," Minato says after knocking him away. This incident has already embarrassed Shirota-sensei, but when it comes to Kushina, he can't keep calm.

In the end, it is because he didn't handle this matter properly that Uchiha Yoruki angered him in this way. Shirota-sensei's eyes light up when he hears this. Minato said before that he knows how to handle things, and it couldn't be better if this matter could end like this. Mikoto also secretly breathes a sigh of relief. If these two continue to fight, the result could be both sides suffering. Now, Minato gives Uchiha Yoruki face and ends the matter.

But they never thought that even if Minato is willing to stop now, Uchiha Yoruki is not willing to end it.

As arrogant as he is, Minato's behavior seems more like a provocation.

What's more, this matter was originally provoked by him. If it ends like this, he would definitely be reprimanded if it is reported back to the clan.

It is a manifestation of incompetence to not be able to defeat an ordinary person.

The Uchiha clan doesn't need incompetent people! Thinking of this, his eyes gradually turn red. He doesn't want to be called incompetent.

Immediately, under Minato's gaze, he slowly puts his hands together and makes a seal.

"This seal is..."

Although Shirota-sensei is only a Chunin, his knowledge is praised by the Third Hokage. When he sees Uchiha Yoruki making the seal, his expression changes suddenly.

Next, Uchiha Yoruki makes seal after seal very skillfully. Shirota-sensei can now determine what ninjutsu Yoruki is going to perform.

The Uchiha clan is best known for fire style jutsu, and among the fire style ninjutsu, the most common one, which every ninja in the Uchiha clan has mastered, is...

"Uchiha Yoruki, stop it now!" Shirota-sensei shouts, but Uchiha Yoruki has already completed the last seal, putting his hands together and raising his fingers, with his cheeks bulging.

"Fire Style, Great Fireball Jutsu!"


Uchiha Yoruki's mouth immediately erupts with blazing flames, which instantly expand into a large fireball, attacking Namikaze Minato. At the edge of the fireball, there are two students who are stunned.

With the temperature of the Great Fireball Jutsu, if these two students are exposed to it, they would definitely be burned instantly.

Swish! Jiraiya in the dark does not expect that Uchiha Yoruki would completely ignore his teacher's advice. When he rushes out, he can only barely save the two students at the edge of the Great Fireball.

Facing the fireball that is bigger than his height, Minato's yellow brows furrow slightly, and anger gradually emerges in his azure eyes.

This guy completely disregards everyone's safety, releasing such a large-scale fire style ninjutsu in a small area!

After Jiraiya sends the stunned students to a safe place, he turns back suddenly.

With Minato's shown strength, he would not be seriously injured. But as the future teacher, how can he watch Minato get hurt before he even accepts him as his disciple?

Immediately, his hands turn into afterimages, forming hand seals at a speed comparable to Uchiha Yoruki's.

He completes several hand seals almost instantly, but just when he is about to release his wind-style ninjutsu, Minato, standing in front of the fireball, disappears instantly.

Swish! It is an ultra-high-speed movement, almost like teleportation. When Jiraiya sees it, his face is full of disbelief.

If Minato's speed before was just fast enough, now his speed already belongs to the category of ninjutsu.

That is the Body Flicker Technique!