
Minato : Yellow Flash

This is a Translation and Edit Raw Name : naruto flash 火影之忍界闪光 Author : 时间流转 RAW Status : 1057 Chapter (Long Journey) The story start when Minato began his first year at the Ninja School, one day after practice he found himself with more energy and instict that he never knew. And the moment a red hair girl tranfer to his class he began to see memories he never saw, he progress quickly like he know that he had done everything before. Read as Minato step by step remember his future memories up until he died sealing the Kyuubi into his son and as he watch his wife dies. The story will not follow canon, and the memories will return slowly....

GarudaTranslation · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 15: Breaks It Fast!

The black shuriken turns into an afterimage, and to the many students, it is just a flash of black light, leaving no trace.

The trajectories are so complex that even a Chunin like Shirota-sensei finds them extremely tricky. Despite being a teacher at a ninja school, he doesn't possess such superb shuriken skills.

After all, this is a skill passed down in the Uchiha clan! But in Minato's eyes at this moment, although the speed of the shuriken is extremely fast, it has not reached the level of being unavoidable. Uchiha Yoruki's shurikens have almost blocked all his escape routes.

No matter which direction he dodges, there will be one or two shurikens he cannot escape.

In the distance, Uchiha Yoruki shows a complacent look on his face, along with a sarcastic expression.

Even though Namikaze Minato might have talent, he was born in an ordinary family. It is impossible to compare with the skills possessed by a talented boy from the famous Uchiha family.

Minato's golden brow furrows slightly, but he doesn't seem troubled. Uchiha Yoruki's shuriken skills are superb, but that doesn't mean Minato doesn't know any shuriken skills.

Immediately, as the spinning shuriken gets closer, Minato's hands produce several wooden shurikens out of nowhere.

He only has these practice shurikens used by ninja schools.


Minato quickly waves his arms, and his movements are even faster than Uchiha Yoruki's before. The wooden shurikens follow different trajectories.


There is a sound of collision as Minato's wooden shuriken knocks down most of Uchiha Yoruki's shurikens. However, two shurikens still attack him.

It is clear that Minato's shuriken ability may not be worse than Uchiha Yoruki's, or even stronger, but in terms of means, he is already at a disadvantage.

"Minato, such precision!"

In a certain corner of the ninja school, Jiraiya is watching all this, hidden from sight.

What Minato lacks compared to Uchiha Yoruki is not the skill of throwing shuriken, but the sharpness. Wooden shuriken and real shuriken are very different, giving Uchiha Yoruki an advantage.

After seeing Namikaze Minato knock down his real shuriken with wooden shuriken, Uchiha Yoruki's eyes are full of surprise. He knows the gap between the two types of shuriken.

However, Minato doesn't have time to deal with the remaining two shurikens coming his way.

As Uchiha Yoruki contemplates this, the remaining two shurikens attack Minato from different directions.

Just when Shirota thinks Minato cannot avoid the attack and will get injured, Minato stomps his feet on the ground and suddenly shoots backward.

Swish! Minato's figure, like a yellow flash, suddenly retreats several meters.

His speed is so fast that the onlookers cannot see clearly, and even Shirota is slightly dazed.

He didn't expect Minato's speed to be so fast.

After retreating a few meters, Minato moves a few steps casually, shifting from the trajectory of the remaining two shurikens.

"This speed..."

Jiraiya in the dark is also taken aback. Although Minato's speed may not seem like much at his level, for a ninja school student, it is simply unimaginable.

No wonder he managed to deceive the Anbu, directly under the Third Hokage, with the transformation jutsu and get away.

This speed is almost equivalent to that of a Chunin ninja!

In fact, if it were a week ago, Minato's speed wouldn't have been so fast. However, since the strange Chakra increase that day, every time he trains, he makes great progress.

If it weren't for his limited Chakra at this time, Minato would be confident that all of Uchiha Yoruki's methods would fail based on speed alone.

Even if he has the most powerful attack, if he can't even capture the opponent, then no matter how powerful the attack is, it is meaningless.

Uchiha Yoruki is also taken aback by Minato's speed. Originally, he thought this battle was over.

In a panic, he is about to take out a few more shurikens, intending to push Minato to the point of no return.


However, after dodging those shurikens, Minato continues to attack Uchiha Yoruki without slowing down!

This time, Uchiha Yoruki is caught off guard and has no chance to display his powerful shuriken throwing technique. Minato's straight punch, mixed with some wind chakra, aims at him.

Uchiha Yoruki, trained by his clansmen, instinctively reacts quickly. He turns his head slightly, and Minato's fist brushes his cheek, causing faint pain.

Although it is not a solid hit, Minato's fist still damages Uchiha Yoruki's face.

Uchiha Yoruki doesn't panic. He raises his right knee and slams it toward Minato's abdomen.

The distance between them is extremely close. If Minato insists on pursuing the victory, he will have to bear Uchiha Yoruki's knee attack. However, it seems he predicted Uchiha Yoruki's movements. He retracts his fist, takes a step back, and uses his other hand to pat Uchiha Yoruki's right knee, restraining it.

Even if he gets out of the way, Uchiha Yoruki will turn his knee into a straight kick, but Minato is not fooled.

However, Uchiha Yoruki's counterattack is not over yet. His five fingers form a fist, turning into an uppercut aimed at Minato's chin.

Minato turns his withdrawn fist into a palm and blocks the uppercut.

In a short period, the two have exchanged several attacks, dazzling the students who are watching. Even the senior students who hear the news and come to watch the battle are no exception.

Because the movements of these two are really too fast!

Of course, there are also some excellent students among them, and Mikoto is among them.

The expression on her small face is one of shock. She is not surprised that Uchiha Yoruki could have such strength.

While the children of ordinary families are still snuggling in their parents' arms, the children of the Uchiha clan are already undergoing very rigorous training.

Behind the so-called genius, there is the shadow of hard work.

However, what she never expected is that Minato is able to defuse and block Uchiha Yoruki's shuriken attack and even fight so fiercely with him in taijutsu.

In addition to Shirota-sensei, several other teachers from the ninja school are present, and they can't believe their eyes at the moment.

How can a new student fight like this?