
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

Jesus, Where Am I?


Mo Wenyang sat up after a fall and rubbed his ass with brutal words. He continued, with his dark eyes fixed on Yun Che's tummy, "You sure you're not telling a lie? Home-guarding beast, come on, it's male in all respects, isn't it?"

Pointing at Yun Che, Mo Wenyang still couldn't believe the pregnancy thing. Moreover, the tummy with a five-month-old fetus in it shouldn't look like this.

"It? Mr. Mo, I'm a man. Mind your choice of pronoun, okay?'

To use it to refer to a man? Did Mo Wenyang really treat Yun Che as a beast? Yun Che was totally rendered speechless.

"A man in the family way? Don't ever try to fool me."

Upon hearing Yun Che's words, Mo Wenyang hit the roof like the firecracker exploded. Yun Che twisted the corner of his mouth and chose wisely not to provoke Mo Wenyang, for a man in a fury could be rather horrible. Xing Feng embraced Yun Che with one arm and turned to Mo Wenyang. "Due to some physical reasons," said Xing Feng, "Yun Che has a different body from those of other men. That's why he can conceive."

To be honest, if Xing Feng switched sides with Mo Wenyang, chances were Xing Feng would also be scared. After all, it never happened that a man carried a baby. What was more, they grew up under the education of science, so it was indeed hard to accept such truth with no scientific support. However, Xing Feng didn't feel weird when being told the truth because he had noticed some signs of Yun Che's pregnancy bit by bit. If Yun Che or Heiyu had told Xing Feng the truth at the very beginning, he might have also found it hard to accept it.

"So he's really five months pregnant?"

With his eyes widened, Mo Wenyang pointed at Yun Che and observed his belly. Considering that Yun Che never got in any fight during the last few months, Mo Wenyang chose to believe. After all, those words came out of Xing Feng's mouth.

"Uh-huh. You'll have a niece in a few months."

"Screw you!"

Mo Wenyang had complaints that they hadn't informed him of such an important thing before. He shifted his eyes and said with a look of annoyance, "How the hell dare you go everywhere having one on the way? Just stay out of the business of the Northwest Base and stay at home. It'll do without you."

Mo Wenyang wasn't that cruel to put a pregnant man up to anything. Or else, if Yun Che's mother found that out, she must pull Mo Wenyang's ears off.

"Oh, come on. Even Xing allows me to work."

Yun Che couldn't keep silent any more since Mo Wenyang actually deprived him brutally of the chance he had fought so hard for. Before Mo Wenyang spoke, Yun Che suddenly reached out and said, "Give me your hand."

"Why? I don't flirt with a married man."

"Stop overthinking things."

Yun Che couldn't help rolling his eyes. Was it really appropriate that their young base commander said such thoughtless words?

"What on earth do you want… Jesus, where am I?"

Mo Wenyang reached out as he nagged. Before he finished his words, the scenario around suddenly changed, which scared him to fall onto the ground. He stared blankly at the white clouds in the blue sky and smelled the unprecedentedly fresh air, only thinking that he was having an illusion.

"Oh, please don't act like you never see the elephant, okay? This is my space."

But the illusion was soon broken. Even though Yun Che's words sounded like dislike, he smiled in the way his husband did. Could they say that the reaction of Mo Wenyang was really amusing?

Mo Wenyang looked up at them mechanically for quite a while before he turned over and climbed up. He took a look at the boundless planting area and then the mountain peak far away which towered into the sky . "Your space?" he asked, point at the place around, "Like this? Don't be so damn perverted, okay? You almost made my heart skip a beat."

Mo Wenyang hated to trust Yun Che, but the reality forced him to. In the meanwhile, Mo Wenyang growled fiercely on the inside. He had known that Home-Guarding Beast was a freak, but God knew that the beast was perverted to this extent. No wonder Yun Che was never short of food and even occasionally had rice, vegetables and fruit delivered to his family and could offer fresh fish and wild animals anytime. Rumor had it that they even killed over 20 pigs to make sausages and cured meat at the beginning of this month. That was enviable. It turned out that all this was because of this incredible space of Home-Guarding Beast. Bollocks! Why the heck didn't they tell Mo Wenyang?

"My space isn't some superfunction but the space paralleled to the earth."

At first, Yun Che thought the space was shaped after the birth of the ocean. Afterwards, he found out that the space was expanding. With more and more people in it, the space kept expanding. It was perhaps at least the size of China now. Maybe it would grow larger.

"What do you mean?"

Mo Wenyang was confused by Yun Che's words. Xing Feng gave Mo Wenyang a look, hinting that he should come over. The three of them walked slowly towards the stone desk in the bamboo forest nearby, "Let me tell you the whole story."

After sitting down, Xing Feng confessed everything slowly to Mo Wenyang, including the rebirth of Yun Che, the grudges with the Zhou family, their cultivation and other stuff, without hiding anything. Xing Feng hadn't told Mo Wenyang the truth before not because Xing Feng had had no trust in him but they had had no chance. After all, they were all busy men. But this time, Xing Feng told him the entire story since part of it was revealed.


After hearing all the story, Mo Wenyang just cursed and then lapsed into silence. Quite a while later, he held his head up and said, "We can revenge after the baby is born. How can we let the Xing family be bullied by those assholes? The cultivation thing you talk about, is it limited to superfunction possessors or even to ordinary people?"

If ordinary people were able to cultivate, Yun Che's space might become their last hope in the future. Whenever there was possibility, Mo Wenyang wouldn't have designs on Yun Che.

"To those with the spiritual root. Most people have that. The difference is the depth. Just like the superfunction of battle and the useless one."

Knowing what Mo Wenyang suggested, Yun Che didn't hide anything, because it was something impossible. The zombies were developing rapidly while human beings were not just idling around. In this war for living space between human beings and other living things like the zombies, human beings would not lose easily.

"That's good. Alas…"

Upon hearing that, Mo Wenyang sighed deeply. Yun Che came back from the fourth year after the doomsday. That was to say, it was impossible for human beings to defeat the zombies in a short time and the doomsday to come to an end easily. Tough days were long to go.

"The doomsday is horrible while human beings are more horrible. It was so tough at the beginning but we made it, didn't we?"

Seeing that, Xing Feng reached out to pat Mo Wenyang's shoulder. Who didn't want to go back to the age of peace? But it was something impossible. Since they were doomed to face the doomsday, they had no choice but to become stronger. As long as they lived, there was hope. Human beings were some tough but horrible creatures.

"I know. But sometimes, I just… Forget it. Let's drop this. Yun Che, you said you were transforming tools. Do you want to transform all the soldiers into the space and take them to the northwest?"

Even a strong man had the fragile moment. Mo Wenyang was no exception either. But the fragile moment usually flashed away and soon the man could adjust his mood and keep on facing the reality.


"Are you out of you mind? How could you expose the space randomly? Once people know you own such an incredible thing, you won't ever lead a peaceful life."

Mo Wenyang directly retorted upon Yun Che's calm answer. Desires could be horrible, of which Mo Wenyang didn't believe that Yun Che was unaware.

"I know. Xing gave the statement just now, didn't he? Whoever enters the space will automatically sign the soul contract with me. There's no way people could betray me."

Therefore, Mo Wenyang didn't mind that more people entered the space under the premise that they were worth trusting.

"That won't do either. It's way too dangerous. The soldiers who can enter your space may have big mouths. Better be careful. The Southwest Base is not far away from the Northwest Base. I decide to use the airline directly, which can go not too slowly. We just need to avoid the mutant birds and the zombie birds. Let's keep the space thing confidential for now. Don't expose it unless necessary."

Mo Wenyang said in a low voice, after a few deep breaths with a glower at Yun Che. Mo Wenyang knew that Yun Che was trying to help but that was really not necessary. Before the revenge at least, the space thing couldn't be exposed widely.

"Okay. Like I said, you're the base commander, you have the final say."

With an eye contact with Xing Feng, Yun Che shrugged his shoulders like he didn't care. He wouldn't possibly expose the space actively if the outcomers couldn't sign the soul contract automatically when entering. Since Mo Wenyang didn't feel it urgent to do that, Yun Che could just slow down even at the cost of spending more time.

"We should send the level 4 superfunction possessors or above this time. We don't need many of them, as long as they are useful."

Xing Feng said, stroking his jaw, after a short while of pondering.

"Um. I plan to send around 2,500 people by three civilian aircraft. I'm not sure whether the Central China Base will send people too."

At present, only the Southwest and Central China Bases could save the northwest. Mo Wenyang had already decided on the number of people that would be sent to rescue. Although 2,500 people were not many, they were all level 4 or above. They wouldn't lose with that fighting capacity. With other things to be solved in the southwest, Mo Wenyang couldn't possibly hold himself back by sending more people to rescue.

"Doubt it."

Yun Che curled his lip and only said two words. The Central China Base, the most populated base, had many a superfunction possessor. Before the doomsday, they had never rescued people. When they had been surrounded by the zombies and asked for help, no one had been willing to help them. Before Yun Che died, the Central China Base had been most backward among the seven major bases in terms of power. If the Central China Base got surrounded by the zombies two more times, the zombies could possibly breach the base and therefore it would become the first base to disappear among the seven major bases.

"Forget it. Leave them alone. Just try our best to do whatever we think it's correct."

Mo Wenyang waved his hand irritably and suddenly took a glance at Yun Che's tummy. "Well, you'd better not go. You're 5 months pregnant. What if you hurt the baby?"

It was hard for women to get pregnant after the doomsday, let alone men. Owning a special body didn't mean that Yun Che could act arbitrarily.

"Since the space can't be exposed, then you just stay at home. Heiyu and Cheng will come with us. With Yehan and I, Cheng will be alright."

Hearing Mo Wenyang's words, Xing Feng also turned around to persuade Yun Che. Xing Feng never felt assured that Yun Che took that journey with them. The baby was important and Yun Che's body was more important. If Yun Che could walk around at his will, how would they place restrictions on people's sphere of activity?

"Got it. You guys won, okay?"

Knowing that they would say so, Yun Che waved his hand resignedly. It was hopeless for him to go on the journey to the northwest. "When will the army leave?" asked Yun Che.

Yun Che also needed to prepare for what they needed to keep them out of any accidents.

"The northwest is in a critical situation. We'll set off tomorrow morning at latest."

"Okay, let's go back and prepare."

As soon as Yun Che finished his words, they went back to the office. Mo Wenyang was rendered speechless and couldn't wait to give him a slap. Damn it! They didn't even give him a hint before disappearing back into the space. Did they mean to scare him? No wonder Yun Che was called Home-Guarding Beast. A beast never had any humanity!